I think we'll keep him.

See that tiger?  That is Sasha.  She has been with us for years.  Nothing like a good friend for a sweet boy.

I know I usually don't play music, but this song was a must.  Go ahead and listen to the whole thing.  Cry if you'd like.  I am.



          There are no words, people.  No words.  But, I know, you know.


KatBouska said…
What a sweetie...nothing quite like a sleeping child.
Ginger said…
How precious... You make motherhood so, for lack of a better word, appealing and amazing. What a sweet boy you have :)
Candid Carrie said…
Hi, no words describe it ... and I know exactly how it smells, too. The pefect combo of sweet, salt, and sweat.

Inhale and retain. Hold for a lifetime.
Heather said…
Oooohhhh, he's getting SO big.
Sunshine said…
Oh, I love little sleeping kid sweat too. I love your pictures! Love the cowboy hat one! What a cutie!
Lula! said…
Oh, this song. This album. It, and his follow up (More Songs from Pooh Corner) helped guide me through the long weeks of post partum semi-depression after my first child was born. I'd sit and nurse and cry and listen...'til the day my husband vowed to destroy anything associated with Kenny Loggins. Still love both CDs, though. Good memories.

Love the pictures. I want to be his friend, please.
Lula! said…
Oh, this song. This album. It, and his follow up (More Songs from Pooh Corner) helped guide me through the long weeks of post partum semi-depression after my first child was born. I'd sit and nurse and cry and listen...'til the day my husband vowed to destroy anything associated with Kenny Loggins. Still love both CDs, though. Good memories.

Love the pictures. I want to be his friend, please.
Outnumbered2to1 said…
Wow, what a precious boy and beautiful pictures.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Romero,
There are very few times when words fail. As I'm posting my comment, my little muffin is dancing. She had a ballet performance to this song last year. Thanks for the post. It has given me the right perspective to start my day.
Candid Carrie said…
Alright, Mrs. Romeo Arrow -- Enough of the Pooh Pooh. Never liked that Winnie. Seriously, he is worse than a muppet. Never learns from his mistakes but fakes like he gets it! He is such an ex-husband.

If you need to play Kenny Loggins, slap me up with some "I'm Alright" because nothing gets me laughing like Caddy Shack ;)

I heart Bill Murray, no matter how old he gets, no matter how bald he gets, I'll always remember him being the Lounge Singer on Saturday Night Live.

Oh, yeah the kid is too cute. If you don't keep him we would gladly take him off your hands. The only thing better than saying that I have six kids would be if I could say I had seven and that I took of them from you ;)
Debbie said…
Mrs. Romero, I love calling you that because it is cool. I love this song...those pictures are just precious and your son's freckles are just to die for. Aren't little boys great? They don't have nearly one ounce of the drama girls do. Trust me...I have an 8 year old who loves drama. I am so not ready for the teen years..and then there is my son who gets upset if I ever start to cry...and comes over to hug me and kiss me. Just the best.
Schmerica said…
He's a schmoopie! My not-yet-actualized maternal instincts are aching.
Connie said…
Cute ... handsome ... the full package really but doesn't hold a candle next to my little man of course! :)
Tracy P. said…
Funny I should stumble on you today. My tiger loving baseball player is nine. And you are right, there are no words. :-)
scargosun said…
I love the one of him running. Something about the expression.
Alison said…
What a great-looking boy! I love his freckles.
~Sheila~ said…
Oh yes..you know we know.
Anonymous said…
He looks beautiful, Tiff. I can't believe how much he has grown. We definitely have to see you this summer and check out Mr. Cutie.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Romero,

What a great family you have- you are truly blessed! Loved looking around your blog. Sad that it takes trajedies to get us in touch! I would love to bring the kids up to camp for a day....let's figure out when! Your boy is so sweet - he gives me a toothache!


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