
This is a repost from my early days of blogging.... but, in honor of Stephenie Meyer and Breaking Dawn... we should all reflect on the wonder that is Twilight.

One of my gifts from God (or the Universe, Allah, Brad Pitt, whomever you worship) is reading fast.... crazy fast.  It's not like speed reading, I read every word and comprehend everything.  This super-power is what enabled me to major in History in college (and skip class on a somewhat regular basis) and read tons of books quickly and easily.

A good story takes me over.  I get so into a book that while I am reading my husband has to get in my face to get my attention... for me, reading is better than any tv show or movie.  Especially if the book is good.  Like forgo sleep and other fun activities starting with "s" good.

To honor these amazing works, I have created a word.. which I do believe is my own invention and I will be running to shortly after this post to trademark it:  Crackliture.
(Literature that is totally addictive... hence the "crack" reference)

Now to qualify for this badge of honor, the work must result in the reader being all-consumed, totally obsessed, to the point that they forgo all else to devour the piece of writing at hand.

When I was young, the "Little House on The Prairie" series, "Charlotte's Web" or "Nancy Drew" came close.  Later, Judy Bloom walked me through puberty and as a young twenty-something woman, I indulged in the classics of "Wuthering Heights", "Pride and Prejudice" as well as Danielle Steel.  

In the past few years I've dabbled in popular literature.  Some of the best being: "The Red Tent", "Memoirs of a Geisha", "One Thousand White Woman" and all Philippa Gregory had to offer.

While these are all great books, I didn't find them life-altering.  Nothing that had me up for hours pondering, thinking, examining...

That is, until  Twilight. (thank you Heather)  It took some serious convincing to get me to read it... After all, I am into historical fiction with strong female characters... this was a teen book about vampires... eeeeewwwww.

So, going against my better judgement, I bought it.  I read it.  All 500+ glorious pages in a 24 hour period.  Then I read the 2nd installment "New Moon" and the third "Eclipse" in the next 2 days.  

I immersed myself in this story.  I peddled this drug to anyone who would buy it and before I knew it, I had created an army of women addicted.  Totally and completely addicted to Crackliture.

I am telling you, these books changed my life.  You're probably thinking, "How can that be?  It's a teen novel."  Oh it be, sister, it be.

Twilight brought my love... no, addiction to reading back into my life.  I started making time to read.  I started going to lunch with friends to obsess about the story, the character, the choices, the teen years, the truest kind of love... I have had a friend call me sobbing that the heartache the books tell of is just too much to bear.  I have seen a woman courageously defend her decision to marry a friend instead of the love of her life.  For me (and many others), the book reminds me of how lucky I am to have married the man that still makes by heart skip a beat.. literally.

"The Twlights" speak to a level so much deeper than high school, vampire love.  They speak to a time we have passed.  When all of our choices were ahead of us.  When the consequences of choosing your true love were meaningless as long as you were together.  When choices were solely yours to make, without the thought of those who depend on you now.  A time when you truly believed that love was enough to conquer all.

These books have started and fueled deep, honest and meaningful conversations with other women that I would never had been privy to without the fodder Edward and Bella's love story provide.  I am so grateful.  Thank you, Stephenie Meyer, thank you.

So, all that is left is to say is, "Hello, my name is Tiffany, and I am an vamp-a-holic."

PS- Go ahead and comment I know you are out there!  If you don't have an id, just post as anonymous and let me know who you are!

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Heather said…
Hi there. My name is Heather, and I am also a vamp-a-holic. Unfortunately, I can't find a Twilight fix. I need one bad, man.
Anonymous said…
You are a crack up! WHen you do something you do it all the way. I love how you take a positive twist on life and celebrate at every opportunity not to mention the great example you are setting for Will to read and love it. Vamp on mama!
Anonymous said…
How's this for over the top and freakish, my heart beats differently since reading "Twilight". I feel like a 17yr old drama queen!!!!! Love you and your entries.

Anonymous said…
I think crackliture is the perfect word. I too can easily fall into a book. I am going to get Twilight asap.
I hope all is well in Cali. Life in La. is moving along.
Love ya, Katherine
Runner Girl said…
Love the word "Crackliture". Hope it can become legally yours and that you make millions from it. I can see a whole new genre of fiction beginning to form right now. Only those books that keep us spellbound will cut the mustard!
Runner Girl said…
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Ginger said…
Oh, YOU, sister, are the one who brought Twilight to my life! THANK YOU! I think I've converted nearly 10 others since. What an amazing addiction.
I think we could write an entire blog on the subject. Well, people have. Definitely a subject I will broach eventually, after I reread this summer.
I agree with everything you've said. Especially, my favorite part being that Twilight reintroduced me to LOVING books. And not just the fact that the books have stayed with me, but because I loved the process of reading them.
Oh boy... and there's the love part. Especially since I've fallen into a new love this year with someone who makes my heart skip many beats.
Amazing post. And AMAZING new layout! It looks great!!!
Anonymous said…
I've never in my life wanted to reread books until these came along. I have become readdicted to books and the power of reading thanks to Twilight and Tiffany! Who thought a vampire could be so much to so many. I love it!
Heather M
Jennifer P. said…
I have been terrified to read these books because I know I would want to read them non-stop. I, too, am a gifted speed reader--but I know I'd still be looking at like 8 hours! I WILL read them someday though! I WILL!!!! (before the movie comes out. They have Harry Potter's Cedric Diggory playing Edward.).
One- said…
My reading comprehension stinks...I am very jealous of your ability!
scargosun said…
Hello fellow speed reader. Can you believe I actually get crap from DH , just because he reads at a glacial pace. I too am into the more serious stuff but NEED the Crackliture!
Julie H said…
My daughter LOVES these books. I can't get past it being a vampire thing so haven't read them.
~Sheila~ said…
Hey, thanks for the book suggestions. I graduated from college last year and The last thing I wanted to do was read cause medical books are the worst possible books to try to sit and read. Maybe when I get some time I will get some of them. I believe I can get them pretty cheap on

Thanks again.
Rebecca said…
Great blog. Crackliture. Love it. Will definitely start rating books at bookclub with "is it crackliture or not?" In all seriousness though, reading the Twilight series helped me understand who I married, who I was trying to make him be, and accept and embrace my life right now. I dated an Edward for almost 2 years but I ended up marrying a Jacob, and I'm so glad I did.
Lula! said…
I knew it. We have to be friends. Read all 3 of the Meyer series last summer at the beach. My husband, children, and rest of the family there with us were furious with me for keeping my nose in those books for 3 days. (Yes, read them all in 3 days--speed reader, too. I revel in this!) I. LOVE. THEM. Seriously have my calendar marked on August 2--"Breaking Dawn" comes out and I've already preordered it. AND December 12 is when "Twilight" comes out in theaters. Are you grasping the level of my obsession here? glad there are other 30-something gals out there reading this stuff. This really good stuff.
Schmerica said…
I admit that I was a little skeptical that this book wouldn't live up to Tiff's frantic rants. Oh boy, was I off my rocker for ever thinking that! I stayed up until 5am one night finishing New Moon!!! I am now proudly a part of the Twi-hard Nation and have even made shirts for all of my friends with an Edward quote on it. I HEART TWILIGHT FOR LIFE!!
Susie said…
Okay, Edward or Jacob? The debates in my house... The debates among my daughter's friends... The debates among my daughter and her older, wiser mother and grandmother...
Lex the mom said…
I now know what, exactly, crackliture is. Yay! I will also have to invest in the Twilight series, now. I love a good read and this seems to be something I might enjoy. Vampires ala Anne Rice won me over big time, but the way you describe the time in the lives of these characters, I'm thinking vicarious fantasy world, here I come! I have to get them before the movie is released!! Thanks!
Apple Joos said…
Oooh! I love it! These books HAVE changed the way I feel about life. Isn't that weird. A lot of people criticize Bella for being so non-feminist in regards to Edward, but I love that about her. I'm all for women's rights but I love being swept off my feet by my hubby.

As for converts, I have three under my belt and one in the works: my hubby (who is now dying to read The Host), my sister and my DAD!!! My best friend loves the Anne Rice books, but she put Twilight on her list that hasn't moved in a few years. So nice to meet another group of Twilighters!

Team Edward, FTW!
Acrimony said…
You sound like my best friend. She *hates* vampires of any kind and she decided to break down and read Twilight and she read all 3 books in like 3 days. It was crazy. I laughed at her because yea, some kind of anti-vampire girl she is devouring those books in 3 days and neglecting her children and husband in the process! *giggle*

I can't wait until the new book comes out!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Tiffany,
I think Crackliture is an awesome word. I really enjoyed this post an I so agree with you on this quote:

"The Twilights" speak to a level so much deeper than high school, vampire love. They speak to a time we have passed. When all of our choices were ahead of us."

That is exactly why despite the issues I have with the characters and some of the less than great writing, I couldn't put them down.
cricketphx said…
Ok - you got me hooked!! I have read the first two and I'm on to the third! Thank you so much - I would have never considered these books had it not been for you! I got my neighbor hooked to!
Anonymous said…
Twilight is the very definition of crackliture. I've read them and read them and read them. I still get the dang chills when I read them. And to make matters worse I've had to delve off into further dorkdom by entering the world of fan fiction. Not familiar? There are some wonderfully talented ladies out there that have picked up where the stories left off and continued in glorious way. If you are interested in a bite check it out here. Click on favorite stories at the bottom...I highly recommend Boycotts and Barflies and Sacrifices. They vary from the originals a bit but they are wonderful still.

Sorry for rambling in your comments but I thought you might find these interesting. :D
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh my goodness. I just came from Lulu's to see your write up on this and I have to stop blogging to look more into this. You are definitely persuasive!!! I think it's so amazing you read so many books and so passionately. I am slowly increasing my time devoted to reading.
Anonymous said…
I have never read these books, but the blog world is raving about them today. I guess I'll have to pick it up some time.

Hey, did you realize you left your last name up at the end of this post? I know you changed your blog name so crazy people wouldn't know who you are, and in light of the recent "celebrity" drama, I thought you might want to change it?

Oh, and I'm really praying the 6 week body makeover works! Wanna be tortured--uh, I mean--diet with me? :)
WheresMyAngels said…
I can read very fast too and get so into books also, I'm also mad that while I was working tonight I got to go to wal-mart. I'm guessing they don't sell the series cause I couldn't find it.
I was wondering how crackliture came about. I posted about this yesterday, but I resisted this series until this week. I thought that there was NO way they were all that everyone said they were. I've only read Twilight, but I'm going to find the others tomorrow if it kills me. I can't wait for a copy to be available on reserve.

Let me just say that I am like, exactly like you where literature is involved. I also read crazy fast and my favorite past time is reading a good book.......even before blogging. :) I haven't found anything I love like Twilight in ages........

Crazy eerie how we read the same books at the same periods in our lives. Down to Phillipa Gregory (at least after reading her works I finally remember the whole Henry the VIIIth confusion).

My local library is almost my best friend. I'm so glad you shared your crackliture addiction.
Amy said…
I am so getting this book off the shelf today and reading. You sold me.
suzspeaks said…
I've been blog stalking you for a few weeks! I am also loving the Twilight series! My MIL & SIL started reading them and convinced me to read as well!

You are so funny...I love your enthusiasm!
Amy said…
You are not alone sister! These books really are great. Guess what today is? Happy reading.
Anonymous said…
Hey Tiffany, great post. I took your suggestion and bought Twilight last night. I haven't started it yes as my house is still a little crazy right now....oh, and I was exhausted last night. ;) But, I'm gonna get it started this weekend.Unfortunately, I do not finish books as quickly as you..

Another series of books that would fall into the 'Crackliture' category for me are the Harry Potter books....Rowling took her sweet time with those....I was dying til the next one came out.

I love vamp books too...I was all into Lestat for awhile...
Angie's Spot said…
My best friend is like this about the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I'm collecting that series too so I can start both of them relatively soon. The advantage to arriving late in the craze is that I don't have to wait for the next fix! :-) Enjoy reading this weekend!
Unknown said…
A number of years ago, a friend of mine, in the nicest possible way, referred to me as a 'Reading Slut'. Since I was a small child, I have had my nose buried in a book. My love of reading is such, that I will read anything that I can get my hands on, hence the affectionite, RS comment.

I also speed read and tend to have books scattered through the house, that I pick up and read while I'm doing other things.

Some books, just further inflame the passion for reading that I already have.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tiffany,
I was at Barnes and Noble with Natalie until 1:30 waiting in line our copy.

I still haven't slept!!!! It's soooo good. i almost want to put it down so it won't be over.

I hope I won't need therapy when it's over :)

Love Your Crack sis,
Vamp-a-holic here too..we are finishing book 2 this weekend and should be ready for 4 in a week.. So, NO spoilers please!!!!!
Jen said…
Wow, nicely put.
Swirl Girl said…
any books that don't rhyme or have colorful illustrations are worth a try...

I used to read voracioulsy until I had I don't have the time or quiet time to myself.
Anonymous said…
I, too, have been blessed with the gift of speed reading. My husband does not like to read. Oh, he knows how he just prefers not to read.

Too bad we can't imprint others with this gift ;)

anonymously, candid carrie
CaraBee said…
I love the vamp lit, although the teen aspect scares me a little bit. I am excited to read this book, though!
Amy said…
Ok, so I just got back from Target, and I bought the first book. After hearing you and many other bloggers mentioning it, I had to get it. I am a book a holic, lets hope I can sit and read and not get distracted.
KatBouska said…
I love Phillipa Gregory! I love historical fiction! I MISSSSS reading!! :( But vampires??? Ummmm...I think the lawn needs mowing...
Kaza said…
Alright, alright, alright already! I will go buy Twilight this week and start reading. How could I not, after that glorious tribute, which brought back all of those memories (I think you were right in your comment on my post last week, either it's the California connection or we WERE separated at birth!). (And I saw her on a morning show this week saying that she's writing one more, but from one particular character's point of view?)
Rhea said…
I fell in love with this series too.

Isn't it great to find a book that brings you back to reading? I love that feeling.
Justine said…
Okay, first time here. I wrote down the author's name, although I swear I've read her before, but then I saw that it's teen books? Ickers! That good though, huh?

I am a VORACIOUS reader, and when it comes to paranormal/vampire stuff there's just no better than Christine Feehan's "Dark" series. Awesome stuff!

Justine :o )
Tracy P. said…
Aw, you must have gotten my share of speed, because I read SLOWly. More tha 250 pages is TOO intimidating. So I'm so glad that it looks like you enjoyed it enough for both of us (along with a lot of the rest of the SITStas). I'm a teensy bit envious!
-Bridget said…
I am the same way. I read all three of the Twilight books and The Host in the space of six days. It was over 2600 pages of reading. I was disappointed when I was done. I am obsessive about reading and ignore all else when I have a good book.
Breanne said…
I just recently heard of this book - blogs about it everywhere so today I bought it at walmart. I dont think I will finish in 24 hr but looking fowardto reading it.
Cristin said…
I've finally gotten around to reading these, I just posted about them and linked to you and this post... thanks for introducing me to these... I'm so deeply in love with them...
Penelope said…
"Oh, it be, sister, it be..." You made me laugh so hard! I, too, was hesitant to read Twilight in the beginning, but I'm glad I did! I'm officially a "Twilighter!"
We are very obsessed with the Twilight series. Now Stephenie Meyer needs to finish writing Midnight Sun and publish that one, because I really want to read it!
sassy stephanie said…
Twilight this, Stephanie that.! (and I literally, JUST got back from WalMart with a copy of crack no. 1)

Long weekend, here I come!
Terra said…
Hi, Brenda at In the Treetops mentioned this post so here I am visiting. I love the word you coined. For me that would be the Patrick O'Brian historical novels. Russell Crowe is perfect as Captain Jack Aubry.
I am one of the ten people in the USA who haven't yet read the Twilight books. Maybe someday?
Sigh. Hello, my name is Brenda, and I am an vamp-a-holic. Oh wait, Terra already told on me. I was so busy rereading Twilight and blogging about it that I forgot to post here. Heather has already been filling me in on stuff--another book to read. I just lost my ebay bid on Eclipse and I'm thinking a trip to Walmart may be in order this week. It's not in our town either. What's up with that?
The Rambler said…
Girllllll...I am you. I love the work Crackliture. It defines how I feel about reading.

Annndddd, I totally banned that Twilight book from my house, but maybe I'll have to give it a go...because of what you wrote.

And but bump, congrats on it being YOUR special day. Cause Lord/Allah/Brad Pitt (LOVED that part!)

Your faithful Welcomista!

The Rambler said…
oops I meant to finish by saying...

LORD/ALLAH/BRAD PITT knows you deserve it and more :)
Sunshine said…
Not only do I, too, love the Twilight books, but I love being able to talk with my teenage daughters about them. It's fun to have a series we all read. They didn't let me come with them to the premiere, though. That wouldn't have been cool. Read on!
catharooni said…
i am in love with "crackliture" and can hardly wait to use it in a sentence!! have you read "the host"? totally different set up, but i think the themes are as powerful. (and, since i like to self-promote) here is my post about ms. meyer ...

so excited to get into your blog more!
MRP said…
I can not say how relieved I am to have found more adult women with Twilight love! I, too read all four books within a matter of 4 days... at first I was a total spastic and mocked the Twilight lovers, them with all their buttons on their Facebook pages. (SheesH!) Then I watched the movie.. after that I had to read the books and I couldn't stop at the first one. I have lost many hours of sleep and brain cells due to Twilight but I would do it all over again. I haven't had such a great read in a VERY long time. My husband missed me while I was away on a 4 day sabbatical with Twilight. Great post! Love your blog!

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