I'm A Winner!

Yeah!  I am ALL KINDS OF EXCITED!  Pauline over at berriesweetpicks ran a contest for an ADORABLE bag:  

And, I won!  Oh. My.Stars.  You must go check out her blog immediately, she has just the coolest "picks" and coupons codes!  

Love the bag? Hoohobbers. They've got all kinds of cute fabrics to choose from and here is a coupon code for 15% off.

Also, stop by her personal blog
Diapers and Deadlines (especially the post called, "Who is Allergic to P-A-M-P-R-I-N".  So funny.  Turns out, she also suffered from Hyperemesis, just like me.  Ah, a fellow survivor.)

Thank you Pauline!


KatBouska said…
Congratulations!! Doesn't if feel good to win stuff! This must be good karma for you, for sending me a 100 dollar gift card!! You go girl!
Debbie said…
TO.DIE.FOR Cute! Love it!
Heather said…
I'm so jealous!! I almost went and registered to win this, but I never win anything so I didn't. Now I wish I would've. It's SO cute!!
Lula! said…
ADORABLE. And then God just reminded me that we are certainly not bag poor in this house...so alas...no cutie-patootie bag for me. I'll just fawn over yours.
Candid Carrie said…
I am sure it was an oversite, but Mrs. Romeo Arrow would also like to that ME for sending her over their to win that Big Ass tote.

Yeah, carry your guilt around in the special bag, alright sistah!
Tiffany said…
Carrie- I was going to credit you ( as I do almost daily for all the inspiration) but decided to let it be all about Pauline. I owe you one!

I also owe Heather a credit for Oh.My.Stars., as that was stolen from her. And I am keeping it. Because I love it.
Candid Carrie said…
Correct as usual, Oh Great One. I bow before you as a Round Wii Person and ask you to continue to allow me to inspire you.

I less than three you times four.
John Deere Mom said…
Good for you! I LOVE bags, totes, and purses of all kinds. I am a wee bit jealous!
Hunny Bee said…
I love that bag so much. Reminds me of my own favorite Vera Bradley bag. Congrats on the win!!
Anonymous said…
Pauline said…
Ooohh! It's all about me! Being as you make me laugh almost as much as Carrie (I do have to play favorites here, being as I just met you and all), I am quite honored. Thanks for the post mention! I'll return the favor.
Oh-and hugs from a hyperemesis sister. Big effing hugs.
Pauline said…
Oh yeah, email me your address so the diaper bag gods can get deliver the goods.
Anonymous said…
That bag is so cool!

I just saw that Pauline has a giveaway for some gorgeous caps today, gotta see if I'm eligible, being from Australia & all...
~Sheila~ said…
Ohhhhh...I want to win stuff too!!!
Connie said…
Another contest lost because I didn't enter ... yup I am jealous.
Stacy said…
That bag is cute! I saw that contest but didn't enter since I don't exactly need a snazzy diaper bag - no kiddos for us yet. :) Love the blog!
Karen said…
WOw! Cute bag!
Unknown said…
that is an adorable bag! Coming from a purse lover, I am all kinds of excited to have a coupon to get a discount on some of their stuff. thanks.
Anonymous said…
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