Cleanliness is Next to Godliness...

So, as many of know, my husband, who for blogging purposes shall be called, "Candy Man" (hence the song choice) is somewhat of a germ-a-phobe.  We seriously need to consider buying stock in Purell, as he is singlehandedly keeping the hand sanitizer industry in business.  Before my son was 5, he could get in and out of a bathroom without touching a single surface.  And, if you asked Candy Man the one thing he would need to survive on a desert island, there would a be a 2 way tie between this stuff and Carmex.

Now that you have some background, I have a story.  

Candy Man was also an LAPD officer for 10 years.  I know...totally hot.  (6 ft. 4, handsome as all get out, in a uniform and packing heat.. forget about it, that's more than a girl can stand!)

Anyway, during those 10 years, the reality show, "LAPD Life on the Beat" was filmed.  Candy Man was in quite a few episodes.  We recently found reruns playing on Fox Reality and started using the DVR to record them, hoping we could show The Boy (our son) an episode of his dad in action!

Finally, after weeks of dvr'ing and watching, we see his partner.  The three of us gather round the tv watching for CM...  I am first to spot his forearm (I have a thing for arms, especially his) and point it out.  Next thing you know, Candy Man springs into action... we get a full 5 seconds of him.........

                      USING HAND SANITIZER 

OMG.  Talk about funny...I just about peed myself.  Here is a guy who was undercover for 7 years and 2 more as a detective.  Film exists of him doing some pretty exciting things... but no, this day, when we finally see him, it's keeping germ-free!  Which, I guess is a pretty good example to set, right?

I love it when things work out like that.  

BTW,  after I controlled my laughter, Candy Man tried to prove his case by rewinding the video and pointing out that the suspect was bleeding... of course he had to sanitize...


Heather said…
Yes...I remember how freakishly clean he is.

If I remember correctly, this song is also his assigned ringtone. Love it!!
Anonymous said…
OMG! We have hubby's with OCD in common!!!!! Very funny story.
Debbie said…
Oh my goodness, Tiffany, that is hilarious!!! I am a bit of a germophobe kids are so trained to come right in the house after coming from anywhere, take off their shoes and wash their hands. Now their friends are in the habit as well. My husband is a better hand washer than most, but I still have to nudge him if I notice him touch something and then make dinner. Freak I know. But seriously, I would LOVE to see that clip of CM.....that was a good one!
Jennifer P. said…
love from one hand sanitizer freak to the next! If he wants to really "treat" himself, you'll have to let him know about Avon's vanilla scented hand sanitizer. After the nasty alcohol smell fades away, your hands smell like a chocolate chip cookie. And it's portable (and manly, I'm sure :)!).

If you ever find a way to post that video, I'm sure we'd all love to see it!!!
One- said…
Would love to see the video! Personally, I don't use hand sanitizer too often. May have to reconsider.
scargosun said…
OMG! I have a husband that is the same way! Would you believe he won't dry his hands on a towel IN OUR HOME becuase he thinks it's better to air dry them! GA!
Julie H said…
Hmm my husband is a grease pit, do you think there is a happy medium someplace?
Sunshine said…
Oh man, I flipping love it! Good stuff!

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