Friday's Fab Five

Since last weeks, Fab Five was such a hit and I got to know so much about you just by your "hot leading man" selections, let's continue, shall we?

I love me some music.  This time I want to know your top 5 songs...of all time.

Here are mine, in no particular order:

1.  "Sweet Home Alabama" (Lynard Skynard) - I swear I am supposed to be from the South.  The food, the accent, and, this freakin' song.  I LOVE it.  Makes me dance every time.

2.  "Hey Jealousy" (Gin Blossoms) - Always reminds me of high school, and has the best line ever, "If you don't expect too much from me, you might now be let down."

3.  "When I Get Where I'm Goin' " (Brad Paisley & Dolly Pardon) -  "I'm gonna walk with my grandaddy, and he'll match me step for step. And, I'll tell him how I've missed him every minute since he left.  Then I'll hug his neck." (gets me all choked up...)

4.  "Shook Me All Night Long" (ACDC) "Knocking me out with those American thighs."  Enough said.

5.  "Walking in Menphis" Marc Cohn - So definitely a "Southern Places I've Never Been" theme going on.  For me, "Tell me are you a Christian, child?  I said, "Ma'ma I am tonight."  I have seen him in concert 4 times.  When the whole audience sings this part, it's amazing.

Start sharing.  Now.


Missy said…
Yep, Fab 5 was a big hit. Your's are excellent!

1) True Companion - Marc Cohn. It was our wedding song, and has the most beautiful lyrics that I've ever heard.

2) Least Complicated - Indigo Girls. All about looking back at the choices you've made throughout your life only to realize that you should have gone with your gut.

3) You Can Do It - Ice Cube. This is a "suck it up and just get over your whining" song and a great motivator during workouts. Works every time!

4) PYT - Michael Jackson. You know, before he became white. This ones all about college w/ my girls.

5) Cotton Eye Joe - Rednexx You MUST dance to this song. It literally makes me want to grab someone's arm and swing around. The bad-taste music police are arresting me now.
Heather said…
Oh, gosh, this is a hard one. Not because I'm not over the top freaky about music, but because I just have to pick five! And they're always changing. Okay...

"Dancing Queen" by Abba - My theme song.

"You're Here" by Sixpence None the Richer - keeps me grounded.

My girls each have songs dedicated to them:
"Yellow" by Coldplay
"Sara Smile" by Hall & Oats
"Realize" by The Flaming Lips
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond

PB's song is "Cowboy Take Me Away" by the Dixie Chicks.

"Landslide" by Stevie Nicks

I could go on and on....
I have too many to name. Here is what I can come up with today...but tomorrow may be something totally differnt:
"Jeremy" by Pearl Jam
"Home" by Marc Broussard
"Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven
"Galileo" by The Indigo Girls
Anything by Abba. Do I have to choose? How about "Waterloo." My girls know all the lyrics to Abba songs. I'm raisin' 'em right :-)
Maternal Mirth said…
AC/DC's "Shook me all Night Long" is definitely in my top five ...
Amy said…
I feel the same way, tons to pick, but here are a few I never get tired of:
Badfish Boss DJ- Jack Johnson version
Carey- Joni Mitchell
Tangled Up In Blues- The Whitlams
Jesus Etc..-Wilco
Amen- Kid Rock
KatBouska said…
Ok I'll answer this one later...your crackin' the whip comment has be laughing over here...did you see the comment I left on candid carrie's blog?? On the post about the money jar?? Let's just say you got a little "shout out". :)
Lula! said…
Only 5? But my list is 17 songs long. I can't do just 5.
"Last Goodbye"--Jeff Buckley
"Consume Me"--DC Talk
"Martha, My Dear"--The Beatles
"If You Leave"--OMD
"In Your Eyes"--Peter Gabriel
"Songbird"--Fleetwood Mac
"River Deep Mountain High"--Tina Turner
"Song for the Asking"--Simon & Garfunkel
"Bye-bye Blackbird"-Joe Cocker
"Captivate Us"--Watermark

There's 10. I cheated. I know. Sorry. At least I didn't do all 17.

But girl...Gin Blossoms were the soundtrack of my senior year of high school. FOR REAL! And "You Shook Me All Night Long?" That's just good rockin', plain and simple.

Finally, while I'm from Georgia and live in Virginia, "Sweet Home Alabama" is THE southern anthem. It ain't a good time 'til someone cranks this up and we're all going, "Awwwwwwww, yeah!"
For Today their;
1. Kung fu Fighting!(It's running in my head!)
2. Long Black train- Josh Turner
3.Evan Essence_ sorry can't think of the name!
4.Your Baby girl- Sugar Land
5.AUGH!!! I like So many!
Anonymous said…
1. Folk Song - Sundays (this song always takes me to a happy place)
2. Sarah Mclachlan - Push (makes me think of my hubby)
3. Ben Folds - Anything
4. Taylor Swift - her whole album (I think she's adorable, saw her in concert)
5. The Dixie Chicks (also saw them in concert - can't help but love those girls)
and I have to give "props" to Michael Buble! Heck yeah baby!
Debz said…
Top 5 songs:

In no particular order

1. Always and Forever (Heatwave) - this takes me back to the high school dances. always the last song they played

2. Love Child (Diana Ross and The Supremes) - to me one of their "strongest" songs - I love me some Diana

3. You look Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton) - Just an awesome song

4. I just got started Lovin You (James Otto) - deep voice, country song, makes me wanna ... (never mind)

5. The Song Remembers When (Trisha Yearwood) - cause everyone has a paricular song that takes them back to a certain place or time (I have several, but I am a music freak)

That was fun!!
LOVE THIS ONE,,, and seems we are the same age,, your number 2 reminds me of high school too.. his name was Rick.. Ahh, the good days.
1. Sammy Hagar - Plain Jane. always makes me feel better about just being me.
2. Willie Nelson - Georgia. Reminds me of my dad..
3. We will Rock you - Queen.. ya Dua! it's a must have (Admit, your singing it now and claping your hands)
4. Hourglass - Squeeze.. reminds me of a summer I spent with my sister in Seattle..
5. Tainted love - Soft Cell - Cuz... some times, I feel I've got to (bum bum) get away!
Insane Mama said…
I am SO retarded when it comes to remembering names of songs..
How about bands?

The Eagles
Stevie Nicks
Indigo girls
Lynard Skynard

In no order :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, I love this, but 5? That's hard.

I have to steal a couple because, well, I agree:

1. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynard Skynard: I was in the Army and when we were out in the field during training we cranked this in the humvees while we were riding through the woods. I just felt invincible.
2. Tainted Love - Soft Cell: reminds me of the 80's...I love 80's music.
3. Pinball Wizard - The Who: I love The Who and this song is just fun!
4. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen: Come on, you know you HAVE to sing it when you hear it!
5. Running to Stand Still - U2: I had to get U2 in here because I LOVE me some Bono. This is one of my favorite songs by them.
Swirl Girl said…
can't [pick just 5 songs...but I will try to pick just 5 albums (yes- albums a.k.a. vinyl )that I could listen to over and over again without being bored

1) Moondance -Van Morrison
2) Graceland - Paul Simon
3) Katy Lied - Steely Dan
4) Celebrate Me Home - Kenny Loggins
5) Moonflower - Santana

am I showing my age here???
Swirl Girl said…
can't [pick just 5 songs...but I will try to pick just 5 albums (yes- albums a.k.a. vinyl )that I could listen to over and over again without being bored

1) Moondance -Van Morrison
2) Graceland - Paul Simon
3) Katy Lied - Steely Dan
4) Celebrate Me Home - Kenny Loggins
5) Moonflower - Santana

am I showing my age here???
Swirl Girl said…
sorry for the double post...
senior moment there

sorry for the double post
senior moment there
Jennifer P. said…
You remember how I like older men? Yeah--I like a lot of "old people" songs too. I think maybe I was meant to be born 30 years earlier.....

1.Lullabye of Birdland by Mel Torme'
2.Let's Face the Music and Dance by Diana Krall
**I could go on in the old people genre' a little longer,seriously--there'd be Doris Day and Frank Sinatra and Rosemary Clooney-- but I do like some sort of more recent stuff too...**
3. Shut up and let me go by the Ting Tings
4.Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
5.How Many Times by Erasure---that man's voice is like buttah I tell you!
Jennifer P. said…
oh--and I got your new URL and your new secret identity name all up and going....

But of course the more people that go incognito like this, the more I worry.....
Unknown said…
In no particular order...

'Let the River Run' - Carly Simon

'Rivers of Babylon' - Boney M (and othwes of theirs including 'Belfast', 'Ma Baker', 'Rasputin', etc)

'Slice Of Heaven' - Dave Dobbyn and Herbs

'Friends in Low Places' - Garth Brooks (and most of his other music)

'You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth' - Meatloaf (and most of his other stuff)

'Poi E' - Patea Maori Club

Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Troggs, Bob Seger, Three Dog Night, Alabama ....

just thinking of what I have on my MP3 player :-) Anything that has a good beat that i can exercise too..
Connie said…
I gotta think on this one for a while ~ may turn into a entry on my blog. I mean just 5! Music is like gardening for me ...
Lex the mom said…
Very cool idea today! I love so many songs this will be difficult. These aren't in any particular order.

1.Dreams to Remember - Otis Redding. I just love this song & can never hear it enough.

2. Joey - Concrete Blonde. This song has so much memory attached to it - from a time in my life when everything seemed nearly perfect. (I also love Tomorrow Wendy off the same album - creeptastic!)

3. Any song by Breaking Benjamin. I absolutely love this band - FOREVER! Something about the voice & the music. It's insanely sexy to me.

4. Stay - Shakespeare's Sister This song is another one tied to some good memories - around the same time as I loved the song Joey.

5. Sarah - Fleetwood Mac This song has a immense amount of sentimental value to me & I don't think I will ever tire of it.

5. (tie) Any song off of Pearl Jam's Ten album.
Lex the mom said…
I have to add that I love all of Finger Eleven's music, too. Have to give honorable mention to Depeche Mode & New Order. Will always love those 2 bands, too! I'm a music freak...
Perksofbeingme said…
1. Carolina Girls (General Johnson)- I love beach music. I'm a tried and true southern girl, and nothing makes me happier than shaggin' the night away

2. Save the Last Dance for Me (the Embers)- my favorite beach song of all time

3. Hotel California (Eagles)- I love the classics too. And this is a favorite

4. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles)- ok, I should actually say ANY song by the Beatles.

5. Old Blue Chair (Kenny Chesney)- Love love love any song of his.

Wow, this was hard to choose 5, and I'm sure if you ask me in an hour, my answer will change. New reader to your blog and I love it!
Anonymous said…
Only 5? Holy dang, this isn't going to be easy... in no particular order.

1. Freebird - Lynyrd Skynyrd; Supporting the Southern Rock!

2. Dreams - Fleetwood Mac; Because Stevie Nicks rocks my world.

3. Over the Hill and Far Away - Led Zeppelin; my favorite song to 'air guitar' to.

4. Wish I - Jem; Pretty much anything off her finally woken album is amazing.

5. Can I Get A Witness - Marvin Gaye; An oldie but a goodie and finally...

6. Anything Abba ever recorded! My mama raised me right!
DC said…
LOVE your music selections! I may have to steal this idea for a future post. :)
ro said…
Oohhh! Fun!

1. You're makin' my dreams come true - Hall and Oates - TOTALLY reminds me of the skating rink when I was a kid.

2. Roots and Radicals - Rancid. I can listen to this song over and over. Plus it's the first concert SuperHusband and I went to when we started dating.

3. Only the Good Die Young - Billy Joel. "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints...the sinners are much more fun." Enough said.

4. Southern Cross - C,S,N. My BFF and I LOVE this's kind of "our song" in a non-lesbian way.

5. Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue. I'm a huge Crue fan and this one has been the "last song" at a number of important events...including my wedding.
Candid Carrie said…
Here we go ... keeping in

1. Mrs. Robinson, Simon and Garfunkel

2. Anything by My Chemical Romance

3. Bruce Springsteen has to just stand there and I would be very happy.

Bobby Darrin, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra ... I grew up with those boys.

eclectic, right?

And free bird was the first song I ever played on a jukebox, A101 at Scenic Bar.
Mama Dawg said…
"The Rose" by Bette Midler
"Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot
"Brown Eyed Girl" by Jimmy Buffett (yes I know his version is a cover)
"Rack Em Up" by Jonny Lang
"American Pie" by Don McLean

Of course, that's just my fav 5 for today. Mine change almost daily.

However, "The Rose" and "Brown Eyed Girl" pretty much always stay in the top 5.
Sheri said…
Top five? For right this second, right? 'Cause it changes based on my mood . . .

"Amarillo by Morning" - George Strait
"Settlin'" - Sugarland
"All Summer Long" - Kid Rock
"Mamma Mia" - Abba
"Never Gonna Feel That Way Again" - Kenny Chesney

Too hard to pick just 5!

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