Shameless Plug...

My Kitchen (Check out the cool lettering above the cabinets!)

Well friends (both new and old!) I thought I would talk about my little side business! Running camp is of course my main job, but a woman needs a creative outlet too, right?

So, one day, I found a website that offered vinyl lettering. I was instantly in love. Showed it to my most creative friend, Heather (mindless junque) and our new business was born!

We actually had quite a good thing going, as not only would we sell you the custom words, we would come on over and put them up for you!

Well, I moved back to Cali and started all over with my girls Erica and Shanell. 
We started Such Sweet Serendipity  Please visit and take play around in the design center or take a look at what we've already done.. here are a few of my favorites:

I love how we did this one "in" the head of the bed frame

Beautiful Mongram for the Master Bedroom

Heather's Adorable House!

A Great Way to Highlight A View

My Monkey's Bathroom...
The lettering is such an fantastic way to personalize your home without committing to paint... plus, unless you are super steady of hand, it looks much more professional than stenciling and takes a fraction of the time to put up.  
If you design something you like at the site, email me for a price (we mostly sell at our "house parties", so we don't have a shopping cart on the site.)  I am offering a 15% discount to anyone who mentions the blog!  Email me: with any questions~


Coach Krista said…
I love your designs.
Heather said…
I should've included this in my potpourri post!! I should order a few more quotes. I had to take down the one in my kitchen because I repainted and everyone is so sad.
Anonymous said…
I love these quotes so much that they are all over my house - my husband has cut me off from adding any more - so now I am looking for the perfect quote to add to my Pre school office wall - something warm -endearing - motivating - insightful - and inspirational!
~ Laurie
Diane said…
Oh, I just love the bon appetit over your cabinets...what size letters are those? I"d love to copy that idea.
Tiffany said…
The letters in bon appetit are 6 inch. The trick to making them fill the space is that I put a space between each letter and 3 spaces between the words. Spaces are free, so you get more bang for your buck!

The quote itself is over 5 feet long. For around $18, you can add something pretty cool to you kitchen!

The fleur de lis design in there is $10. So, for under $40 for the centerpiece of my kitchen... which by the way, everyone thinks I painted!
Jennifer P. said…
Alrighty, so I'm looking to have some vinyl lettering with the name of my design business to put up in the back of my van window. Can you do that, or do I need to go to a sign place? You'll have to let me know because I'd rather support a blogging sistah than the sign guys down the road!
One- said…
I'm in the process of redecorating, so I will consider the lettering. It's adorable.
Julie H said…
Cool, my kids would probably rub off letters to make a new message though.
-Bridget said…
I'll remember you for the next time I do a lettering project. I actually have several of these around my house. I think they add so much charm and whimsy to a room and really let you express your personality with a statement.

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