It's an Unfortunate Thing When...

Okay, so enough with the sappy music and sentimental pictures.  The Boy is awake now and I am over it.  

Let's move on, shall we?

You know how growing up you always heard jokes that included an unfortunate name?

Like: Harry Balls or Sandy Beach?

Well, I think we have come across the topper.  The following is TOTALLY TRUE.

My son started practicing Tae Kwon Do a few months ago.  My husband takes him to the first class and comes home to tell me all about it.  

CM: "The class seems great.  The instructor is a younger guy, really good with the kids."

Me: "Cool.  So, what's the cost commitment?"

CM: "Well, I spoke to the owner, Master Bates, and...(insert something here I didn't catch because my mind was exploding)."

Me:  "Did you just say "Master Bates"?"

CM: "Yes."


CM: "It's really not that funny."

Me:  "Yes. Yes, it is."

CM: "Maybe it is if you're a 12 year old boy."

Apparently I have the sense of humor a a pre-pubescent male.  Who knew?  Who cares?

All I am sayin' is of all the professions in all the world. This guy chooses the one that uses Master as a title.   That is a kind of funny that comes along once (maybe twice if your lucky) in a lifetime.  

BTW: Master Bates is a wonderful instructor and a great guy.  With an unfortunate last name.


scargosun said…
It is funny at any flippin' age. Seriously.
Alison said…
That's too funny. I think I would have to use another title of respect if I were the instructor!
Insane Mama said…
That is GREAT! I knew a lawyer once his name was
Bob Loblaw

Say it fast
KatBouska said…
Oh God! There are tears in my eyes! I am SO going to share this with my husband who is also a pre-pubescent male (ps I JUST used that same phrase in my latest blog). That is just too funny. Master Bates. I'm going to think of that and be snickering about it all day now. Thanks.
KatBouska said…
ps you got tagged.
Connie said…
Oh that's good! I am not sure I could stay in the class very long. I'd be the one having to do 'extra credit' due to giggling.
You could have warned me.

Here I am at work with tears streaming down my face and laughing.

Not at obvious I am not Working.
How could your husband relate that story with a straight face? Did he practice? My husband definitely has that little boy sense of humor. He can't watch nascar because of the driver Dick Trickle. :-)
Tiffany said…
Kat- Dick Trickle....AHHHHHH! It's all too much!

Yes, my husband did not laugh simply because I did. We are vying for supreme power in my house and any chance he has to look mature, he takes it. Obviously I give him plenty of opportunities.
Outnumbered2to1 said…
SHUT UP! Okay, this is rediculously funny! And yes, I am at that 12 year-old boy maturity. I love your comment about vying for supreme power. I've given up eons ago. I'd much rather laugh at toots.
John Deere Mom said…
That is freakin hilarious! I hope that guy doesn't teach Tae Kwon Do to bigger kids. He would NEVER get anything done with the constant giggling.
Unknown said…
How will you ever look at him with a straight face. I mean, when The Boy goes to do his...I dunno karate recital, or will you keep from busting up? It's just so stinkin' funny!!
Runner Girl said…
Can you imagine the day your sweet baby realizes that he learned all of his Kung Fu moves from Master Bates??? Too funny!
Lula! said…
My husband (who refuses to believe he's older than 12) reminded me of the Richard Pryor movie, "The Toy." The little boy was Eric Bates, and the servants referred to him as "Master Bates." So I've seen that movie a hundred times and only got it TONIGHT. After reading YOUR blog. It's obvious I don't have the mind of a 12 year old. And thank God for that.
Jennifer P. said…
Guess I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old too. Poor guy! Couldn't he go by M. or something?!?!

And the pictures of your son are completely precious. Loved them :)!
Anonymous said…
One of the best stories ever!
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Romero,
Absolutely the best name ever!!!!!!!! I had a Dr. named Dr. Paine but Master Bates is the best hands down. My husband worked for a guy (major VP bigwig) named Dick Coch, (pronounced cock).
Just to prove that my husband is my third child...I was telling him about your blog entry...and about his Dick Trickle issue...and he immediately said it's like that movie "The Toy." (See, Lula, aren't you glad your husband is not alone in this!). I didn't remember at all what he was referring to. And I told him I hadn't seen that movie since I was 10. And that I wouldn't have known what that meant anyway. He just looks at me funny and shakes his head. Like I live under a rock or something :-)
Mama Dawg said…
I literally spit water out at my computer screen when I read this post.

My mind would have gone there , too.

I love my inner 12 year old boy.

That sounds kinda gross.

I'm leaving now.
Kori said…
That is just hilarious. I am at work and I am crying. But it reminds me of when I was pregnant with my oldest. My OB doctor's name was Harry Pitts. Yep sure was. It's on the birth certificate and everything. Dr. Harry Pitts.
Julie H said…
LOL too funny. My daughter's principal's name is Mr. Payne.
Anonymous said…
Is Master Bates real? I laughed soooo hard. I guess that's why we get along.
Heather M
Anonymous said…
Thanks for browsing my blog! When I was growing up in England, we had a children's TV show about pirates with a "young cabin lad" who went by the name of Master Bates. No one got it for years and then as soon as they did, it was yanked off the air. It was called Captain Pugwash and was hilarious!
Anonymous said…
Sooooooo....I was laughing so hard I cried. I'm still smiling. I guess this is also funny at the hgh school level since that is the group I get to hang out with. Tell CM that this is high quality hugh school conversation. I share it tomorrow with colleagues. They'll love it. we're all fans of Superbad and Juno.
my2boyz said…
TOO FUNNY!!! I think my husband would have been laughing right along with me! We both act like we are 12 somtimes, our poor boys! Enjoy reading your blog!
Couldn't he go by his first name? I think this guy secretly likes to be called Master Bates! That is so funny!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
Shut up!
I am laughing and crying. Thanks for that.
Soulflower said…
Ok, this is why I love him and why we get along so well because I was totally sitting in your kitchen (in my head while reading) and watching you laugh hysterically (tears and all) and I know the EXACT tone in which he said that, because I was thinking it too. I love you guys.
Lori said…
LOL! Apparently, I have the mentality of a 12 yr. old boy, too, cause that's hysterical!!
Anonymous said…
You've got to wonder if he did it on purpose... The mentality of a 12 year old boy?? I believe we all fall in that category then because I'm sure everyone who read that started immediately hooting with laughter.
Unknown said…
I must have the mind of a 12 year old boy, too, because that's what caught my eye on your rants list!
Anonymous said…
How could anyone NOT laugh at that!
Liz said…
That is so great!

My dear sweet mother thinks that her only son bates her into heated conversations that he wants to argue about. Very recently she called him the Master Bater! It was so funny!

Yup! 12 year old humor!
larkswing said…
Oh that is great!

Ok this related story the name is on purpost . . . the beach that we visit has a bait shop and a truck that travels around (with the logo) called "Master Baiter" . . . I have a mind of a 12 year old, but unfortunately I got it BEFORE the 44 yr. old; 14 yr. old and 11 yr old (well he's now 12 and it still went over his head - thank goodness, oh wait, no pun intended)
Anonymous said…
One doesn't have to be a 12 year old boy to think that's funny! I'm still cracking up!
CreativeMish said…
OMG! This is so funny! I went to school with a Harry Butt!!
Ashley said…
LOL. if I heard this I would have cracked up too.. actually I did. What a SAD name!!! hahaha
Amy B said…
Well crude..I read that and laughed too loud and woke up my 4 year old..LOL

That was too funny...
Anonymous said…
That's too funny. I would have laughed just as hard. My husband would have probably called me from the Tae Kwon Doe school to tell me about Master Bates since he he knows I would get a serious belly laugh out of something like that.
Anonymous said…
Oh My! That is too funny! Reminds me of something from an 80's movie.
Hi, Tiffany, just stopped by to visit.

Oh, the poor man! I think he should think of a new title, maybe go with his first name? I had a colleague once, a lovely woman, whose last name was Horny. (I am totally not making this up.) She was Dean of Libraries at the state univ. where I was working at the time.
Jennifer said…
OK I think I have the humor a a pre-pubescent male too!! I LOVED this post!!!

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