He was injured. Injured bad.

This video cracks me up.  Over and over again.  


Unknown said…
OMG hahahaha I have never seen that, that was too cute and so funny
my2boyz said…
LMAO!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA I think that has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen! Thats gonna make me giggle for a bit. :)
Lula! said…
This made me happy and happier.
Happy: 'Cause it's hilarious and my 1-step-away-from-pneumonia self needed some giggles. (To go with the tinglies I received earlier tonight. Read my latest.)

Happier: Because he sounds (and kinda looks) like my 10 year old nephew, whom I miss terribly, but who's coming to visit TOMORROW! And his mama taught him correct terminology, too...so I'll be hearing penis, defacate, urinate, and, most likely, anus at some point this weekend. Rock on!
KatBouska said…
Oh my gosh I've never seen this! I love it!! Now I have to go see the other ones. Too cute!!
Jennifer P. said…
Kids make the best spokespeople! I'll buy anything a kid tries to sell me :).

Loved your Mother letter too. Agree with ALL of it 100%.
Sign me up!

I'm a sucker for good advertising!
DC said…
Wow, he's adorable! And freakin' hysterical!! :)
Nichole said…
I have stolen your glorious salesman and he now lives on my blog too! Thanks~
Trish said…
Okay, he was adorable! ~ but I loved the monster/a$$ one!

Thanks for the laugh
Amy said…
That's funny. Thanks for sharing.
John Deere Mom said…
That was exactly the laugh I needed this morning! :)
Nonnas News said…
That is too funny!!!
I'm excited about SITS!! Its gonna be lots of fun!!
Suzanne said…
HA HA HA HA HA...That kid needs his own TV show.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Sunshine said…
Love it, love it, love it!

I must watch again.
Mama Dawg said…
OMGoodness. That was too cute.
LOL...he is just SO darn cute!!
SherryBee said…
heheheh, thanks for the morning laugh!
SITS sister on the roll today!
SherryB in AZ
That is hilarious. And they actually used that? On TV? Or they really don't need to. They can just post to youtube and see what happens...
Jess NBP said…
OM!! ROFLMFAO!!! that was highlarious. what a cutie.
Anonymous said…
As a high school teacher, it always makes me happy to have examples of 5 years using the word "penis" appropriately. Loved this!

P.S. We've seen the one with the little girl saying "I'm gonna kick his ass" about 1,000 times. The boys, in particular, ask to see it over and over again.
CaraBee said…
All right, that stuff is hysterical!! Now I have to go watch the other ones, too.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…

I really need to drink my coffee before I start reading posts. there are splutter spots all over the screen now. :-)
Insane Mama said…
I have never seen this one before, what a great ad... The kid was talking so fast and then all of a sudden he slowed down to say penis.
How cute is he?
Amanda Jo said…
Ok...that's the funniest video I've seen in a LOOOONG TIME! I may have to video-nap it and take it over to my blog.

I just landed on your blog and this is the first thing I looked at...I just HAD had to leave a comment! I'll keep reading...
Debz said…
ROFLMFAO! God bless the children - they are funny. Mostly with out even trying to be.

He was injured. Injured bad.
I peed in my pants a little...
Anonymous said…
Tooooo Funny!!!
Debbie said…
As Lula would say, "NUT UH"....is that an actual commercial because that is just priceless...so funny!
KatBouska said…
I know right!?! They're adorable!

And I love watching SITS take off like a mo'fo. You guys were brilliant with that idea...but who's Shannon??
Anonymous said…
I've seen this. My husband loved it so much that he saved it. Whenever we need a good laugh, we watch it. TOO FUNNY!!
Danielle said…
Hysterical! I sort of want to eat that kid all up, he is so cute!!

"You know what he de-id?"
Nonnas News said…
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving me a comment! I'm looking forward to all the new people I will meet thru SITS!! Have a blessed week!
Lex the mom said…
Awwww! He's so darn cute, too! Love the dimples & man is that a crack up! "you know what he did" shakes his head "he kicked him in the penis!" THAT really made me roll!
Heather said…
This is HILARIOUS!! Those cheeks are to die for.
Sandi McBride said…
he probably told some woman to use Tampax and have a Happy Period...that'd make me want to kick him in the...injure him...injure him bad!
lol...funny video!!!
Bonnie the Boss said…
That is my favorite video on youtube. Cutest kid ever. I can't even tell you how many times I have watched this.
Unknown said…
So cute! Love it!

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