Where Are They?

You all know that I am totally addicted to blogging.  And, right now, I am totally okay with said addiction.  I check that little map thingy in the corner regularly, so I can see where my "friends" are coming from.  The SITS map has significantly more flags, which I am okay with, cause I pretend like it's my blog and those girls are coming to see me and Heather....but I have a question....

Where are the bloggers from North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Montana?

It is so weird to me that those states have NO flags.  SITS gets like 1,200 hits a day.  Not a single person from those states?  Does anyone else find this strange?  Are any of you getting hits from there?  I am pretty sure those states have internet capabilities...right?

So, I am thinking a contest may be needed... to get them to come out and blog...Stay Tuned. This may need to be a group effort.


Anonymous said…
Come to think of it, I think I've only had maybe one comment from Wyoming, and that's it from that group of states. I agree that a contest is in order! I'll let you know if I think of contest ideas...
Anonymous said…
I'm not convinced that there are real people there.

Those states are just part of a vast right wing conspiracy.
LaQuintamomof3 said…
I think that the CA low desert should count- it is freaking HOT this week!
I don't think I even know anyone who lives in those states- they do sound like nice plaecs to visit though.
Glad to hear that "PMAC" is going well.
WheresMyAngels said…
Too funny that your paying that close of attention. It is funny right?
Anonymous said…
Group effort...let's snag those ladies and rope 'em in.
Amy said…
Never seen anyone from those states. I will say we drove through Wyoming last year and except directly in Jackson Hole getting an internet connection wasn't easy. There's a lot of space there. It was cool but coming from the overly congested east coast a little unsettling. I'm sure they're out there somewhere.
Debbie said…
I do have to say that I have a regular reader from Lincoln, Nebraska. It shows up on my sitemeter all the time. I was shocked to see someone from South Dakota last week. But only once. Other than that...none of those other states you mentioned have appeared on my sitemeter either. Very very interesting!
KimmyJ said…
Baby, they busy!
S Club Mama said…
I clicked on your map, you do so have someone from Nebraska! It's me! So sad....I'm here
Lula! said…
I got Wyoming covered. It's in the bag. Lemme get on the horn now and I'll get her to the SITS site.

This is how I show my love.
Lula! said…
JUST KIDDING. I am still showing love for the attempt.

She moved. To Wisconsin. Another darn "W" state. SO sorry. I tried.
Anonymous said…
Maybe we're just not their kind o people...hmmm
Rhea said…
Oh, fun, let's find people from those quiet states!!

If you're looking for me (which I know everyone is, ok, just kidding) I have a new site, new address, new look.

Hmmm...I don't have anyone checking on my blog from those states either. And I could add Kansas and Mississippi to that list too...
Unknown said…
I live with my head in the sand most of the time, so I never realized there were no bloggers from those states. Hmmm - very, very interesting!
I've had hits from South Dakota and Montana. I've noticed that some states seem to have a ton of bloggers........like Illinois. Have you noticed a trend too? If SITS sisters are not visiting your personal blog too, they are missing out! :)
Mama Dawg said…
You might have actual readers from these places but the routing from their computer gods might be through another state. I live in MS but here at work, my computer is routed through TN.

Something to think about!
-Bridget said…
I see North Dakota and Nebraska pretty regularly. The other states mentioned? Nope. I don't think they's gots internetz there. They are trying to rig it by tying a couple of cords between a few moose.

Mama dawg may be on to something. I am in Georgia and on my stat counter, my home IP always shows up at Mt. Laurel, NJ. Go figure.
scargosun said…
That is odd although, in the beginning because I saw bloggers from the mid west and commented on theirs, that is where most of my bloggy friends came from. Maybe word has not spread that way?
Caroline said…
Maybe no one shows up from those states because they've relocated to more exciting and populated places like NC. We have several people at our church from ND. Of course, why they would move to "Humidity Central" NC is beyond me. I mean, NC has a lot to offer, but why move to this town? There's nothing here. I should be asking myself the same thing since I'm here too! Hmmmm...
Anonymous said…
I once did a google search for blogs from that area. Thought it would be fun to learn about it. The result were pretty lean. I found a couple, and both of those writers stopped writing soon after.
Glenda said…
I've wondered that myself. It's ranch country, maybe there out tending the cows. Who knows.
I guess you have to get to know someone there to know if there are bloggers in that area.

Whitney said…
I just realized you had a personal blog, too! (I'm a part of SITS!) I'll come by often! :)
Nonnas News said…
I agree with Christie, we need to rope em in!!
Anonymous said…
Ok, I don't think I'm smart enough to figure out who is visiting my blog....unless they just leave a comment and tell me. :)
Finding Normal said…
Aren't they busy doing chores out on the ranch, or something? (posts the city girl in the middle of corn country!)
leezee52 said…
I just put the map on my blog so we will see if they come to see me.
Jen said…
I too am totally addicted to blogging. I just realized yesterday that my iPod touch can fuel this addiction b/c I can check my e-mail and blog anywhere. I now keep it on my person at all time.
Anyway, I have family in S. Dakota, I will see what I can do. I know she has a computer and e-mail, that is so close to blogging. What do I get if I can bring her in? Lots of lovely prizes???
AFRo said…
My internet BFF, Bad Mommy is from one of said states, and I've been working on her pretty hard to become a SITSta, but I'm sure some comment love from the gals wouldn't hurt a bit.
Scary Mommy said…
That is SO funny! I was just noticing the other day that I have nobody from the Dakotas (and shhhhh, don't tell, but I'm not really from there:))

They are the only 2 states missing. I have countries I've never heard of, but from there? Zilch!
Unknown said…
I've had a hit from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. None of the other mentioned States though.

I've also had hits from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and other countries. Taylor and I have fun googling them. Turns into an interesting geography lesson. She loves looking at the map on my blog.

The live traffic feed can bring up interesting things as well. Someone found my blog via Google, because they were searching for 'hairy feet' . Whatever floats their boat, I guess :-)
Party of 5 said…
Myabe they don't exsist. Remind me to NEVER live there. What if they *gasp* don't have internet? I would DIE!
Kimba said…
I've have a few hits from Nebraska but none of the other states you've mentioned.

Just today, though, I got hits from

Aomori, Japan
Provence-alpes-cote D'azur, France
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Victoria, Australia
Gelderland, Netherlands

I'm feeling oh-so-cosmopolitan today!
Mama Dawg said…
Kat, I'm from Mississippi and I visit your site, but like I said, my work computer is routed through TN.
Sunshine said…
My fave is to see who's from overseas.

I too pay close attention to these things. :)
Heather said…
I've often wondered about this.
Angie's Spot said…
This is a great question! My aunt is leaving for New Mexico next week. I'm hoping she'll post my blog address all over that great state so I can get some new viewers. LOL.
Teri said…
Hmm. Just checking in from Georgia where we are blog happy. Don't know anyone in the missing states, but I am getting traffic from other parts of the world. Hmm.
my2boyz said…
i got one from Montana but it was my cousin reading my blog! No one from the Dakotas, maybe they have better things to do? Like there is anything better to do them spend hours a night blogging! Maye they have crappy internet access? Maybe they have their own little blog world that outsides are not allowed in?
Tam said…
HMM I went to look at my blog and not that I have lots of hits but you are right. That is intresting!
Kaza said…
Given how long it took for my in-laws, who are in the sticks of the midwest, to get internet capability, and given the vast expanses of land in these states, they may need a connection intervention. Or it could be they're just too busy riding beautiful stallions across the gorgeous expanse of ranch lands.
Anonymous said…
I don't get any blog love from those states either... I had one from Nebraska though. Only 2 hits so I don't know if it really counts. Maybe there aren't that many bloggers in those states...hmm
Anonymous said…
we only thaw out for four months out of the year, the rest of the time the fingers are to frozen to type.

I am sure I will comment more and make ND proud.
Anonymous said…
If it helps, I am living in Wyoming right now, and I am also commenting on your blog. :-)

We do have internet here! Whoop!
Anonymous said…
OK, so I am not in New Mexico right now but I was born and raised there. Still live only 2 hours from there. You know all the aliens have corrupted their brains there and aren't allowed to read human blogs anymore. That or they are out in the desert suffocating from the heat and dust storms! Thankfully I made it out of that God forsaken state after 23 years!

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