Thank You

Dear Candy Man,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You.

Thank you for sitting by my side while I vomited my guts up for the one millionth time  during my pregnancy and telling me you would do it for me if you could.  

Thank you for saving up all of your vacation, sick and bonding time to stay home for six weeks after The Boy was born and learn how to be a daddy.  

Thank you for loving every minute of it.

Thank you for changing diapers, feeding bottles, snuggling at 2 AM.

Thank you for giving up your success so I could follow mine.

Thank you for washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming and waking up early.

Thank you for the fishing, the baseball, the basketball, and taking him to Tae Kwon Do (you know I think that place smells like sweaty pubescent boy and I can't speak to Master Bates with a straight face).

Thank you for letting me be crazy, unpredictable and somewhat nutty.  You are and always will be my stabling force.

Thank you for being incredibly charming.  And incredibly hot.  And incredibly good at things that are incredibly important.

Thank you for having integrity and for believing in monogamy.

Thank you for making me feel like I am the only one in a crowded room.

Thank you for being the kind of man I want my son to become.

Thank you for being the love of my life.

Happy Father's Day.


© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Soulflower said…
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Soulflower said…
Sweet. Happy father's day CM, oh seasonal husband of mine! I ♥ you guys!
Cecily R said…
Oh, he sounds like a wonderful man!! Hope you all have a great Father's Day weekend!!
Debz said…
Awwwww, you made me cry a little bit...that was sooooo sweet.
Lula! said…
He will so be a FABULOUS father-in-law. Happy Dad's Day to Candy Man!
Heather said…
He really is such a great dad. Happy Father's Day, CM!!

Insane Mama said…
Feeling like the only one in a crowded room... ahhh what a guy!
Happy Father's day to him.
Amy said…
That's very sweet. Have an awesome day.
polkadot said…
well said! happy father's day, everyone!
Lula! said…
For my sweet Heather--I am working on hand-picking 4, sweet southern fellas for your girls. Then at least one of your girls will live near me, and since Libbey and The Boy will be together,we'll have have our bases covered as far as keeping it in our circle. Christmas in CA, Summer in VA, and skiing and skating in CO. See how I work things out? Everyone's happy. No need for a high-noon showdown, please.
DC said…
Awwww . . . that's so sweet!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
He really is an amazing man! Happy Father's Day to Candy Man. Hope you all will visit the desert once it has cooled off. You are pretty amazing yourself!
Hugs to you all.
LaQuintamomof3 said…
He really is an amazing man! Happy Father's Day to Candy Man. Hope you all will visit the desert once it has cooled off. You are pretty amazing yourself!
Hugs to you all.
CaraBee said…
Beautifully said!
Anonymous said…
Love this! So super sweet!
Rhea said…
What a wonderful man! It sounds like he's a good guy, makes you feel special, is super reliable and goes above and beyond. What a sweet post!
Unknown said…
What a lovely tribute to your hubby !!
Anonymous said…
Happy Father's Day CM! You are wonderful to appreciate him. You are both so very lucky.
Anonymous said…
Very nice!
KatBouska said…
God help me.

I just fell in love with your husband.
Jennifer P. said…
Clapping for you and Candyman! Yay :)!!!!
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you are one lucky girl. Something tells me, he's just as lucky. :)
Jen said…
Happy Father's day indeed. :)
Candid Carrie said…
Dear Mrs. R., I am confident that you give as good as your recieve ... I haven't seen you two in action but every once in the while there is a family that you are visually attracted to, not because of their physical appearance but because of the way they love each other. I am sure you are that family.
Jen said…
This was beautiful. Sounds like an amazing man.
Sunshine said…
He still gives you the butterflies, doesn't he?

Love it.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful post! CM sounds like a wonderful hubby and father! How lucky you and the boy are! :-)
scargosun said…
"Thank you for being the kind of man I want my son to become."

That is probably one of the nicest thing you can say about a Dad. :)
Kimba said…
That's the sweetest tribute to a wonderful man. Sounds like you've got yourself a good one.
Petula said…
Wow! Even I, in my ant-marriage/love state, was moved by your post/letter... that is so nice and wonderful. Gave me butterfly feelings in my tummy and a sense that all is right with the world!

You're a very lucky, blessed woman... and it seems like he is one lucky and blessed man!
Anonymous said…
Oh, what a great hubby!
Cookie said…
That is so sweet!
Anonymous said…
Amazing! That was beautiful. Master Bates?? I couldn't say it with a straight face either.
Debbie said…
Tiffany that was really really sweet! Did CM read it??? I hope so. Now he needs to leave you some comment love ;)
Schmerica said…
One of the best dads I know. Cheers to CM and to a lovely family!
Lex the mom said…
Awesome post! That's right to the heart of it all - sounds like you have a great man!
Staci Loalbo said…
NOWAY!!! is that really his name?? master bates?? or am i just a retard?? I havent had a lot of time to read your blog because of vaca and teeth being yanked and blogaliciousness, but now things are getting back to normal and soo far im liking you!!! Thank you guys for doing the whole sits thing!!! Yall are great!!! And brilliant!!! I did a post similar to this for my hubby I LOVE IT !!!!
Sherri said…
What a great post!!

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