More from The Boy

TB: "Mom, can I have some coins to throw in the fountain."

Me: "Sure.  Let me find some pennies."

TB: "Okay.  But, I am pretty sure it takes dimes too."



Lex the mom said…
At least it doesn't take a 20. He is a wise boy. Cracks me up, too!
Insane Mama said…
and quarters, and nickles, half dollars, silver dollar... Just give him some change!
Anonymous said…
hahaha ha ha haahaa cute!
Anonymous said…
:) Rachel
Unknown said…
LOL !!

There is definitely a good future ahead for that boy!
My girls insist that only silver coins equal wishes granted...
Tausha said…
I really think that you have a future banker on your hands, or at least someone who loves to save money or at least ask for it!!
Cute little boy!!!
Anonymous said…
Little Sweetie! Thanks for popping over. I clicked on the link you left with your comment (to come and add you to my reader), but it didn't work. I Had to go searching for you, but you are worth it :) (you left out "family" when you typed it) Have a great week!
Lula! said…
Oh, he is SO my future son-in-law. Not afraid to drop serious coin in the fountain. Yeah, that's what I'm talking 'bout.
Kristi said…
Reminds me of the intro to the Jetsons... Tonight, while walking into church, I spotted some coins in the parking lot. I suggested that Kate pick them up and we would give them to the contribution... she did, but quickly dropped them... they were H-O-T! Yeah, it was 94 degrees here today!
Anonymous said…
Hee.. just found you via a comment at Maternal Mirth! I didn't realize that you have a The Boy too.

Are we gonna have to throw down for the naming rights? :-)
Jennifer P. said…
Very cute ;)!

Have you ever seen quarters in a fountain and thought about fishing enough out to get yourself an Oreo blizzard at the Dairy Queen? neither.
Heather said…
Yes, didn't you know that with inflation and all, the price has gone up?
EmBee said…
All you need say is, "Yes, but I spent all those on gas."
Sydney said…
I love random things that kids say. It's nice to know that they keep it up as they get older.
My nearly three year old cracks me up constantly. (yesterday, for example, he relayed a story to his grandmother that a polar bear "ate him all gone.")
Mama Dawg said…
That's totally my daughter, too! LOL!!!!
KimmyJ said…
One of my fave sayings:
Wisdom lives close to the ground!
Connie said…
Please let your son know I have a bird 'fountain' outside my house ...
scargosun said…
Pennies bring the bestest wishes!

(Really, I don't know. i was trying to sound jolly.)
Anonymous said…
Ahh, a young man wise beyond his years and with The Knowledge on how to work his mummy by the sounds of it!
I love those cute little snippets. You try to write them down or remember as many as possible but there are just so many.
Maternal Mirth said…
My oldest used to turn down coins, but instead asked for "quiet money" AKA bills.

Very cute post :)
Anonymous said…
That's really cute. I'm thinking future entrepreneur!
Anonymous said…
Very cute! :) Isn't it funny how quickly they learn these things?
Smart funny kid. My favorite kind.
Scary Mommy said…

My daughter once tried to climb into a wishing pool to get all of the coins. Smart kids :)
Anonymous said…
Hee-Hee. And, while you're at it, Mama, throw in some dollar bills, quarters, twenties! The boy sounds like mine!
Rhea said…
I've got some Chuck E. Cheese tokens around here that might work in a fountain...fake pirate's gold...your boy is too cute.
Anonymous said…
Well, you could always take him up on his "quarter offer" and then you've gone full circle and kept the money in the family. I think that was his plan the entire time.
Petula said…
LOL!! That's all I can say... LOL... I'm about to patrol around your blog to see if you have a subscribe thing. If you're this funny then I MUST read you everyday.

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