Hi Ladies,  

I have decided to go a bit more "anonymous" and take my last name off the blog.  So, please note that I am now Mrs. R and the new address is

This is going to kill my Technorati ratings, but it will make my DH happy.  And, really, that's all that matters, right?

So, if I am on your blog roll, please make the change and if I am not, go ahead and add me....(just kidding!  Kind of.)


You have no idea the hoops I just had to jump through to find that you had changed your name! See...I do not do things by halves. I'll change the blog roll...but you need to change the link on the SITS site :-)
Oh...and because I am capable of obsessing about other people's stuff, too...what are you going to do about your header?
Lula! said…
OK. Done. Thanks for the heads-up. And from now until the end of time, I will refuse to divulge your REAL name. Until my daughter marries your son and then all my southern peeps will be exposed to the greatness that is you.

I'm just sayin'.
Tiffany said…
Just asked Shannon to change it to: One Moms Rant & Raves".

Lula! You can share my name with all 5 people in your town.
Insane Mama said…
Fixed it! What a pain!
Insane Mama said…
I meant pain for you... not me
I'm good at changing links
Just clarifying
Debbie said…
Great minds think alike. I was just taking steps to do the same thing for the same reason. I want to change my URL, but thisisthelife is I don't know what to do. I will change yours ASAP.
KatBouska said…
I've been thinking about fixing mine did you do that?? I better do mine before my big debut this monday. ;)

And did you post your "I'm changing my URL" post before you actually changed it?? Or did you just do the deed and THEN let everyone know??
Unknown said…
Was wondering why I was getting this message saying you no longer existed!!
Danielle said…
I think you should change it to Robinson, as in "Here's to You Mrs. Robinson"

Great. Now that will be stuck in my head all day.

Seriously though, Romero was a dead giveaway of a last name. There are hardly any of those around...

CaraBee said…
I did the same thing about a month ago because I started feeling too weird about having so much information about my family OUT THERE.
Sue Doe-Nim said…
Oh fer heaven's sake I hope it wasn't because of me.

I got your last name from your email NOT your blog. I'll keep talking about pubic hair if you'll keep up the righteous indignation with Tampax And you can be my MG

Which really means u owe me a mojito.
Tiffany said…
So, clearly I suck at being anonymous. I think I have cleared my last name from all four corners of the earth... getting my email you must have been confused for a minute...HA!

Mojito it is. OR maybe we can rendez-vous at the lunch truck you are so fond of...
Anonymous said…
All changed! There are just too many wierdos out there - why take the chance?
Anonymous said…
Hi Mrs. R,

Just updated my link.

Best of Luck being anonymous.

Danielle said…
Yikes! Sorry for blowing it in my comment up there. You can delete me if you need to...
Tiffany said…
Danielle, when I saw that I was laughing so hard.. seriosuly, I suck at becoming anonymous....

I'll leave it, its too ironic to erase.
Connie said…
I thought for sure I'd have a hard time being accepted without using a 'name' but it's nice to know others understand / have the same issue.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to wear shades at all times in public ... ;)
But, it may be too late I've already contacted the Feds...
KatBouska said…
Help! So I tried to change the url name by typing in my new title, but nothings working. All I have to do is erase bouska and type in something else?? Am I missing a step? Why am I retarded??
Tiffany said…
I'm thinking mamaslosinit might be taken if its not working. maybe try mamaslosinit1 or something to make it different.

When I tries mamislosinit that seemed available.
KatBouska said…
I know right!?! What other mama out there could be losin' it better than me??

Am I featured on the SITS site tomorrow or Monday??? For some reason I thought someone told me Moday...
KatBouska said…
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH....Where did my beautiful list go!?! The one with all my wonderful blog reads. WAAAHHHH...I have to do it all over again.

It's gonna be a long night. ;)
KatBouska said…
I just saw it on the SITS site. You. Are. A Genius! I swear you're my blogger mentor. I don't know what I'm doing over here. :) You're the best!
Sunshine said…
Just changed it and then changed mine. I've feeling all paranoid now. WHAT HAVE I DONE?

ha ha...(sorta)
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Mrs. R. I totally agree with a bit more anonymity! As you have seen on mine, no names of my kids or hubby are on there! Some people find my blog annoying to read, but it keeps me and mine safe from the odd birds out there!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
OK- I called you because I couldn't find you-- but I didn't leave a message because I didn't want you to think I was stalking you. Your camp husband thinks this whole blogginthing is CRAZY- whatever.
Glad I found you and I changed the link on my site too.
Alison said…
I can't believe I didn't already figure this out until I got your email. Okay, now I am subscribed to your new blog name.
Nichole said…
i must live in lalaland because i have absolutely no worries about freaks tracking me down. of course i live in the middle of bfe and have no enemies and my hubby is a bad a** cop ;P

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