The new SITS Recipe Site is up and running!  Go check it out!


Sherri said…
Yeah I am so excited about the new site!!! I have the link posted on mine!!!
Jenn said…
I must thank you for leading me to the SITS site. Blogging is so much fun.

Unknown said…
Already did, at about 11.45 or 11.54 last night. It looks awesome. Great work Shannon!!
Lynda said…
Great new site - I'll be linking!
Scary Mommy said…
Looks awesome!! So fun!
KimmyJ said…
Can I get a woot woot?
Swirl Girl said…
you guys have outdone yourselves in the super mom department...

Now we are all going to be expected to cook, too??

(kidding! I love to cook)

ps- could I do a SWIRL (simple wine information for real life) for your site?
Unknown said…
Great! If've been waiting for this site.
Aunt Julie said…
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Apple Joos said…
The banner is up and I'm ready to go!
Rhea said…
It's look great!! Nice design, so warm and inviting and SAUCY!

You gals rock!
Debbie said…
I love it and I'm already sporting my new button!
Lula! said…
SITS buttons are the new must-have accessory for any blog of distinction.

I'm phoning InStyle now to get them in on our fabulousness...
Aunt Julie said…
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Jess NBP said…
awesome I sure will check it out. yeah not very many ppl showed up.. and I kind of figured that but it was still fun or at least *I* had fun.. LOL seein as how i'm a lightweight drinker.
WheresMyAngels said…
Well this is one site I will have to forgo, as I do not cook. That would probably require a stove and kitchen counter space, neither of which I have.

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