Mother's Day.

Breast or Bottle.

Your Bed or Crib.

Home School or Public.

Single or Married.

Nanny or Not.

Six or One.

Disposable or Cloth.

At Work or At Home.

Juicy Sweats or Cat Sweaters

Homemade or Store Bought.

No matter your Mommy style.  I love you.  I support you.  I thank you.

Happy Mother's Day.


Debbie said…
Breast, crib, married, public, not, two, disposable, at home, target sweats, sometimes homemade, sometimes store bought. I love this post! Happy Mother's Day to you, too!
Coach Krista said…
Cute post. Breast, my bed with the first crib with the #2/#3 even sooner, married, nanny, 3, disposable, at work, homemade not, Happy Mother's Day!
Candid Carrie said…
Alright, I wish I would have thought of that one.

I had to laugh at the disposable or cloth. I've been parenting so dang long that Pampers were new when I started this gig (I wish I would have thought of that one, too)!
Hi! Happy Mother's Day! Have you been sitting on your couch all day watching the Deadliest Catch?
Runner Girl said…
Love this post....and your banner!!! I came in search of a video that my friend told me she would not be my friend if I didn't watch!! So, I'm off to see a video!
Alison said…
Happy Mother's Day from me who is/was: breast, bed with #1 for a few months, crib after that; married, public charter, no nanny, two, disposable, at home, yoga pants, mostly homemade! Fun summary!
Anonymous said…
Love your post.
(breast, both bed and crib, private school, married, had nanny before but not anymore, ONE, at home for the first 4 years now I work, jeans or yoga pants, homemade when I have time and store bought other times.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!
Natalie said…
Thanks, Sweetie! You're a great Mom and I know your fab boys made sure you had a great Mother's Day! So many choices and decisions we make in our role. I don't think most of them matter in the end, as long as the kids feel loved and safe and accepted and are given appropriate boundaries. Moms are vital...enjoy our day!
Tiffany said…
It's so funny that I wrote this as a statement, celebrating all the choices out there.

I LOVE that you guys told me who you are!

I am: Breast and Bottle, In My Bed, done both public and private, married, nanny in the past, one, disposable, anything comfy. homemade and store bought.

I celebrate all of the diversity in mothering!
~Sheila~ said…
Happy Mother's Day...


Bottle, crib, public, married, no nanny, 3, disposable, at home at first now work, sweats most of the time, some things homemade..laziness leads to store bought.
KatBouska said…
I love this!

jeans and hoodies
store bought

Happy mommys day!
Lula! said…
Hi there--making the rounds via all of Debbie's list of bloggers. She has great taste, by the way. I loved this post. Constantly saying that moms are the meanest people on the planet--to each other, that is. Can't we all just get along? Enjoyed your site & will be back soon.
p.s. My answers are all the same as Debbie's. And I'm not a stalker. Promise!
Anonymous said…
breast and bottle
100% crib - can't sleep while being kicked and elbowed and sleep is too important to my sanity!
2 for now
cloth and disposable
at home
anything comfy
homemade - my kids love baking!

Love you, Tiff! Will see you this summer.

Anonymous said…
OK... Tiff you are amazing! Happy Mother's Day to one of the most wonderful women, mother, wife and friends!
Here it goes...
Mostly breast
Wish I had a nanny- just to manage all of the details!
strated with cloth, diaper service went out of business- use disposable
work- mostly from home
mostly Target and bargain brands (need to start boot camp so I can have fun shopping for clothes again)
Homemade and Storebought
Love you too! and support you, so glad that moms are helping eachother and celebrating motherhood!
Anonymous said…
Loved it! There are many ways to be a mommy. Just do it your way and you'll be alright. Happy Mother's Day!
Heather M.

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