Riggity, Riggity REPOST!

So, I am CRAZY busy and I have to recycle.  For those of you who have been with me from the beginning (uh, like 8 weeks ago), thank you.  For those of you newer to my blog... enjoy.  Speaking of Crazy, I will blog about Shannon soon.  Right now, I am expecting like 400 children tomorrow and need to sleep.  Thank you.

Yep, that's right.. Big Lots. As in, formally known as, Pic N Save.

I have been reading your blogs and Target is getting all the love.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some bullseye...("I don't know why you say good buy, I say hello..hello, hello"). Target is dependable, bright, clean, features "designer" merchandise at great prices, etc.

But I'd like to take a moment and celebrate my favorite discount chain........ Big Lots.

Now I know what you're thinking... eeeeeeewwwwww, gross. That place is so cheap and dirty... doesn't it smell like feet and old creamed corn?

Yes, yes it does, but that's what makes it so wonderful.. no one else goes there.. well, at least no one else who wants what I want....D E C O R.

Yep I said it. My home is deorated `a la Big Lots. And, I thought I would take a moment and share.....maybe even inspire....(a girl can dream).

Take a look at this treasure....

Yep, this canvas print.. $5 at my local BL...bought 2 and hung 'm together...

Then we have this bad boy that I swear I saw on the Real Housewives of OC in Tamara's House.....

This lovely grille set me back $7... It hangs over the towel rack in the guest bath...I know, totally classy. Then, there is this beauty....

Again, I know, totally elegant.. $7.00. I splurged and bought 2.. they are on the wall along the staircase...oh and just incase you can't tell, it's about 2 feet wide.. a nice substantial piece.

This next one could by my favorite BL find EVER....

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you.. those are BIG, BEAUTIFUL, METAL, BARN STARS! These were almost missed, even by my well trained eye... sold in a set of 3 (1 small, 1 med, 1 large), the box was up high....and marked at $20. Yes, ladies that wall of stars in my entry.. $40. Shall we continue?

I have had this piece for a few years... (I actually sent this picture to Shannon when she was designing my blog.. see the resemblance?) That color turquoise and a fleur de lis... forget about it. I would have paid $40. Fortunately, it only cost me....... $7.00. Yep. Oh, and the baseballs, those weren't included..that's just my genius decor skills at work.

So there you have it. My favorite finds from a not-so-favorite store. I know Big Lots is packed to the ceilings with crap. That the linoleum floors are all scuffed and peeling. That half the picture frames are broken. That it takes an hour to find someone to get the box of barn stars off the top shelf... and that the lady who finally helps you has no business climbing a ladder....

But, if you're like me... and you love to make your home pretty, but can't spend a fortune... go, seek, conquer.

Just make sure to use that hand sanatizer when you're done.


Tam said…
Came over from Sits....Funny post because my MOM had called me tonight and told me all about HER adventure in BIG LOTS this weekend. Her and my Dad go at least 3 or 4 times a week. She even got a case of Chocolate Soldier drinks for harly anything (they are a version of YO HOO) per my MOM. She teases me endlesses about how I should go to big lots. I did go on a Mission Last week I informed her. They had WIGGLES DVD marked down to 4.00 and I her grandchild is obsessed with the DVD and I spent my cold cash of 60.00 on buying every single Wiggles DVD they had. She was shocked and then asked why I got so many DVD of the Wiggles....MY KID sleeps with the BOXES..yep. So kuddos to BIG LOTS it solved a major problem I was having here....a wiggle obsession! Sorry it was so long
Anonymous said…
I'm sold. Will be packin' up the kiddos bright and early tomorrow to give the local Big Lots a whirl...

Why do you have 400 kids coming to the house? Can I drop off mine? I mean, 3 more won't make that big of a difference, right?
Trooper Thorn said…
BL seems like just the right place if you need rattan birdhouses and 6 cases of "The Ropers" on DVD.
Loved the baseballs in the pot. I'll get my kids to sign a bunch and give them out as gifts. Christmas shopping done in June!
Caroline said…
Dang! I'll have to swoop through Big Lots more often! I have noticed that the decor section here in town is quite overrun. Maybe it needs some attention from me. Maybe our bank account needs some attention from me from somewhere other than Wal-Mart (blah). No Target in our town.
KimmyJ said…
I love me some Big Lots.
Amy said…
Very cool stuff. I don't think we have big lots out here (east coast) if we do, I just don't know. I love that turquoise vase.
Lula! said…
Honestly, I think this was the 2nd post of yours I ever read. And of course, as soon as I finished I sat down, praised God, then said outloud, "TOTALLY SEPARATED AT BIRTH!" Yep, that's me and you.
But please come to Big Lots in my area--the closest one is in Kentucky--it's worth the trip alone. I'm so taking you there.
CaraBee said…
This is the first post of yours I ever read and I knew right away that we could be friends. I totally love Big Lots and everyone gives me grief for it.
Jenn said…
Okay you hooked me ! I think we might have to do a Moms shopping day out ( w/out Kids) It sounds as if you just can't be rushed. I know we have these store some where just not right around the corner. LOL but that might just be a blessing from your discription. I love your finds. Happy hunting:)
Sherri said…
Oh We have a good Big Lots here!!! I need to go there for sure!!! Sadly my house that we have lived in for almost 7 years still looks like our last apartment!!
Unknown said…
I bought a bed in a bag set from Target last fall. I knew they had a matching shower curtain, but at that point didn't need it. WEll.. .then I moved, and i have a bath in my bedroom, and was so sad that I missed out on the shower curtain. So, one day I walk into BL to get some curtain rods. To get TO the curtain rods I had to pass through the shower curtain isle... something caught my eye... something green.. and plaid... and IT WAS THE SHOWER CURTAIN!!! FOR $8!!!! It had been twenty something at Target!!!! That was a good day... a very good day.
Cecily R said…
Those metal stars have just renewed my faith in the art if discount shopping. And my faith in Big Lots. Who cares if it smells funny in there, right? :)

Glad you recycled. Glad I'm not the only one who feels the need to do that when I am low on time and posting energy.
"doesn't it smell like feet and old creamed corn?" That's a great line! I have to admit that I am not a Big Lots lover. But after seeing your great finds, I may have to give them another try!
Rhea said…
I've never been to a Big Lots. Nothing against it, just never have for some reason. Not even sure where one is...but you now have me dying to go to one. I love your decorating style (and costs!). Thanks for reposting this, because I've only been reading for a little while.
Apple Joos said…
I LOVE Big Lots. It's sad, though, because the only one around here is in the ghetto. I don't feel comfortable going without at least three big men trained to kill. Since I only know one and trying to find others makes the police drive past your house really slow, I don't get to go to Big Lots much anymore.
Party of 5 said…
I always forget and then when I go I'm like I HAVE to remember to COME here. Then I forget again. LOL Viscous cycle.
Unknown said…
I love Big Lots, and Ross's and TJ Max and Burlington Coat Factory and Marshall's.

Those places are responsible for the boxes and boxes of treasures that will be accompanying me back to NZ!
Unknown said…
Ummmmm .. 400 kids? Do I really want to know??

As a veteran of zillions of my kid's friends descending on me .. I salute her that is about to go forth into battle!!
Anonymous said…
I worked at Big Lots....it was my first job (way back when it was called "Mac Frugal's" in our town. You're totally right about the hidden treasure!
Jen said…
I never knew but I still don't think that I am going to go in.
Anonymous said…
I love a trip to Big Lots....you gotta be willing to get a lil dirty if you want a good bargain.
Alison said…
I have gotten some good deals there --including my daughter's mattress, which has been a good one--but nothing to decorate with. At Christmas I have gotten great toys for the stockings and all the gift exchanges.
Angie's Spot said…
Wow, apparently I've been missing out! There's a BL 5 minutes from my house and I've never been there. Hmmm, I know what I'm checking out tomorrow.
-Bridget said…
Big Lots? Who knew?
Debbie said…
Ok...been here done that post many blogomoons ago. Just wanted to let you know I stopped by!
my2boyz said…
I LOVE BIG LOTS TOO!! I have found so great stuff there.
Amy said…
Holy Cow! I had no idea BL could look so good! Thanks for the great decor tip. I am always in need of inexpensive yet beautiful finds.
Jennifer P. said…
Hey.....wait a minute. Didn't I comment on this post before?....

Genius never strikes twice, so I'm not even gonna try :)!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
Thanks for sharing-- I always ove the reminder about Big Lots.
Hey, I hope you had a great first day at TDC.
Talk to you soon, I hope!
One- said…
I have found some things over the years as well, I just forget to go there. I am going to put this post in the back of my brain and head out to Big Lots soon.
Anonymous said…
T- I love big lots and think it's amazing...but yes I agree....bring your hand sanitizer! Great finds!
Anonymous said…
well, this sounds like a place I need to look into. Hmm....
Nicole said…
okay i may have to go check out big lots. my friend buys her scrapbooking supplies there and swears by it. the only thing i remember from the ONE time I went was very skinny isles and chasing kids up and down them.

Big lots you deserve a second chance.
Anonymous said…
I love your finds! No Big Lots here for me, but I do find interesting things like you have, at very good prices. Thanks for sharing those.... :)
Finding Normal said…
I found clearanced Tarjet bathroom decor at BL last week for super duper cheap--got my giraffe trash can for $5 when it was probably originally $20 at T. Woohooo!
I've fallen in love with Hobby Lobby's 80% off aisle. And Flower Factory...super super cheap!
Ann Harrison said…
I'm NOT THAT ANNE from the bookclub!!!
I'm heading over from SITS.
I have a lot of catching up to do!
I gotta say... I love reading about Crazy Shannon. And that Anne chick, I thought the same thing. 'You don't have cash for a toy, but you can bring wine'?!?
Hey, I'm all about wine, (yummy) but I'd gladly give that up for a toy.
I'll be waiting for the next installment!

~Ann (the nice one!)

Kaza said…
"Feet and old creamed corn." Thank you for that. Between you and Heather today, I am getting my daily vitamin of laughing my ass off.

It is just NOT POSSIBLE that you've only been at this for 8 weeks. Wow.
Crazy Momma said…
I'm working on redecorating my office...wish we had a Big Lots up here!!!
Scary Mommy said…
Wow. I am impressed- I've never been to Big Lots. I NEED to check it out now. LOVE the pot with the baseballs!
WheresMyAngels said…
Never been to a Big Lots, But I am a sad sad girl. I once though Pottery Barn just sold pottery. Course, now I know that it was so far out of my pocket book that I didn't need to know what it sold.

I love Sam's Club but HATE it's evil sister Wal-Mart.

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