Be My Baby

So The Boy asked me to tye his shoes.  He likes my triple knots.  (what can I say?  I am one "knotty girl",

I told him he was going to have to perfect his own triple knot.  

He thought about it and said, "Maybe when I am 8."  

You know I am a sucker.  And, apparently so does he.  I agree to 6 more months of triple knots. 

Trying to take advantage of my generous nature (shocking), he replied, "How 'bout you do it until I am ten."  

I quickly retorted, "Ten! Don't even talk about being ten.  I need you to stay my baby as long as possible. "

He says, "Mom, I will always be your baby."

I gleefully exclaim, "Really?!"  (Oh, this boy.  He is SO sweet.)

He states, "Mom, you are like 26 years older than me.  I will always be a baby compared to you."

Geez, kid, thanks.  Thanks a lot.


Debbie said…
My daughter turned 8 in May, and I can't stand it...My son turns 6 in July, and I can't stand it. Today, I told my daughter that I wanted her to stay small...her reply, "Mom, I don't know how to do that." Yeah, she's right...but still....
AFRo said…
I am RFLMFAO. And I don't normally use text language, but it was appropriate here.

Out of the mouth of babes. Seriously.
polkadot said…
The last time my son did something dumb, I said, "act your age," and he said, "but you're always telling me NOT to grow up! It's your fault I'm this way!"

for real..
DC said…
That is so freakin' cute! What a sweetie. :)

Ah, a fellow L.A. girl. Yes, the celebrity sightings are abundant, especially on Robertson. I've definitely had some interesting encounters. But I still miss the midwest, and especially the smell of smoke in Autumn. I mean, I suppose L.A. smells like smoke in Autumn too, but for a totally different reason. Bleck.
DC said…
BTW . . . I'd love to add you to my blogroll. Hope you don't mind. :)
Your kid!

What a sweetheart!
Anonymous said…
Love the wit of your boy! Gotta love having boys!
Anonymous said…
So funny! Your boy sounds adorable!
Candid Carrie said…
I always say my boys are going to be the death of me ... but I will die laughing ;)
John Deere Mom said…
Kids! 10...I can't even fathom mine being 5! Augh! What happened? I used to suck on those toes...heck, I could fit his entire foot in my mouth and eat it up. Now? No thank you.
Amy said…
I know how you feel, although I love to see them grow I want them to stay small. When my son turned nine it was a hard day for me. I say the same thing to him, "Even when your a foot taller than me you'll still be my baby." He's okay with that.
Debz said…
Awwwwww, that is still sweet. I have a 23 yr old and a soon to be 21 yr old. They DO grow up soooo fast. :(
Lula! said…
Yep. That's my future son-in-law. Remind me to retell this one at the rehearsal dinner.
Unknown said…
My two youngest 'babies' will be turning 30 in September. Arghhhhh!!

However, they are producing their own babes, so I get to live those years all over again :-)
My youngest is constantly trying to negotiate like this. From tying her shoes to having me help her get the shampoo out of her hair. She relishes being the baby. I just hope she's not living here when she's 26 :-)
Sunshine said…
That's pretty cute!

You *are* so "knotty"! But that is why I love ya!
My only question is, how is it that someone so whitty can't tie his own triple knots? j/k. Love this story.
Kori said…
I have had this same conversation with my youngest that is now 9. Yep they think we are so old... can't wait to see what they think when they are where we're at.
KimmyJ said…
What 'til he is 23 and going to Iraq like my oldest! It goes by sooo fast. Enjoy that sweet little love muffin.
Mama Dawg said…
Too funny. Your son and my daughter (see my guest blogger post where she mentions I'm old) need to get married. They're perfect for each other.
Anonymous said…
LOL! He has the perfect amount of perspective to keep things real. You'll have to remind of this later when he's feeling a little big for his breeches. :)
Insane Mama said…
I'm all for locking children up in closets and not letting them grow up.
Hes a keeper, that one, how sweet
LaQuintamomof3 said…
That Boy-- future in negotiating... maybe I should be considering an arranged marriage, the princess loves older men- especially dark haired smart men!
Don't want to get into any trouble with Lula.
Too cute, I try to make my girls promise to be my baby forever.

I still remember the night I was trying to get my oldest daughter (age 3)to sleep in her own bed. I made a joke about what would happen when she gets married. She happily told me she was planning on tucking her husband in bed at their house and then she would get in her car and come to my house and go to sleep in my bed. It was really funny and sweet.
Sarah Mae said…
HAHA! I love it! I'm only 28, but I've realized something...
when you're first married and you have your first kid, you're a cute young couple on the horizen of life. Once you have your second, however, and drive a cheesewagon (with a spoiler, of course) you are just OLD.

Apparently, I'm old. My friend, who is 21 says to me, "what did prom dresses look like when you were in school?"

Way to knock you back down, eh?

I'm giving away some money, honey...come check it out! Nothing but good can come from this!
Lori said…
LOL! They giveth and then they taketh away! Love it! :)
Apple Joos said…
I came to say almost the exact same thing as Lori so I'm all a'fluster without something witty to say. I think this might be one of the signs of the apocalypse. If you see any horses... duck and cover.
Connie said…
If only they'd stay that way. My Little Man has already informed me I am not. supposed. to. call. him. that.
Swirl Girl said…
Have I got a girl for you! My oldest daughter is 8, too. I would love your son to 'sweet slap' her some.
She forgets that she is my baby and needs a good reminder. She's all fashion and Hannah Montana and short shorts and lip gloss....oy vey!
Cecily R said…
Hahaha! I have a feeling you and I have some similarities. Kids that always seem to put us in our places when we least expect it. Like the time my daughter walked in on me dressing and quickly informed me, "Don't worry mom. I'm not laughin'!!"

I have a secret for you. My son is ten and sometimes, sometimes, I still tie his shoes. And I always double knot them.
Alison said…
Hahaha! Kids--they call it like they see it!
Anonymous said…
lol - that is great!
Party of 5 said…
LOL He sounds a lot like my middle son. That little stinker.
Jen said…
don't kids just say the sweetest things.
Sherri said…
Nice! My daughter thinks I am 22! I'll take it!
scargosun said…
Smart AND cute...a lethal combo. ;)
leezee52 said…
I have a almost 27 year old (b-day next tues.) and a 25 year old and they will always be my babies.
Heather said…
Was he sassin' you???
Rhea said…
triple knots? How do you even have enough shoelace to do that? I can do a double knot but that's it. Sheesh. You have talent!
Ann Harrison said…
I have been following you in others "Comments" sections for so long that I finally had to leave a comment for YOU myself!
(I am a fan!)
Jennifer P. said…
Well as long as he can wipe his own bottom, tying his shoes for another few years shouldn't be too bad :)....
Petula said…
LMAO! That was so cute and hilarious. Yes, it may be cliche, but those kids say the darndest things. I'm sure he's a sweetie though.

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