Date Night

So The Boy and I had a little date night.  Just the two us.  We went to Sushi. On the way home, pretty much out of nowhere, the following gem is laid at my feet.

"Hey Mom.  I was thinking that I am gonna do those jobs you are always asking me to do.  Except pick up my dog's poop and take out the trash.  That stuff smells and makes me want to throw up. How about if I don't do it the first time you ask, like, because I am busy, or in the middle of something, I will just pay you a quarter."

That is some serious philosophical waxing.  I think if you look close enough, he might have just given me the answer to world peace or something.


Jennifer P. said…
I can't even think of anything witty to say because it's 1:02 am here---but that was funny. Real funny. Late night, half-asleep funny!
Jennifer P. said…
And I'm also kind of intrigued by the fact that your child chose to eat sushi?!
Marie Reed said…
Well Mrs. R a quarter a chore adds up quickly! Maybe you should ask him for a raise though:)
Aloha again...not the same family. Sorry it has taken me awhile to respond but you wouldn't believe my week to date. SIGH.
Amy said…
He's a problem solver. They do much better than poop picker uppers any day of the week.
Rhea said…
I haven't had a date night with my boys in a while. I need to do that.

What a sweetie you have. I love how he explains so well why he doesn't want to do those two chores. lol
Lula! said…
I heart him. He is so gonna be my son-in-law. (Look away, Heather...look away.)
Perksofbeingme said…
wow. I think you really did find the solution to world peace. That's awesome.
EmBee said…
A master of diplomacy! Are you going to take him up on the offer?
Anonymous said…
Wow! All those life lessons you try to instill, he really hears you. Nobody wants to barf so he physically can't do poop and trash and he understands that somehow he is wrong for not responding the first time so he is willing to cough up the dough.

I don't know if I want to laugh or cry right now. His delivery is hysterical but his intention is so darn sweet I feel very moved.

Congrats to you and CM for raising such a kind and gentle soul

Sherri said…
it took me a minute to figure out that you were talking about your son eating sushi!!! How did you get him to do that?? I can't even get my silly kids to eat a tuna sandwich!!!
Anonymous said…
It's so amazing the gems we receive when we least expect it...So what are you going to do with all the money you're going to make...
Tiffany said…
To answer the sushi questions: The Boy eats California Rolls, Shrimp Tempura Rolls, Cucumber Rolls and has just started eating spicy tuna.

He loves the seaweed and everything. Weird. But, CM and I are sushi fanatics, so that might have something to do with it.

Plus, he LOVES sitting at the bar, watching the chefs.
Anonymous said…
Wow...that might turn into a lot of quarters.
KimmyJ said…
Too cute! Kids hold the key to all lives little problems.
KatBouska said…
I'm linking you in my blog today...let's get that technorati rating back up there shall we??

ps do I actually have to go to technorati and change my url there too??
Debbie said…
Sushi??? Wow...I don't even like sushi!!! But that is a conversation to remember. For sure.
Insane Mama said…
Maybe you can make some money out of it! My son, Bless him, DOES take out the trash. However, he refuses to go to Sushi with me...
I'm NOT wondering about p-hair... Just waiting on LULU
Caroline said…
I've got a real painful bunion on my foot and if you'll rub it, I'll give you a whole quarter!!

(courtesy of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation)
Cecily R said…
The problem with that logic at my house is that the quarters would be mine. And my son would say that totally knowing it.

However. The fact that a)you and the boy went on a date b)you eat sushi with him and c)he actually has a chore plan at all is pretty completely awesome in my book.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Feel free to participate in Photo Story Friday any time!!

P.S. SITS is FABULOUS. I'm so glad it's so successful!
S Club Mama said…
One time my son & I went with a friend in her car to go somewhere...and I forgot to buckle him in, too! Luckily he didn't move anywhere; we realized fast.
Tausha said…
I love that our children are so smart and creative! makes me happy to know that my tax dollars are being put to good use!
S Club Mama said…
That is amazing. And you know, I can't blame him about the trash & poop - I totally understand.
Anonymous said…
Hilarious! Love the way little minds think!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
The boy has a future... I an see him negotiating million dollar contracts someday!
Love the logic and the offer to pay you...
Love that he eats sushi- only one of my 3 will willingly and knowingly eat it.
What a sweet night.
Unknown said…
Mark my words ... that boy will be the next Donald Trump.

Hopefully without the hair, though. Oh, and the bimbos...
KatBouska said…
Well now my interest is piqued...what's going on??
Anonymous said…
Wow! He's a deep thinker....and how can you argue with him?
Heather said…
The Boy's brilliance is showing again. As long as there's a quarter involved, there shouldn't ever be a problem. Besides, picking up dog poop makes me want to throw up too.
John Deere Mom said…
What a smart kid. I wish mine would at least put that much thought into it. The most I get is, "I am too exhausted to pick up the toys. Can't you just do it? It will be faster." Nut.
-Bridget said…
What a very self aware and clever boy. He's destined for a life in management.
Apple Joos said…
That's awesome! He's already learning the ideas behind delegating tasks! He's got upper management skills already! You should print this out and put it on his resume.
THE Stephanie said…
That is hilarious!! I love it when my kids say stuff like that. You just sit there thinking "did they just say that???"
You have a negotiator there. Be careful, they'll take advantage of you everytime because they sound so reasonable and fair until you're in the middle of it and then you realize you've been had.

I like the look of your blog.
Anonymous said…
I love the language use of young boys: simple, direct, and brilliant. The Boy knows negotiation.
Jen said…
He sounds like a riot!

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