
Every summer we move back to the town I grew up in.  Back to the one place in the world that feels most like home.

I did all my growing up in the same house.  On the same street.  Nestled safely among the same hills.

Backyard of dirt.  Then grass.  Playhouse of plywood and left over shingles.  Fire pit for the Girl Scout overnights.  Pool for lunch time swimming.

Roller skating under streetlights.  Sweet sound of Springfield.  Riding bikes, making tents, drinking kool-aid.  Ice cream truck treats.

Jumping off the diving board 100 times a day.  Snack stand french fries.

Packing up the car three times.  Fire over the hill.  The smell of smoke in Autumn.

Birthday parties, Christmases,  First Communions.  Folding chairs and card tables.

Holly Hobby bedspreads and pink canopies.  Nancy Drew garage sale finds.  Bunk beds and Cabbage Patch Kids.  Dress up clothes and Dream Houses.

Sneaking out and then back in.  Parties to clean up.  2 AM phone calls quieted by covers.

Bikinis, adventures, red Jeep Wrangler.  Skinny dipping Malibu.  Friends & Fun.

In love and out.  In school and back home.  

Movin' on for good.  

New house.  New marriage.  New baby.  

Downsizing, empty-nesters.  Thank you and farewell.  

Drive by and smile.  Breeze in the trees takes me back.  Every time.


Anonymous said…
You write so beautifully, I feel like I'm "home" too. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
So beautiful.
Now, were you writing about my life or yours? You took me back too!
Sherri said…
Those were the good old days!!!
Insane Mama said…
Those were the days!!
Oh to be skinny dipping malibu again, playing under pink canopies
Holly hobit, Nancy drew, cabbage patch... The campfires all night
Sounds too good.. take me with you!
Lula! said…
Yeah...separated at birth.

And now I'm singing Michael Buble's "Home." Sigh...
Debbie said…
Isnt' it funny how distinct those memories are in adulthood? And more importantly, don't you wonder what your son's memories will be of his childhood? Gives you pause to make sure he grows up with those same simple pleasures doesn't it.
leezee52 said…
It sounds like the Ya Ya's...so cool!!!!
polkadot said…
what seemed ordinary was extraordinary, we just didn't know it yet. I was born in 68, were you??
Kells said…
Wow. Now I miss home. 8}
Shannon said…
my parents still live in the house I grew up in. I will be devistated if they sell it someday.

Great post! Makes me want to eat come macaroni and cheese or something!
Heather said…
I love that your memories of home are soooo warm and happy. Hey, your sister has a fire pit in her backyard...I wonder if I could convince her to relive her girl scoutin' days. A Galactic camp-out would be BRILLIANT!
Scary Mommy said…
You're making me so homesick for my hometown!!!
Anonymous said…
I moved a lot as a child...but I love those little moments...songs, smells, whatever, that bring those days up front and was over like a warm day...thanks for the little time travel...
KimmyJ said…
Officially homesick - but with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Thanks for that! The Rascal Flatts song "Take Me There" came to mind.
Jen said…
It sounds like it has the makings of a great summer.
We moved so much as a kid...that I don't think I have a hometown. I am hoping that my kiddos will have those kinds of memories as I never intend to move again!
Anonymous said…
I am sorry to gatecrash your blog, but I wanted as many mums to read this story about a 26-year-old leukaemia sufferer who is writing an online diary with one aim - to save others.
It is so utterly moving and, for any mum out there, totally heartbreaking.
He only has weeks left to live - I just thought it would be nice if he received all the support he could get from us mums out there.
Anonymous said…
T- You made me cry! That is home to me too and I was so sad when my family moved away! What a beautiful post!
Anonymous said…
Nothing can ever replace those carefree days spent as a child! Don't leave!!!!!
Heather M.
Jennifer P. said…
Well, Mrs. R--it appears you're quite a poet too :)!
Gosh, you are going to make me cry. We have a lot in common in our childhood!

Danielle said…
Holly Hobby, Nancy Drew, Cabbage Patch Kids, playhouse, plywood, streetlights, kool aid, I'd add the smell of Coppertone sunscreen in there-

Why is it the good, long ago memories can make ones chest tighten with nostalgia?

This brought back some summers for me.

Rhea said…
Hometown memories are amazing. I love that you "move home" every summer. What a wonderful, continued legacy you're carrying on for your kids. Creating more wonderful memories!!
Alison said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful childhood!
scargosun said…
I love your writing in this post. I can feel the breeze in the trees the whole time. I am going to come back again and read it when ever I am stressed to relax me. :)
KatBouska said…
I love this! My hometown brings back those same feelings. It's nice to sit and remember sometimes. Then you come crashing back to reality and realize you wouldn't go back for all the money in the world...why is that?
LaQuintamomof3 said…
I get those same feelings when I go to the westside.
Missing the beach terribly.
Enjoy, beautiful writing.
CaraBee said…
Oh, I wish I could go back to those days. And not just because I was super skinny then and could eat whatever I wanted without a care in the world...and did. I hope I can give my kids the same kinds of memories.
Sunshine said…
I absolutely loved that! It makes me want to go home. Or drive by it.

So nice.
Unknown said…
Ahhhh ... your post reminds me of Matamata, NZ. I wasn't born there, but it was the rural town that I grew up in.
Finding Normal said…
I moved a few times, and don't have a hometown anymore since my parents now live somewhere I've never lived, but that brought so many summer memories crashing back. I love summer!
Pauline said…
I am home. Never moved but as mile away.
But you just made me wish I hadmoved so I could have something like this to look forward to.
Sneaking out and then back in ...that was my FAVORITE PART.
Candid Carrie said…
It must have been really nice have electricity when you were a child. We had to wait for it to be invented. Hell, I went to high school with Nancy Drew.
-Bridget said…
What a sweet tribute to home. Makes me wish I had someplace to remember so fondly on as well.

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