So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half. Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched. For the first time ever. He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid). He struck out two batters and only hit one. (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.) Is he adorable or what? I know this event is inconsequential to most of you. But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left. And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.
There you go.
Lula- BFF all the way. That is how we roll.
Tammy- I am on my way!
Now I am off to read the top 5 thingy below here. Thank you for all of this & SITS! Fab idea!
Heather's mom
You had me at The.