I really think that you have a future banker on your hands, or at least someone who loves to save money or at least ask for it!! Cute little boy!!!
Anonymous said…
Little Sweetie! Thanks for popping over. I clicked on the link you left with your comment (to come and add you to my reader), but it didn't work. I Had to go searching for you, but you are worth it :) (you left out "family" when you typed it) Have a great week!
Reminds me of the intro to the Jetsons... Tonight, while walking into church, I spotted some coins in the parking lot. I suggested that Kate pick them up and we would give them to the contribution... she did, but quickly dropped them... they were H-O-T! Yeah, it was 94 degrees here today!
Anonymous said…
Hee.. just found you via a comment at Maternal Mirth! I didn't realize that you have a The Boy too.
Are we gonna have to throw down for the naming rights? :-)
Have you ever seen quarters in a fountain and thought about fishing enough out to get yourself an Oreo blizzard at the Dairy Queen? Yeah....me neither.
I love random things that kids say. It's nice to know that they keep it up as they get older. My nearly three year old cracks me up constantly. (yesterday, for example, he relayed a story to his grandmother that a polar bear "ate him all gone.")
(Really, I don't know. i was trying to sound jolly.)
Anonymous said…
Ahh, a young man wise beyond his years and with The Knowledge on how to work his mummy by the sounds of it! I love those cute little snippets. You try to write them down or remember as many as possible but there are just so many.
Well, you could always take him up on his "quarter offer" and then you've gone full circle and kept the money in the family. I think that was his plan the entire time.
LOL!! That's all I can say... LOL... I'm about to patrol around your blog to see if you have a subscribe thing. If you're this funny then I MUST read you everyday.
It just dawned on me that I have had some super exciting news that I haven't officially shared! You all know how I feel about the importance of optimism and resiliency in the successes I've had in my life and how important it is to pass those on to my son. Did you know my company is named "Bright Future Managment"? Doesn't get more optimistic than that! A few months ago, I was contacted by a PR firm representing Pepperidge Farm. They were interested in interviewing me for a faculty position for Fishful Thinking , an initiative that offers parents tools for fostering optimism in kids. Now, as the director of one of LA's largest and oldest private summer camps, I get contacted to participate in all kinds of things for kids... usually, I pass, as I want to spend all my free time with my boys. But in this case, the message and the presentation was so incredible, I jumped at the chance and agreed to the interview. Within the first 5 minutes of the interview I wa...
I 'd like to start by proclaiming that I am in madly in love with my husband. In no way does this moment of "gyno-attraction" diminish his hotness and my love for said hotness. Having said that, let's begin. So I feel pretty safe in saying my OB is hotter than your OB. Okay, make that "was", because when we left LA for St. George, I had to leave his glorious, silver, stirrups. But he is worth a post. Trust me on this . Let's start with our first (and only) encounter. It was my 6 week follow up after having The Boy. My regular OB was out of town, so they assigned me to Dr. McHottie. I walked into the room with no idea of what was to come. I got undressed (from the waist down of course) and stuck my feet in the stirrups. Then he walked in. A cross between Jake Gyllenhall and Channing Tatum. In scrubs. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. I got all kinds of flustered and the conversation went something like this. McHottie : "Hello Mrs. R." (Cleverly remin...
So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half. Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched. For the first time ever. He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid). He struck out two batters and only hit one. (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.) Is he adorable or what? I know this event is inconsequential to most of you. But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left. And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.
:) Rachel
There is definitely a good future ahead for that boy!
Cute little boy!!!
Are we gonna have to throw down for the naming rights? :-)
Have you ever seen quarters in a fountain and thought about fishing enough out to get yourself an Oreo blizzard at the Dairy Queen? Yeah....me neither.
My nearly three year old cracks me up constantly. (yesterday, for example, he relayed a story to his grandmother that a polar bear "ate him all gone.")
Wisdom lives close to the ground!
(Really, I don't know. i was trying to sound jolly.)
I love those cute little snippets. You try to write them down or remember as many as possible but there are just so many.
Very cute post :)
My daughter once tried to climb into a wishing pool to get all of the coins. Smart kids :)