OB...No, not another tampon post.

I 'd like to start by proclaiming that I am in madly in love with my husband. In no way does this moment of "gyno-attraction" diminish his hotness and my love for said hotness.

Having said that, let's begin.

So I feel pretty safe in saying my OB is hotter than your OB.

Okay, make that "was", because when we left LA for St. George, I had to leave his glorious, silver, stirrups. But he is worth a post. Trust me on this .

Let's start with our first (and only) encounter. It was my 6 week follow up after having The Boy. My regular OB was out of town, so they assigned me to Dr. McHottie.

I walked into the room with no idea of what was to come. I got undressed (from the waist down of course) and stuck my feet in the stirrups. Then he walked in. A cross between Jake Gyllenhall and Channing Tatum. In scrubs. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. I got all kinds of flustered and the conversation went something like this.

McHottie: "Hello Mrs. R." (Cleverly reminding me of my marital status.)

Me: "Hi." (I giggle, which in turns, makes the nurse giggle. She must see this all the time.)

McHottie: "How have you been feeling? Any pain, swelling, light-headedness, etc?"
(You mean besides my weakened knees and loss of breath?)

Me: "Nope. I feel great." (And hot. And bothered.)

McHottie: "Great. Well, if you'll just slide down, I am going to check you out." (Right back at ya Doc.)

So now I am feeling all giddy, and it dawns on me that I should dazzle him with my wit.

Me: "You know what would be perfect? If they put some kind of crossword puzzle or word search on the ceiling." (What the hell?)

McHottie: laughing (I swear it was the sound of angel wings) "Yes, that's a great idea. I'll look into it."

Me: "It would be nice to have something to read." (Stop girl, Stop now.)

McHottie: "So you delivered an 8 1/2 pound baby and needed only one stitch? Wow. You (meaning my vagina) look great."

Me: blushing and beaming "Really? Thanks!"

You couldn't scrape that smile off my face. For a week. At least.


Mama Dawg said…
Too funny. My OB was drop dead gorgeous, too. I hated going to him except that he was such a good doctor. He was married with 6 gorgeous kids, as well.

Thank goodness we moved. I now have a woman OB. She's not pretty.

Candid Carrie said…
Awe come on Tif, let us see if your vagina looks great ... we can judge that for you. We can name it, have a contest, win a date with it ... the possibilities are endless, baby, endless.
Connie said…
So are you going to design your resume in honor of your new status of "great looking vagina" ... I hear Victoria Secret calling already!
Schmerica said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Schmerica said…
Every time my octogenanarian OB makes that phlegm-clearing throat sound it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. And here you are with a hot OB with an "angel wings" laugh??!!

What kind of drugs were you on that made his laugh sound like angels wings. Me want some please!
Anonymous said…
Hi! I came over via Kathy... but I see you know scargosun too.

Love the blog. I'll be back!

PS. I want a McHottie as my OB. It would make it so much easier to make and keep appointments.
Runner Girl said…
I have a Dr. McHottie, too. AND, he is single!!! What's up with that? Rumors swirl about his sexuality because he loves antique shopping, cooking and fine wine, and occassionally graces his office with his latest decoupage project. Sounds like Mr. Dream husband to me, though I wouldn't trade in Mr. Science. Last I heard, he had a girlfriend!

Thanks for making me laugh!
Candid Carrie said…
Alright, I've got serious issues here ... I am reading really fast, I see the word douche bag and the the word decorate, WTF. Oh decoupage. Never mind.

Remember Gilda Radner and the Presidential Erections?

L M V O ...
Heather said…
I like to refer to my va-j-j as my "girl". So, after a typical OB visit I might say something like this, "Me and my girl went to get our 'lady biniss' checked out today." Brilliant and classy.

Onto McHottie...I have no words. He's lucky you were able to keep tabs on those post-partum hormones. I mean, seriously, I'm not sure that they should allow guys that good looking to be in that particular profession.

Do you remember the Friends episode where Rachel starts dating her OB and he doesn't want to have sex because he's tired of looking at vaginas all day? Hilarious.

I wonder if McHottie had that same problem.
LaQuintamomof3 said…
You are so lucky.
Now don't get me wrong- I absolutley LOVED my OBGYN, still do-- I trusted him with my life, 3 C-sections and he took really good care of me.
Though I wouldn't consider him McHottie. He was cute... he did read Bridget Jones's Diary after me (we had our own little book club).
He loves to shop too, he speaks English, Spanish and Hebrew. Smart guy!
I thought he adorable in a Doogie Howser sort of way-- I swear he is about 7 years younger than me and 13 years younger than my hubby-- that was an ackward first appointment. My hubby wanted to be sure he was out of med-school. Then we got to know him.
We wondered for a long time if he was batting for the same team- it must have been these clogs he wore (very feminine).
Now he is happily married and has a couple of kids of his own.
He isn't McHottie, but I still love him, love him, love him!
I drove over 100 miles for him to deliver 2 of my kids...
Thanks for sharing Tiff
John Deere Mom said…
Okay...THAT was hilarious. Reminds me a little of the story about the lady who ran home to "freshen up" before her appt. When she assumed the position at the OB, he mentioned that it was nice of her to get fancy for the appt. Turns out she used a washcloth previously used by her glitter covered daughter!
Outnumbered2to1 said…
I actually have Doogie Howser as an OB. But like a fifty year old Doogie which looks freakishly like the fifteen year old Doogie. No hotness there but I do wonder if his mom knows what he is doing.
Alecia said…
OMG. Hilarious!! That totally happened to me when I had my daughter, my OB wasn't on call that night so in walks some random guy who says: "Hi, I'm Dr. Awesome. Go ahead and spread 'em and let's get this thing outta you!"

The only difference was that he wasn't hot, but he was a red-head with a porn-stasche. So, I guess it's really not the same at all.
Tiffany said…
A red-head with a porn-stasche, Doogie Howser, Decoupage, Batting for the Other Team, Lady Binsis, Octogenanarian...

Where have you people been all my life!?

It seems we could put together a coffee table book of OBs... or maybe a calendar?
Anonymous said…
I am laughing loud and hard, My friend Jamie had a very similar experiance at the ob except the only difference was, he was very flustered around her as well, talk about awkward!
Anonymous said…
My OB was a total tree hugger and I wasn't sure if she would have preferred dating my husband or me, if you know what I mean. She was great and made sure both me and baby were fine. I can't believe I feel robbed after reading your post. Thanks for all the laughter :)
Jennifer P. said…
Just ran into this, er, predicament of hotness with my eye doctor the other day! That was a lot of looking deeply into my eyes and I know I must have been blushing all shades of red--but man! I think that guy was made out of plastic. And he smelled good too.

And just so you can forever hold your head high--I thought your crossword puzzle comment was quite witty :)!

Thanks for a good belly laugh!
Insane Mama said…
Crossword puzzle?
Come on you know we all want to see porn on the ceiling
Sunshine said…
Totally (and I do mean TOTALLY) been there! And I don't feel bad (well, not too bad) about it, cuz during my OB/GYN crush, I read an article about it being very COMMON to have a crush on your OB/GYN.

He was my doc all through my pregnancy w/my youngest. Let's just say I had his cell phone # (what doc gives you his CELL #?) and I might've called him when he was in Delaware for training, over a chicken pox scare. Hey--it was an emergency (in my head)!

I never looked so forward to going to the doctor in all my life.
Sunshine said…
P.S. I have to go to church now.
Lula! said…
My OB is my husband's BFF from medical school. And she's a girl. And not "that way." So the only fluttery feelings I get when visiting her happen when she tells me how "groomed" I am. What? Other people don't landscape???????? Come on, ladies!

Jake doesn't do a thing for me, but Channing sure does! HAWT! Were you thinking about breaking it down on the dance floor with him when he was, ahem, between your legs?

Oh, and I'm totally entering you in the next "Mrs. Great-Looking Vagina USA" pageant. We'll show up with signs and banners in support.
scargosun said…
OMG that is too funny. Do they always comment about number of stiches and how it looks? Interesting.
Tiffany said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candid Carrie said…
Yeah, the kind of special that keeps me on the short bus, right?
Anonymous said…
Is it really a compliment that you only needed one stitch? Or was he saying WOW this thing is huge, what have you been up to?
Heather M.
Lula! said…
Me again, just offering clarification from what little I know about the world of physicians. My husband maintains that he could care less what a woman looks like down there--the "you've seen one, you've seen them all" mentality. That being said, I have heard his stories of weird braidings (!), tattoos, piercings, etc. So while they are looking, they're not looking. The ones I know, at least. Never get two or more family docs or OB/GYNs in the same room, because once they start talking about what they've seen and/or removed, the gross/fascinating factor gets upped significantly. (Let's see...olives--pimento still intact, the obligatory hot dog, and ink pens, to name a few.)

I have an OB story of my own, but you have inspired me to blog about it. That and my cheerleading tampons. I owe it all to you, Tiffany!
p.s. Carrie still cracks me up.
You are HILARIOUS! What else can I say?
Ginger said…
you have made me laugh many times, mrs romero , but I think this blogpost by far takes the cake. Cracking up as I lay in bed half-asleep. Awesome.
Sherri said…
hehehe!!! What more could a girl want????
Anonymous said…
I found you from Bridget on "Equilibrium"...you both are pretty FUNNY!! As a mom of 5 (all c-sections and now mostly grown)I can relate! Most ob's are so young I could be their mother's! (Glad I just have to go for the gyn part now!) They carry their stethoscope's in gym bags!
Hmmmmm...where does he live??
WheresMyAngels said…
I missed this one! How funny! I'm not sure I want a hot OBGYN, I might embarrass myself while he was down there;)

Oh, I used to have a "hot"physician. My ex SIL was in love with him. She was so obsessed with him that she constantly had some medical issues that needed his attention every few weeks and I am not joking. When he got a new car, I walked in and said " I see my SIL bought you a new car" he would chuckle. One day he was examining me for a physical and my SIL was in the room with me (don't ask me why, this was 17 years ago) and he says while checking my heart, "Gayla, your sweating a lot, am I making you nervous?" I replied "No Dr Bradley, your just turning me on." He was speechless, his med student whom was also there about hit the floor laughing. Course I was showing off for my SIL and the med student (we had went to the same highschool). Dang I miss him.
Heather said…

this is too funny.

Dee said…
Cant say any of my baby docs were hot, but my GP often has pretty hot young locums while he's away... and he's away a lot, so that "nice" test that we have to have has been put off alot, as I just cant bring myself to have them do it...

..had to laugh at that glitter comment too...
Angie said…
OMG! That was so funny! So I'm sure told told CM all about it, what did he say?
Great posts, I'm so adding your blog to my favs list!
Mammatalk said…
Now, this is my kind of humor. What a crack up. Love your funny wit and great writing.
{leah} said…
My OB for my second baby was HOT!!! And the worst thing was my husband was overseas for his first tour.... all sorts of images went through my mind about that HOT man....
Can I have your OB's number? lol
Jennifer said…
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! soooooo funny!! And what do you mean this blog is neglected?! You get tons of comments! You are really funny!

I lived in St.George for a year! Utah right? How do you like it!
Tiffany, you are too much, girl. This post made me secretly smirk because I have a very good looking family physician, although I am the only one in my family that goes to him. (He relocated and my husband doesn't want to make the drive.) Every time I see him he brings the urge to flirt out in me, although I've resisted it.

On two separate visits about 6 months apart, he complimented my sandals. Oh how I blushed. Embarassing! LOL
wenderful said…
Oh, I love it! I had a similar doctor when we lived in California. I'm kinda glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.
What is it about crushing on your ob?? Mine wasn't gorgeous but I still crushed on him.. Great post! I am glad to see I am not alone in this.
P.S. Thanks for the warm welcome!
Krissi said…
Oh my, the tears, I am laughing so hard at this post! I found you thanks to Jaci @ Ravings of a Mad Housewife and am SOOO glad I did! You, my new bloggy friend are HYSTERICAL!! Thanks for the good laugh this morning!
Krissi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanielle said…
My OB has been delivering babies since before I was born...he's not a hottie, but he's nice! I think I'd like a hottie!
Eve said…
It would be inapropriate of me to laugh out loud in my present company, but I'm dying!! I want to roll all over the floor from laughter!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh!! I would just die! No way, I could not handle a hottie OB.
Crazee Juls said…
That was too funny! My OB, well....let's just say, I believe his "other" job might have been hiding under beds for the task of scaring small children ... But he was a good doc. :-) Happy Sits Day, happy belated bday
betty-NZ said…
*sigh* we all need a little oomph now and again. lucky you!!!
Years ago, I used to have a Dr. McHottie, too. Good looking, funny, super-nice AND a good doctor. All of which made it a lot easier to keep those annual appointments.

Happy belated birthday and happy SITS day!
Anonymous said…
How funny! Don't you just love it when you decide to try out your stand-up routine?
AndreaLeigh said…
now I'm deeply curious as to what a good vagina vs a bad vagina looks like. good, you and bad, rock of love bus skanks?
Jennifer said…
This is so funny I had to comment again! I knew i had seen this before!! :o) Happy SITS day!
This made me giggle :) hehehe Thanks SITSta!!
LOL! Too funny! But I'll pit my OBGYN against yours any day of the week. He's the reason I'm trying to talk my husband into another baby! :)
Anonymous said…
LOL omg, that is hilarious!! My OB is an old lady..nuff said... lol

Stopping by fro SITS!!
cat said…
Oh gosh, hysterics around here. Yeah, mine looks exactly like Barbie so the dads get all silly around her.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh this is hilarious!!
Happy SITS day :)
Anonymous said…
My OB's have never been anything but crotchety old men. Or is that what you like?

Happy SITS day!
MsTypo said…
Compliments on one's hooha are always the way to a girl's heart! LOL

Happy SITS day!
Givinya De Elba said…
Happy SITS day. I wasn't expecting this though. A hot OB? Sheesh.
April said…
For me...hot and OB/GYN don't go hand in hand! Have a super day!
mommytoalot said…
Oh dear..you had me in giggles...
too funny...especially your comment to him about cross word puzzles on the ceiling..
Anonymous said…
I've always felt more comfortable with a woman OB, but I do have a really hot male dentist.
No hot OBs here...thank goodness! I've got a (very nice) nurse midwife.

Happy Birthday! And Happy SITS day!
I had the BIGGEST crush on my hottie doctor. I was crushed when he retired. Congratulations on your big SITS Day. Enjoy all of the bloggy love!
Lyssa said…
Happy SITS Day! This is the last place I want to have a Dr. McHottie. I'd have died.
Anonymous said…
Funny...however I never liked having a male gynecologist whether they were cute or otherwise it always made me feel uncomfortable. I stick to female gynecologists now and feel much better during the process.
Anonymous said…
No way would any Dr. McHotti be checking out my hoo-ha. No way.

Not that I want the elephant man to be checking me out either.

Just someone middle of the road, please.
Sandy said…
No Dr. McHottie here! Too bad , maybe I would not hate going so much if I did!

Happy SITSday!
Unknown said…
Glad it made the moment more bearable for ya!
That is freakin' hilarious Tiffany! My smile wouldn't have faded for at least two weeks, hehe!

Happy SITS day of course and Happy Belated b-day!

Jamie :-)
Unknown said…
My ob/gyns keep moving out of state! I wonder if it's my fault?
Oh yeah right, sure YOU get the hot OBGYN-- I have never had hot. I've had nice, and comfortable since the one that delivered Emily knew us for ten years. Then I've had women-- no hotties-- just gals. NO FAIR. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
Too funny.

My doctor was (we've moved and I haven't found a new one) a woman. She had an entirely different look - different clothes, different hair, different make-up - everytime I saw her. It was a bit weird. But she was a great doctor.
BloggessJ said…
Stopping by from SITS....You are too funny. I wish my OB was a McHottie.
Safire said…
Haha! That's too funny.
Sarah said…
OMG-this is funny! I am jealous, I think!
MDtripmom said…
I didn't realize what I was missing going to an all women OBGYN practice! LOL Thanks for the good laugh and I hope you enjoy your day as SITS queen. :)
jubilee said…
LOL. I avoid the hot doctors. It's so much easier to ignore what is going on with a non-hot doctor!

I once had an orthodontist (I was eight) who was hot and I could not stop grinning the whole time. He called me Princess. I was so flattered - until I realized the nickname was because he couldn't remember my real name. And then I was really mad when my best friend bragged that Dr. Mac called her Princess at every appointment.
Gibby said…
LOL, that is hysterical! I wonder if the nurses exchange stories on how patients react to Dr. McHottie. I used to have a hot gyn, too, until I saw him again and he wasn't looking too good and I thought...god, what was I thinking the first time???
Sheryl said…
LOL, I have my yearly appointment today, thanks I'm sure I will be thinking of crossword puzzles on the ceiling. :-)
Cammie said…
that is hysterical. I dont know what I would do with a hot ob/gyn. My dentist is a hottie though....
Unknown said…
Wow, that is too funny! I'm glad I don't have a hottie OBGYN, I would be so nervous!
Lisa said…
I used to have a really hot one, too. I sent a friend to see him when her's dropped her in a pregnancy (quit delivering babies period). My friend was really upset and said, "Why didn't you tell me?"
It never occurred to me to mention it. She was upset because she took her husband along and had a hard time acting normal because, she said, he was EXACTLY the guy that you always thought that you would grow up and marry.
-Bridget said…
It's not every day a girl gets complimented on her vayjay. And by one who sees plenty and is totally hot, no less? Your husband ought to be mighty pleased with himself.
The OB who delivered my second baby was hot....and at the 6 weeks after she was born visit, he told me something like, "if you don't exercise and lose some weight...you'll look pregnant forever," I think he said it nicer, but I can't remember! I've never seen him since, because I just can't handle rejection and criticism from a hot doc. I now have a woman GYN :) (CUTE post!!)
Connie said…
This is an awesome awesome post!

I also have a crush on my OB and the last time I saw him he helped me concoct a plan for getting pregnant again...against my husband's wishes. *I* think it is because he wants to see me again on a regular basis......
my OB is definitely very nice looking but not a drop dead gorgeous hottie, which i now realize is probably a very good thing!
Heather said…
OMG I don't know what I would do having a male OB/GYN especially not a fantabulously hot one as you describe, I would be waaay to shy! It would probably make my visit unsuccessful because I'd be too shy to talk about anything. I think I would have ran out of the room, lol!
Ali said…
Well, at least you were able to TALK! I probably would've managed to sputter "uh, uh, ummmm" the whole time!
Amy said…
I would have freaked out. I am not sure this sounds bad but I really have a hard time with male docs. But who knows if this would have changed my mind. I love my OB she is great and was so wonderful the whole time for me. Even at the birth yelling "push push" over and over again. As my Mom stood outside of the door trying not to laugh.
This post is every bit as funny the second time around!

Congrats on your Sauciness!
Kate said…
Oh I would have been so nervous! I have always had a woman! I wouldn't have known what to do if I ever had to have a male doctor!
Brandy said…
LOL! I have a woman as a gyno so there is no chance of having that type of reaction when she walks into the room.
Vickie said…
Happy SITS Day!

I am pretty sure your gyno is better looking than my gyno. I do not get that weak in the knees feeling for him. Now On the other hand, my foot doctor reminds me of Carlos of Desperate Housewives.

Hmmmmmmm, Carlos
Karol said…
ROFL!! That's hysterical!
Ahahaha! I just can't think of a better compliment than "your hoo-hoo looks great!" So funny.

Happy SITS Day!
Anonymous said…
I'm just laughing at this! I SO wish I had a hot gyno....your gyno is totally hotter than mine!
Helene said…
Love this post! It made me laugh hysterically!

This is why I always go with the old, ugly OB's!!!
mommy4life said…
OOO! I'm afraid that would make me way too uncomfortable.
McMrs said…
OMG you have made my day! this is hilarious!!
LeLe said…
This is the best post I've ever read on a blog!! I love it!
Annikke said…
I am supposed to be at work - working, but I HAD to read this. The title cracked me up. I can't stop laughing now!!! I'm sure the boss is wondering what I am doing out here at my desk!

I love this post!
koopermom said…
Ah man! My OB is a mean old lady who is always crabby and never smiles..Such luck!
Michelle said…
Oh my goodness...LOL.

WHere is the pic for us? How awkward would that have been?
Anonymous said…
Willo said…
Hilarious. But to your credit, I don't think I could have been nearly as witty with a hot guy staring at my vagina.
Anonymous said…
Hehe...funny! I would've been so embarrassed.....yikes!
Mimi said…
I had a good looking OB, I had to change, I got too creeped out!
Unknown said…
That was hilarious. I have one OB at my office that is too close to my age and too good looking for comfort. But I'm more likely to hear, "Wow--you have definitely had more than one baby, that's for sure!"
Chandy said…
Funny! Hubby is uncomfy with man OB's so now we have to look for lady ones.

Too bad he's not your reg OB... :-D

Love from SITS and congrats again!
Veronica said…
You had me sincerely laughing out loud. Very amusing!
that is so funny! WHen I had my 1st baby 14 years ago, I went to an OB office with a group of docores all women except ONE man! SO I avoided him the entire pregnancy and low and behold, guess who ended up delivering for me??? He was young and hot and I was so mad!
Brittany said…
That is DARN FUNNY! :)

Happy Birthday from a SITSta!
he he! I'm so glad I go to a woman!!
Mandy said…
LOL! That is hilarious!
Lori said…
I am so thankful that I see a female! I would lose my senses and say something like what you did.

Thanks for the laugh!
What A Card said…
Oh dear, I live in fear of a good looking ob! I blush WAY too easily :)
Rhonda said…
I think I would have run. Paper sheet and all. Bare ass hanging out. Forget the clothes. I'd have gotten the hell out of there!!! lol
Anonymous said…
That's so funny!!!! My OB is not hot...........

Over from SITS!
Mrsbear said…
Oh no, I would've been blushing in places I didn't even know I could blush. I don't think I could handle a hot gyno, give me a lady or a guy that looks like Ernest Borgnine. Safe. lol.
lynn said…
How funny! I have to say my OB is not too bad looking either. I'm surprised I make it through my appt each time.

Happy belated Bday!!
Oh man - thanks for the great laugh. I think I'm gunna stick w/the old OB I've got then I don't have to worry about issues like this one! Hilarious stuff. Oh, and Happy Belated B-day!
Andrea said…
That's hilarious! My OB was, uh...not hot.
Anonymous said…
Over from SITS! Happy Belated Birthday!

I have never had a hot OB because I always use female midwives lol. I don't think I could do male OB/midwife.

I'd be thinking about how hot he was the whole time, unless he wasn't a looker..

Then I'd be thinking he was checking me out the whole time, because that's the only way he gets to see the opposite sex lol.
Alex the Girl said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex the Girl said…
I couldn't handle a hot ob. I get too red in the face and giggle more than speak.
Alex the Girl said…
I couldn't handle a hot ob. I get too red in the face and giggle more than speak.
Kate said…
What in the world?! Ha. I have rarely seen a doctor that isn't female, except for my dermatologist. I would be a little weirded out I think!
Angie said…
LOL! I had a guy OB and couldn't deal with it because he the most unbelievable blue eyes ever...too distracting..lol.
Hccm said…
You had a hottie, and I have a nottie. Life is not fair:)

Hugs and Mocha,
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard right now. Thank you for this!! :D
SarahJarnagin said…
How freaking hilarious!!!! Happy Birthday!
Unknown said…
I'm pretty sure my doc could beat yours in the hottest OB contest!! My husband is convinced that the reason we have 4 kids is because that was the only way I could go see my doctor more often! :)
bigjohnsgirl said…
My OB was pretty awesome although not that good looking. He told me that I should ask for an African birth. He said that in Africa women give birth on the ground with their husbands standing over them. They tie a rope around their hubby's testicals and every time they have a contraction they pull on the rope so that hubby can experience the contraction with them. My hubby didn't appreciate that suggestion very much but I thought it was hilarious!!!!!!!
KatBouska said…
Apparently I didn't deem this post important enough to comment on the first time around.

I'd ask for your gynos number but I'm a born again virgin so I won't be needing it for awhile.
Holly said…
Fantastic! It's not every day that a woman gets a compliment on her vagina. :)
Susan said…
Glad you had a pleasant experience!
Tamara Dawn said…
Happy belated birthday!!!

It's funny - I posted a male OB story on my blog today!
Unknown said…
So funny! Happy belated birthday!
Marrdy said…
Oh boy, don't those cute docs make us say silly things?
Rayna said…
Very funny. I love my OBGYN too but she's not nearly as good looking.
Donnetta said…
My OBGYN has one foot in the grave. No hotness there!!
Shanda said…
Hilarious! The crossword puzzles really WOULD help! ;)
Courtney said…
That's hilarious. Maybe if my midwife was a hot man I wouldnt hate those check-ups so mcuh?
Amanda said…
L-o-L That is tooo freakin funny! A crossword on the ceiling! hehe

I would have to admit I would have been giggling too!
Kim said…
Oh my goodness that is hilarious! I don't know that I would've been able to "spread 'em" for Dr. McHottie! Power to you! And how sad that you met your dream OB and never saw him again. lol.
Anonymous said…
An OB that hot!!!! Wow!! He must have women lining up to drop their panties for him. Niiiiccccceeeee...
Anonymous said…
Haha! McHottie!
debi9kids said…
OH.MY.GOSH! So glad I found the time today to come read these posts. LMAO!
Beth said…
That was hysterical! Happy SITS Day & thanks for the laugh!
wendy said…
OMG, that is REALLY funny...I mean REALLY, REALLY funny! I say stupid stuff when I'm flustered too. :)
Unknown said…
I think you might be going to the same OB-GYN I do...so funny!
Anonymous said…
This is great...so funny!
Chelsie said…
I just laughed out loud and when my fiance said "What's so funny?" I said "I was just thinking about having a hott OB telling me I [my vagina] look great!" So jealous...
Unknown said…
Okay now that was funny- thanks for the laugh.
Pam said…
My OB was gorgeous as well. Dr Villa! Ahhhh! Funny how I never minded going to all those appointments!
Jolene said…
LOL Oh my goodness! My gyn is a woman so luckily I haven't had a moment like this.
Judah said…
oh my goodness, I almost fell out of my chair laughing at this post!!! happy SITS day
That was absolutely hilarious!
Kathy B! said…
Thank goodness for woman OB/GYN's!! Crazy hormones and hot docs can mess with your emotions...
Emily Ann said…
THIS is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!
Leslie said…
I have NOT had the best of evenings and I REALLY needed that! Thanks so much!
angie said…
All these funny OB stories in the comments! Makes me want to make an appointment! Ok, not really.
Kristen said…
I'd be willing to get pregnant and move just to see your Dr. McHottie.
Tabitha Blue said…
That is hilarious!!! I will say, I had one rather hot follow up visit as well! My gyno's office is a team of 5 doctors and I ended up with the hot one on my 6 week check up appointment. Sorry you had to move.

Sarah said…
Lol! Too funny!

My OB is a lady...
Kendra said…
LMAO...I had a hot OB once...I totally hear ya. LOL
Anonymous said…
If I didn't already have a profile with my face plastered all over it I would so put this comment in anonymously. Well, anyway, it didn't help that my GY was a silver fox from Britain and would talk to me about how he knows the drummer from The Who...I could be his daughters age and instead I was sitting there most the time coming up with new words for male "cougar" in my head....in walks husband. For shame Lynn!

Thanks and my best to you and all you do do, Lynn
Michelle said…
Oops, sorry, Tiffany! Way belated happy birthday!

Luckily(?) I've never had a hot doctor. In fact mine tend to be old. And so not hot. And frequently women. I'm thinking that's a good thing now....
Rachael said…
Freaking hilarious! I've never had a hot doctor either, but it would be nice for once!
Bethany said…
LOL that's awesome!!
LOL- that is too funny. I never get Doctor McHottie- Only Doctor McChattie or Doctor McAncient. Haha--- to funny!
Kim said…
That is the funniest post...ever! Thank goodness I don't have a hot OB, I would not be able to keep it together, I would be blushing all the way to my toes. Fortunately, mine is a little Jewish guy with tiny fingers.
Anonymous said…
My, oh my. I don't think I*want* a hot OB/Gyn! My daughter's first pediatrician was Oh.So.Hot, and then you add his love (which was obvious-besides the fact he had 4 kids) for children, and it was over the top, McDreamy (seriously!) look alike. Wow. I wish I were 5 so I could go see him. Yum.
Unknown said…
The same thing is happening with me! I went to the gyn. for the first time in March and developed a crush on the Dr. He is very good looking but about 12 years older than me (huge # for me)! I don't know what it is but I can't stop thinking about him. I went out to dinner with a group of friends the other night and about halfway through I looked over at the next table and guess who sat about four feet away from me? That's right- I was lookin' at the same guy who had me propped up in a pair of stirrups the week before! It was so awkward!I know he recognized me b/c I notice, out of the corner of my eye, that he kept glancing over. Thank God I avoided eye contact or else I probably would have had a panic attack!
Unknown said…
Hi Lula's friend... I've heard so much about you. I <3 you through her.

I cannot believe this story.

Unknown said…
ROFLMBO PIMP I sooooo know this feeling only my gorgeous OB delivered 2 of my 3 children.. He was so good looking with these ocean blue eyes that my first labor coach was willing to get pregnant just to have him deliver her child..
Sharon said…
Ah! That's FUNNY! I don't know if I could handle a hottie OB appointment. As it is, I feel this strange need to get all dressed up, make-up and nice shoes to go see my doctor. And SHE's a Midwife!! What would I do if I was seeing a McHottie? Pole Dancing?

Looking forward to meeting you in Baltimore!!
Michelle said…
That is hilarious! I've only had female OB/gyn so far so I luckily don't have to worry about some hottie looking under my hood.

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