Random Crap

So, I am totally exhausted and need to post, but the Crazy Shannon post deserves all my energy. 

I am going to come back soon, I promise.  PMAC (backwards) is up and running great.  So, I should have energy (and my voice back) soon.

Thank you to my faithful friends who check to see if I am alive!  I am.

I thought I would throw out a question.  Debbie and Jennifer both recently asked some interesting things and I have one now.

I was enjoying some music in the car today.  If I could have any "super power" it would be to sing.  Like SANG.  Like, WOW, that is some set of pipes.  I am convinced that if I could in fact sing, I would be famous.  So here is my question:

            If you could sing like anyone, who would it be?

PS- I just read a great post by Hairline Fracture.  If you have kid's, it is a must read.


Tiffany said…
For me: It's Pink or Ann Wilson (Heart)
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland. Her voice is amazing now, but in her earlier work and when she was "solo" it was just amazing. So yeah, I'd rock if I sounded like her.
Tiffany said…
Vicki---THIS IS SO GOOD. I LOVE Jennifer Nettles. Her voice in "Stay" forget about it. Ohhh maybe I need to change my choice...
KatBouska said…
Probably Jewel.

And now I'm going to be thinking about this for the rest of the night and end up regretting that answer when I think of an even BETTER one...I reserve the right to change my decision...
Jennifer P. said…
That really intense chick from evenessence (and I probably spelled it wrong--but ya'al know who I mean).....or Diana Krall. It wouldn't be enough for me just to sing--I'd have to play the piano and sing songs I wrote and arranged myself. I would sell some body parts to get the ability to just belt something really amazing out. *sigh*.

And now I know why I've been getting so many hits from your blog today. Thanks for the shout out :)!
Jennifer P. said…
It's evanessence. Just put one of her songs up on my blog so I could sing along and pretend....
Debbie said…
I have always wanted to be a good singer. Alas, I'm not so I can enjoy those who can. So if I could sing it would be like Natalie Grant or Nichole Nordeman...both fabulous contemporary Christian singers. Love them both. Apparently my daughter has the gift of singing which we knew but was validated this week. She is at a music and drama camp all week, and auditioned for and got a solo singing part for the production this Friday. She is thrilled, and I'm so excited for her. My little baby girl is just growing up so fast...waaaaaa!
KimmyJ said…
Martina McBride, Faith Hill or Celine Dion.
Anonymous said…
Patsy Cline - Now, THAT'S a voice!
Amy said…
Sarah Maclachlan, Aimee Mann or Margo Timmins of the Cowboy Junkies.
Lula! said…
Oh, wow...
Ann Wilson (so I could belt out "Alone" in that upper register), Debbie Harry (of Blondie, so I could sing "Call Me," and score higher on Rock Band), and Patsy Cline...I just want to be her. And then there's Alison Krauss, Aimee Mann, Karen Carpenter, Rita Springer, Norah Jones, Carole King, Gladys Knight...

And on and on. Oh, and Lenny Kravitz...his voice oozes sex. Sigh.
Anonymous said…
Oh my...good question...I would like to sing like Cher...no wait Tina Turner...oh or maybe Whitney, or Christina Agulaira...oh if I could just carry a tune..or at least not get odd looks from people when I sing to the radio...that would be nice.
Jill said…
Probably Martina McBride. She has an AMAZING set of pipes!
Jen said…
Alicia Keys, Carrie Underwood, the girl from Sugarland, anyone but me really. My super secret wish is to have a good voice. I don't. So I turn the music in the car up really (REALLY) loud, to drown my voice out.
Anonymous said…
Christina Agulaira. I also want to be her exact same size. (Wouldn't that be nice?)
Apple Joos said…
A not-well-known woman named Storm Large and yes, that's her actual name. Check out her myspace page and listen to the song "Beautiful".

Unknown said…
Amy Grant... but I want the GOOD curly hair and for kicks throw in the Circa 1986 animal print jacket.
Mama Dawg said…
Kelly Clarkson. I love her voice. Not all her songs, but, without a doubt, her voice.
Trish said…
Faith Hill.

But only if I could have her body and her husband too!
S Club Mama said…
Martina McBride, Faith Hill, or (random) Duffy (have you heard this chick? I think she's amazing, such a different voice)
Caroline said…
I think I would want to sing like Christy Nockels from Watermark and Passion Worship. She just has such a fabuloso voice and she's beautiful too. And she married a guy who sings and plays the piano and guitar. **sigh**
Staci Loalbo said…
lol, i do sing in a band but would hate to compare myself and then be put to shame when someone says i sound nothing like them, so...because i KNOW i could NEVER sound like her, i pick Christina Agulaira.....NOONE can sing like her...NOONE!!!

oh and by the way

Hey I came up with a fun and exciteing way to fogive, and wanted to invite you to check it out and participate!!! Heres the link:

"real raggin wednesdays" http://theloalbos.blogspot.com/2008/06/real-raggin-wed-first-rag.html

and rag on sistas!!
Staci Loalbo said…
Oh and heart is coming here to san antonio soon, i am sooooo going to see them, SHE rocks, and nancy is just as cool!!!!
EmBee said…
Wow that's a toughy because I love a girl with major pipes and a growl in her voice, like Christina Aguilera... But I'd love to sing operatic tunes while I do chores around the house with a voice like Sarah Brightman.*

So since we're just dreamin' here, can I take 'em both for different occasions?

*Not to say that I haven't already done this while failing miserably.
Rhea said…
Well, if I was a guy, I'd want to sing like Willie Nelson. lol Ok, maybe not, but he has the most amazing voice if you've heard him in concert.

I don't know who'd I'd want to sing like. I wouldn't mind having a good singing voice, but I'd rather be able to paint or create some amazing visual art. :o)
Alison said…
You are so sweet! Thanks for linking to me.

To answer your question...hmmm. When I was a teenager it was unquestionably Whitney Houston whose voice I coveted. I wouldn't mind sounding like Ann Wilson or the girl from Evanessence for the power songs, but for the love songs I'd go with Diana Krall. My husband thinks her voice is super sexy, and I have to agree.
Anonymous said…
It would have to Sarah McLachlan.
Love her voice.
Anonymous said…
Alicia Keys! Pipes and piano keys (I like to multi-task)
I SO wish I could sing. Like really wish for it as a super power, too. I would want to sing like Charlotte Church.
Anonymous said…
Madeleine Peyroux - Hands down- she is amazing!
Sherri said…
Jennifer Neetels, Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill
Kaza said…
Sarah MacLachlan, for her crystal clear as a bell notes. Celine Dion for the range and power notes. Jewel for sweetness and any yodely (is that a word?) stuff you might want to do (I'm not sure I'd want to though). Lauryn Hill for soulfulness. Kelly Clarkson for that kind of gravely thing and the edgy quality that Celine can't give you on the power notes (she tries, but it comes off sort of like vaudeville or something). And I have to agree, Ann Wilson for rocking out.

But if you put all of that together, I'm sure it would sound freaky, like when they do a photoshop to show you how a person would look with different celebrities' body parts. So if I have to pick just one I'll go for Kelly Clarkson.
Swirl Girl said…
I used to be able to sing like....well like I used to be able to sing.

Now I would give anything to sing like #1 my old self, #2 anybody who can carry a tune, #3 carrie, kelly or even David Cook
Anonymous said…
Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks....she could sing the phone book and make it sound good! I agree with Martina McBride too though...great voice!
Anonymous said…
Ready for this one - Neil Diamond - I know - wierd right? think - we're coming to america.

Tracy P. said…
Imagine that--I'm not the only one who thought of Christy Nockels from Watermark. Gorgeous. (My daughter and I pretend really well though when we sing along with her.) Also Nicol Sponberg who used to be with Selah.
Sarah said…
Sarah Maclachlan or Natalie Merchant...Love them both.
Manager Mom said…
Janis Joplin. For sure!
Rhea said…
I just read hairline fracture's post and you're so right, it was a wonderful post. I loved it. We need reminders like that ever so often.
Angie's Spot said…
It would have to be Christina Aguilera for me too! Her range is amazing and she can sing so many genres very well.
Anonymous said…
Sarah Maclachlan
Natalie Merchant
I love the folky kind of voices.
Man, I ALWAYS wished I could be a singer!
I use to wan to be the chick that sang Two Of Hearts.
Heather M
P.S. I'm glad your still alive at PMAC!
Bee said…
Very interesting question and a hard one too. I cant limit it to just one singer. It is a tie between Karen Carpenter and Christina Auglara (okay I am so not sure how to spell her last name).

Hope you feel better soon.
Apple Joos said…
I just posted some Storm and the Balls on my page if you get curious!
Cristin said…
Brandi Carlile for sure.... I'm a little obsessed with her lately.

And If I were a guy it would have to be Ray LaMontagne.
Heather said…
Oh, gosh...let meeee seeeeeee...The Little Mermaid. Sure. Why not.
Anonymous said…
Ooh, if I could sing like anyone I would hope it would be like Kelly Clarkson - I love that she's got a deep, rich voice that's not to sweet/girlie.

Off to check out that book.
Unknown said…
Ummm...probably Bonnie Raitt or Shania Twain or Carly Simon orMartina McBride or a combination of all 4..

As it is, my singing makes my dog start frantically licking my face. i think it hurts her ears...

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