Laugh Out Loud- PG 13

Since I am crazy busy I thought I'd pull out a re-post... this is one of my favs...enjoy.

I do have a good love story, but it's full of drinking and good lovin' and Barry Manilow songs and stripper bars and is totally and wildly inappropriate.  So we will pass on that for now, but I can't promise I won't hit some kind of writer's block one day and spill every dirty detail.  But for now, it's staying back in the past where it belongs.

I do, however, have a story about a crazy lady.  Those are always good, right?  Well, right or wrong, here we go... (oh, one more thing.  I am going to try to make this all cliffhangerish, so play along and beg for more...)

So, you know how some names are ruined forever?  Like "Mikey", cause the boy in second grade who had a booger collection and smelled like feet was named "Mikey".  Or "Amber", who played "6 minutes in Heaven" with the boy you thought you were "going" with AND went WAY further with him than you EVER would have?  

That's how I feel about "LOL".  My life would be easier if I could just type those 3 letters to let you all know I think you are funny.  Can't do it. It's been ruined.  Taken from me like a favorite toy.  Gone.

None of you did it.  This happened during my "pre-blogging" life...(when I used to take care of my family and shower.)  It was a crazy lady who ruined it.  And, now, I am left "lol-less", refusing, just to spite her, to ever use it again.  

It all began innocently enough.  I was new in town, and looking for some local friends.  I thought the internet would be a great place to start, and I opened a women's book club on a local meet up site.  

It was a day I would live to regret.  FOR.EV.ER (Sandlot)

© 2008 The R Family Diaries. All rights Reserved.


Candid Carrie said…
Uh oh, are you going to tell the story about how you stole Candy Man away from me?
Amy said…
Ok, Keep going. I'm with you on the LOL thing. I feel the same way, many times I am laughing but just can't bring myself to type those three letters. Sadly, I don't have a good story to go with it though.....
KimmyJ said…
Ahh, so you are planning to ruin LOL for all of us are ya? Bring it on sista.
Heather said…
OOooooo...nice cliffhanger, sis!! KEEP GOING! Why, oh why was it a day you would regret I love how you compare LOL being ruined like names of people. Classic.
Jill said…
UGH! I hate cliffhangers! I wanna know NOW
Debz said…
Oooohhhh, A cliffhanger - cant wait to see what happens next!

Anonymous said…
I love suspense....ooohhh....
Lula! said…
Girl. No you dih-unt. I may have to break up with you, too...which is what I do with Insane Mama and Heather every time they leave me dangling over a cliff. But then they get back to the story and I accept them again with loving arms.

I don't use LOL because it has 2 L's in it, and we all know if it's gonna have 2 L's, it's gotta be LULA!!!!! Do you love how I try to make it all about me?
Mama Dawg said…
OH NO, not you, too!

Man, I'm already hooked (anything having to do with crazy people hooks me).


Begging for more!
Jen said…
Great start, interest has been peeked. Can't wait to read more.
Looks like you just perfected the dangle. I'll be back. I want to hear about crazy lady.
Cecily R said…
Its already ruined for me, so story away!!! I can't use it. I don't think I ever REALLY have actally.

I love crazy lady stories!
Sunshine said…
Geez I have *nothing* else to do! ;P

I will never have to go to Barnes and Noble again.

Seriously...get to writing.
Anonymous said…
I can't use LOL because I keep thinking it SHOULD mean "lots of love". So it never makes sense to me. Go on....
Heather M.
Insane Mama said…
LOL stinks
I want to hear about the love, and Barry Manilow.
OK, and the crazy lady, wha happened?
Anonymous said…
I'm am trying so hard not to pee my pants right now.

Ladies, she was, (and probably still is), CRAZY. She killed LOL. Beat it to death. And than brought it back to life and killed it again. If she were really laughing out loud that much she would have hyperventilated and passed out.

Maybe hahaha replace those 3 letters?

thanks for my morning chuckle and a trip down memory lane.

Anonymous said…
Oh, I'm so glad you decided to do a cliffhanger story...I love these!

More more more.....
Anonymous said…
Oh, I can't wait to read on!!!!!!!
Rhea said…
You, Insana Mama and Heather are driving me nuts with these stories full of tension. You leave me wanting more though, that's for sure. You're building good suspense...
scargosun said…
oooooooo! I am intrguied! Do tell more!
Sherri said…
OH!!! More please!!! I could totally write a story too --- but mine would totally be high school!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
woo hoo. nothing better than a crazy lady story.. This could be the best one yet.
Apple Joos said…
I say LOL... I hide my head in shame. I try really hard not to, but sometimes it will squeak out and I won't realize I typed it until I've already hit send and can't go back to edit. I hate, hate, hate LOL. Nine times out of 9... they're really NOT laughing out loud.
Swirl Girl said…
LMAOROTF ....I think it means something 'texty' .

I am just getting used to this and gotta learn yet another flippin' language!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
please oh please... don't stop! I want to know more!
Debbie said…
I'm with you on the LOL thing for a different reason. I don't like text ebonics, as I like to call it...It's stupid.
Debbie said…
Oh and please get on with the story...I'm getting grayer by the moment with all these cliffhangars!
Alison said…
I've been wondering what the story was since you mentioned you don't use LOL. Now I only have to better not be long!
KatBouska said…
Aren't these kinds of posts fun. It prolongs the agony AND gives you a good two to three days of easy blogging. Good stuff.

ps I hate LOL and ROFL...I'm trying to get over it because I see that it is widely accepted...but I can't bring myself to do it. I have a hard time writing LOL if I'm not actually laughing out loud. Maybe it's the English major in me who has to find just the right words to express my emotions.

LOL would be WAY easier.

Can't wait to read more!!
John Deere Mom said…
I don't know how much more stress and suspense I can take in my life. Between Heather and stupid Billy, Insane Mama and even more Insane you and LOL. Not sure I can handle it. You just might drive me to drink. Oh wait. That's already been done. Okay...go for it!
Connie said…
Just when I thought I didn't need botox here goes the stress lines and the '11's'! Great ... you are all gonna owe me for the botox.
Jennifer P. said…
Yay! More cliffhanger stories! Can't wait to hear it---and I'm not even pretending :)!

Ah---days when I took care of my kids and showered. Such ancient history.....
Jennifer P. said…
And the idea of your crazy love story made me LAUGH OUT LOUD---see I just burned an extra .2 calories by typing the whole phrase out.

Except, of course, I usually do not laugh out loud---just inside my head.
Unknown said…
You got me... I am hanging on... what did CRAZY LOL do???
Lex the mom said…
Ooh! I look forward to reading the why! I'm not fond of LOL either, but sometimes for the purpose of efficient commenting, I will use it. I more commonly use those text speak abbreviations when texting or IMing.

Speaking of Grammar...why does the song say "I before E except after C"? Look at efficient? It is spelled right! When my mind stumbles on things like this, it's necessary for me to share....sorry!
Ruby Rideout said…
oh no! you did not just leave us hanging like that!!


i have a love/hate relationship with lol...but i use it like it's no one's business. lol! ;)
Kimba said…
Oh come ON! I have no patience! Give us the story!!!!! ;-)

I'm serious.
Anonymous said…
Seriously...I've been waiting to find out why you won't use the "LOL"...You've metioned it tell us.
Sydney said…
Okay, I'm hooked. I'll be waiting for an update...
Teri said…
Love your straight to the cliffhanger story. I will definitely be back.
I have a problem with my -ex's wife's name - same as my sister's first name (which rhymes with mine) with my same middle name. Eewwww!
Teri said…
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Teri said…
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Teri said…
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Teri said…
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Teri said…
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my2boyz said…
A cliffhager? I will be back "hear" the rest of the story.
CaraBee said…
Great beginning! Can't wait to hear the rest! I am totally down with the LOL thing.
Cristin said…
I have never, and I mean never... you can check some groups, blogs, emails...never used LOL...I don't hold it against who choose to use it... but I can't bring myself to type those three letters...if you're funny enough I'll tell you... I'm laughing my freaking ass off....
Maternal Mirth said…
FOR.EV.ER! Don't you just love that kid's face when he says it?

Ok, hangin-on-edge-of-seat...
WheresMyAngels said…
I read this story from the last post to the Opps sorry.

Please get a writers block, I want to hear the sordid details.
I can't find the rest....where is it? I'm dying to hear how the story goes!
I love that you referenced the Sandlot. I find myself thinking of that movie during odd times of the day. We also have a "Beast", he looks just like the dog on the movie, only ours is still a puppy and couldnt catch a ball in his giant mouth to save his life.

Waiting on the edge of my seat to finish reading...
TheHurt said…
In all honesty, I don't mind the overusage of LoL when in bloggyland or t'internet in general. What really creeps me out when people use it in real life. I mean, actually say LOL (with a completely straight face) rather than, I don't know, LAUGHING.

Anyways, where's the rest of the story?! I HATE cliffhangers! (LoL :D)

Luv Luv

April Greer said…
I didn't even know what those 3 letters meant 3 months ago...
April Greer said…
I didn't even know what those 3 letters meant 3 months ago...
I know the lol is overused, but it's become sooo annoyingly (is that a word?) dorky, it's almost funny. What else could be used in place of it besides lmao? Maybe you can start a new kind of lol? Please continue with your story, I bite my nails off during cliffhangers!
Heather said…
Okay, you quoted the Sandlot, which is the best baseball movie of all time.

I love you now and FOR.EV.ER.

And I still remember the book club crazy lady story. Have we been together that long? Wow!
Try LMBO instead!

Following your beautiful blog, stopped by from SITS ;)

Doodles said…
I am new but boy I am going to have to keep coming back to find out what happens... how does this turn out?? how was it ruined. Then again I might be a crazy lady that ends up making all of you hate ... because I know I use it way to much... sorry I am horrible at punctuations and my brain really does pause like that and go to different thoughts and back again which to me what thate means. I can't wait to hear more.
adiaha said…
That is not cliff hangerish! You just got started and then poof you are gone. I want more and I want it now! The commercial break is over! LOL!
Amanda said…
I feel similar feelings about OMG... but I have a feeling for different reasons....

God bless-
JosiahsMommy said…
Love your whole blog but the sand lot reference puts it over the top. Sadly my husband and I quote that move all the time. Love it! Can't wait to read more.

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