Public Display of Affection According to The Boy

So we are driving through a parking lot and I see this couple totally making out.  The guy is like totally passionate, the girl, not so much.  Not like she's in danger (unless he is going to choke her with his tongue).  More like, gross bad breath.

Anyway, I say to CM, "Wow.  That is some serious PDA.  Do you see how she is like stiff and not that into it?"

CM: "Maybe it's an affair and she's worried someone will see them."

The Boy: (not even looking up from his book in the backseat), "Yeah it's probably one of those street fairs."

Ah, yes, another torrid, suburban, strip mall, street fair.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said…
You gotta love innocence :) Today my 6 year old informed me that at the party we were at the other night all the kids (8 and under) were in the room spelling out to each other all the bad words they knew. Today she was asking me what a$$ means. Fortunately that's the only word she heard them spelling.
Unknown said…
The innocence of children :-)
Insane Mama said…
Love it! "street fairs" i'm so going to use that one next time the kids think we are being too affectionate. I'll just say "it's a strret fair"
S Club Mama said…
I love that he reads in the car. Does he do that on 10 minute trips? I always did! Made it hard to know streets when I began driving.
Cecily R said…
That is AWESOME. With all the crap that floats around our kids these days (man, I sound old), its good to know that they can still be innocent, isn't it?
KatBouska said…
Awww how sweet.

Pat and I never go to "street fairs" anymore...

ps It's actually a vat of butter on top of a bag of 20 flour tortillas on top of a plstic tray of raw chicken.

I don't know what anyone would do with a tub that large of sour cream. Lord help us.
Lula! said…
And this is EXACTLY why Libbey will one day be Mrs. Romero. And also why I will say I have the greatest son-in-law in the history of sons-in-law.

I heart him. I do. I need to give him a hug. We'll call it a "street fair," and just go about our business.
Jennifer P. said…
Love what comes out of kids' mouths----as long as it's not vomit! ;)

Thanks for not giving too much about Breaking Dawn away. I really, really, really am going to read these books one day. SOON! If I don't, I'd probably write the whole stupid story myself, get all excited about it, and realize IT'S ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN! I'm good at second-hand genius!
Anonymous said…
That is too funny. I love how kids come up with these things....
How DO they come up with these things anyway?
Anonymous said…
Ok, I have to add one more thing after reading the comments. I love how we bloggers are marrying our kids off to other blogger friends. You and Lula, me and John Deere Mom...I know I've seen others too. Its like bloggers are bringing arranged marriages back! son is not even out of diapers yet!
suzspeaks said…
He's too cute! I need to find someone to arrange for Jaxon to marry!
Kori said…
This little guy just cracks me up.
I was reading yesterday (finished by the way...) and my girls were playing school with thier stuffed animals. And I heard them tell (the stuffed animals) them to stop making out. I am not sure why stuffed animals were making out in school. But there you have it. Perhaps it WAS just a street fair...
Cristin said…
That just so stinkin cute....
Scary Mommy said…
That is tooo cute!!
carrhop said…
Those street fairs--they have no shame...

Kristen Andrews said…
that is too funny, I love the things kids say! Love your blog design!
Alison said…
Too cute! And someday if anybody asks him to go to a street fair, his reaction will probably confuse them!
Anonymous said…
Oh. My. Gosh. So funny!
Candid Carrie said…
You'd better prepare him for what can happen at the county fair and state fair, perhaps even the world fair.
Anonymous said…
hahaha, that's too cute... i can just see him sagely nodding his head in the backseat, "ah yes, the street fairs".
Connie said…
Now that you're done reading Breaking Dawn comeon over and claim your award! ;)
Debbie said…
Funny funny boy.
He's just so cool and collected. Love it.
John Deere Mom said…
The nerve of those people to have a street fair in the parking lot. Little Miss loves to go not to the county fair, but to the counting fair. ;)
Unknown said…
Those "street fairs" can be entertaining - but I haven't attending one of those in a loooong time.
Heather said…
Street Fairs are fun. We like to go, but just don't get a chance to that often.
Hilarious. Loved your blog...
swilek said…
hilarious!!! out of the mouth of babes!!!:) Hey i finished Twilight...LOVED it...can i skip to Breaking Dawn or would you suggest I read the others...I am anxious to go right to the end!!!!
Sunshine said…
Hilarious! I flipping love that. Not the PDA, though I wouldn't mind a little myself, but the comment from the backseat. ;D
WheresMyAngels said…
How old are you boys???

My husband is against all PDA! EVen hand holding. On our honey moon we had the beach to ourselves and I couldn't even get a tiny kiss out of him! Ugh you think him being alot younger than me would make him more free minded!! lol
CaraBee said…
That is just the best. I am so looking forward to all the kidisms from my baby girl. In the meantime, I'll have to enjoy yours!
Party of 5 said…
Oh my lord. Where do you live that you have such an abundence of Street Fairs....LOL. *giggles*
Rhea said…
My Barbies totally used to have street fairs with Ken. :o)
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha Ha! Love the mind of a 7/8 year old!
Casey's trio said…
If they could only stay so sweet, innocent, and naive forever. Sigh.
Ann Harrison said…
Oh I LOVE it!
Fantastic!!! And Adorable!
Sherri said…
That is cute!!! Gotta love kids!
Anonymous said…
OMG LOL! That's just awesome! Street Fair! *Dies*

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