Stephenie Meyer will be the next post I promise.  If Kyla doesn't get off her butt and email me the photos, I will do some creative re-inactments.

But, in the meantime.  I received one of those emails about the things kids say.  I am the person that stops the madness and doesn't forward them on....(yes, you are welcome).

Anyway, one jumped out as me as the most succinct definition of love.  I hope you like it.  And, I hope it's what you have in all your relationships.  

"When Someone Loves You, The Way They Say Your Name Is Different. You Know It's Just Safe In Their Mouth."  Billy Age 4

Thank you CM for keeping my name (and the rest of me) safe.


Lula! said…
Probably the sweetest thing I've ever read. even tops what our toddler said to her father this morning..."Daddy, you are beautiful." He's gonna float on that one all day long, of course.

Leaving behind the beauty that is childhood and moving on to my impatient rage...please tell Kyla I'm going to hunt her down like a dog in the night. Or like Jacob hunting down a vampire. FOR REAL! I am beyond ready to read about this grand event.
Heather said…
Do I need to call Kyla?? Maybe pay her a little visit?

This definition of love is beautiful. Billy is, apparently, a very insightful 4 year old.
Anonymous said…
Kyla? There is a mob forming. Send the pics right away and end this madness.

After seething over your first sentence, I didn't think you'd say anything I could hear right now.

Now I'm all choked up and trying not to cry. That is the best way to describe how it feels when your love says your name.


Insane Mama said…
Well, Billy knows whats going on, that is the cutest ever!
Alison said…
I love that definition. Out of the mouths of babes....
Melissa Lee said…
Oh, I need someone to say my name today. Immediatly.

Candid Carrie said…
Say my name.
Say my name, bitch.*

*American Pie, not Candid Carrie
Debbie said…
I.LOVE.THAT! And I fully understand it!
Anonymous said…
At Age 4? Wow! His a genius!

And I totally agree with the 'stops the madness'...I don't forward them too!
Sunshine said…
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Sunshine said…
This kid knows more about looove than I do.

Yes, someone say my name! "No honey, same my name THAT way!"

Seriously. I totally gotta write that one down.
Sunshine said…
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Ruby Rideout said…
Okay. How freakin' cute is that?!!

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