FAB.... Saturday?

So I totally forgot to post Fab Friday... but we are easy girls, right?  (I mean easy like, uncomplicated, low maintenance... not...well, easy)

We are going to do a condensed version.  Just one "Fab" (or in my case, not so "fab" item).

This week, I made a fool out of myself in front of a celebrity by calling her daughter by the wrong name.  (I told you guys, I have 400 of these kids each day...you can mix up a name or two).

No, I won't tell you the celebrity, but she is definitely A list. And, for the record, super nice.

I thought I'd make conversation while she was waiting and speak to her daughter.  Who I called by the wrong name.  Miss Celebrity was super gracious and said, "Actually, this is ____.  Her sister is ___.  They look alike, it happens all the time."  I did an uncomfortable laugh and excused myself.. something about checking on something...

Anyway, tell me.  Have you embarrassed yourself recently?  Or not so recently is fine too.


Jennifer P. said…
Oh man! I'm first and all I can think about is WHO WAS THE CELEBRITY?!?! 2 girls, A list, west coast, hmmmmmmm....... You'll have to give us a few more clues....

I once locked myself in a public bathroom in Germany. Apparantley the key was "just for decoration". I was in there for almost 1/2 hour before the restaurant owner came to see what was wrong. With his broken English and my broken German, we managed to get the key out the window and FREE ME :)! Everyone in the place seemed to know what was going on and clapped for me when I came out.

Good times.
Nan said…
I taught high school chemistry for 6 years. When I saw student teaching at 21 years old my students were 16 or 17 years old! I was teaching about acids and bases. I looked at this one BOY and said to him, "So, you have a strong ac" except it came out as a$$, you know like how acid starts. I totally forgot what I was saying, mid word! I sat down on the floor, while my supervising teacher laughed his head off along with all the kids! Enjoying the SITS and wanted to (finally) check out who started it all!
Anonymous said…
Yesterday I wore a new, tight, light pink T-shirt. I looked good in my mirror at home, but when I got out in public I caught a glance at myself in another mirror. Between my thin "minimizer" bra cups and the tight, light colored T-shirt, all you could see were NIPPLES. I spent the rest of the day trying to keep my arms, hair, my daughter, anything in front of my chest. I hate shirts like that. What was I thinking?
Rhea said…
An A list celebrity? That's so cool you were talking to her...whoever she was.

It's always embarrassing to get names wrong. I hate it when that happens.

Yesterday, just when the state of my house had reached an all time low in cleanliness, my employer popped by with her daughter to give me a gift certificate for my hard work (a sweet gift) and of course her 4yr old took off into my house, the mother had to go to retrieve her, and the house was A MESS. I was so embarrassed. Mortified.
~Sheila~ said…
Well, I haven't but the mother of the child I have with me (ummm...actually Devyn) embarrassed herself just this morning. She had pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex to drop off her son and I was outside waiting for her.
There were some cars behind her and so she pulled into a parking space and I KNEW she was not going to clear the car next to her...and she didn't. She bumped right into it.
Like bumper cars.

I was embarrassed for her...does that count?

Um, maybe it was the fact that I over-nighted an empty box to a client? I mean I can't stop thinking about what an idiot I am. I am so embarassed but not embarassed enough not to tell the ENTIRE INTERNET!
Unknown said…
Heck, I sometimes call my kids by the wrong name! It's all in the course of a busy mom.
Tiffany said…
Jennifer- I will tell you that she on a television series. Her husband is also an actor. I love your Germany stories.

Nan- Thanks for coming by! This story is hysterical and totally something I would have done. Except that I barely passed high school Chem, but could totally teach US History.

Jaci- This I so know. Ugh.

Shelia- That totally counts. Devyn's mom can be that way sometimes. Good thing he has you around.

Rhea- If someone wlalked into my closet right now, I would die of embarrassment.

Kandace- Yeah, read about your mishap. I told you to get off the pole and start focusing.

Bobbi- I only have one kid and I get his name wrong on occasion. So, I guess I should have seen this one coming.
Sherri said…
Sweetie there are so many times that I have embarrassed myself!!! But never in front of a celebrity -- I actually don't know any celebrities other than the SITS girls!!
Trish said…
Oh yeah.......
Just the other day I hopped on my sons razor scooter (trying to be cool) took a little spin around the playground equipment, hit a bark chip and the scooter stopped moving, but my big girl frame did not. I was flat on my face before I even knew what happened.
The park was packed and I was so embarassed.......
I posted about it Thursday. Come check it out!
Unknown said…
Last Monday. At the movies. I totally blew the name of the movie we were going to see, except for the last two words of the title. And I ended the whole thing by falling UP the stairs...

At least Taylor didn't have to poke me in the ribs, during the movie, because I'd fallen asleep and started to softly snore. That happens, occassionaly!
Caroline said…
My first guess was Denise Richards. I'm with Jennifer P., I just want to know who it is!
Scary Mommy said…
Mmmmm... Is she only 1 degree away from Kevin Bacon?

And, oh god, I embarrass myself daily!
Tiffany said…
Not Kyra Sedgewick and Not Denise Richards.... hmmm...This lady keeps her kids and herself out of the media, so I don't think you will guess..hehehehe
Swirl Girl said…
I met , well, bumped into , George Clooney a few years ago - and said to him "You're my biggest fan!" By the time I realized what was coming out of my mouth - it was too late. Once in a lifetime shot - gone. Poof. Done.

Needless to say, I am still Hubby's arm candy, not George's.


ps- it's not a good day until you have at least one good embarrassment!
Tiffany said…
Swirl Girl, that is hysterical. You're my biggest fan.. ha!
Anonymous said…
Let's see Mrs. R....I would have to say driving away with a gas hose attached to a 15 passenger van in front of your boss qualifies as embarrissing...closely followed by that was the time I went to the bathroom during halftime of one of my basketball games in high school. There were no toilet covers so being the hygenic woman that I am, I used toilet paper on the seat. I peed, wiped, flushed and washed my hands only to have a teammate pull me aside FIVE minutes later to tell me I had toilet paper sticking out of my uniform. Apparently, the tp had stuck to my very sweaty ass. My coach thought it was hysterical. Good thing I have a backbone. I took it out right there in front of said "teammates" and received an applause (FYI: I scored in double digits that night).
John Deere Mom said…
Dude. I am not telling you my embarrassing story until you tell me who the celebrity was. How ya like them apples?
Lula! said…
I do not embarrass easily...but yesterday my feet came out from under me and I flipped upside down. In the ocean. And stayed down for another minute while I tried to right myself, but the heavy surf kept knocking me to my knees, and I was cackling with laughter the entire time. So there I was, crawling not too far from the shore line, boobs hanging, cellulite on display for God and the world. About 100 people on the beach laughed, clapped, and peed themselves with hysteria. I was one of 'em...at least I peed in the ocean.

Truly, though...it wasn't really embarrassing. I laughed more than anyone else.
Tiffany said…
Cathy, my boss? I don't have a boss... I think you mean your old boss.....
Heather said…
Nee ner nee ner nee ner...I know who the celebrity is. Yep. Super duper famous. I get all giggly when Mrs. R tells me. I don't know how she does what she does and not get totally star struck. I told her if Brangelina ever shows up that all bets are off and I'm coming to camp.
WheresMyAngels said…
This is total embarrassment and also got me in some trouble.

I was downloading comedy ringtones one day and one was titled "Not the Police", so I thought that would be cute for one of my staff (who is a young man and a pain in the bottom). I never listed to it just put it in and set it has my staff's ringtone. Well I am in my supervisors office with other co-workers when this staff calls me and the ringtone goes loudly "This is not the police, but down the BlUNT" I about died, my supervisor looked at me and said " You know your evaluation is coming up!" Grrrr

Oh and I might of spelled Blunt wrong, I'm not up on the latest drug code words. lol
Manager Mom said…
When HAVEN'T I embarassed myself lately, is probably the more accurate question.
my2boyz said…
Too funny. I grew up in CT and there were alot of stars that lived by us, including Dustin Hoffman who I almost ran over with my parents mini van! he was jogging and I was playing with the radio. OOPS! My guess for the star is Felicity Huffman. Will you tell me of i am right? She has 2 girls and is on a TV show and her hubby is an actor!!!
Actually, yes. I got my finger jammed in a dressing room door while in my underware. And then I had to go back for a return the next. AND they remembered me.
Jennifer P. said…
Would the television series be/have been a DAYTIME television series by chance? Would she be a LR and her husband an HH? No, wait, they're not A-list enough. Man!--this has got me stumped. Can I at least have hair color and network that the show is on?
John Deere Mom said…
My threat didn't even scare you into telling?! Man, you are a tough cookie!
-Bridget said…
I embarrass myself daily. It's just a question of how many people are witness to the ebarrassment that changes. Thank goodness I blog now. That way I can make sure I consistently make an arse of myself in front of a large audience for public viewing pleasure (large meaning all eight of my readers).
Mama Dawg said…
I so rarely embarrass myself. Not to say that I don't do horribly embarrassing things, but because I do them so often, I don't get embarrassed anymore. It takes A LOT to get me red in the face.
Anonymous said…
You are now officially the coolest person I know! I know all those people on that list you "anonymously" sent my way do nothing but look beautiful on a screen and play pretend---but still, there's something real behind all the "star power"! And YOU KNOW you're gonna have to tell me what episode of Growing Pains that was so I can look it up on You Tube!!! I've only ever seen a photo of you wearing beer glasses, but I might recognize you!

And now I have to post as anonymous so I can seem all cool and aloof too :)!
Anonymous said…
Hmm...not since my emBAREASSing moment at the middle school last month. Tonight, when my son was dropped off after work by a girl that he likes (but isn't dating yet), I managed to keep the drunken neighbor guy from approaching her car before she could leave, thus preventing a very embarassing moment for my son. Come to think of it, he owes me now!
sparkled*life said…
LOL this was too funy! I have one for you. I got dressed up to go to my handsome hubbys fireman's ball. I bought a new outfit and was feeling extra HOT. I mean a night with no kids how awesome is this! So I get dressed with kids tugging at me. Trying to get my last bit of attention as I go out the door. We go and have a wonderful evening. At almost the end of this glamorous event my husband puts his arm around me and I realize there is something scratchy on my neck. Panic strikes as I remember the price tag flashing before my eyes as I was getting dressed with a kid on clung to my leg. Yeah I went through a black tie event with a big price tag shining through the sheer dress! So embarassing! I wanted to crawl under a table!

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