An Apology

Dear Bloggy Friends,

I am sorry.  So very sorry that I haven't been living up to my end of the "comment love" bargain.

I know it's an unspoken law of bloggytown that when commented upon, you return the love.

I am a wonderful lover most of the time.  A giver, really.  But, lately, with pmac running my life for 9 weeks a year, I've lost my comment mojo.

I want to thank those of you who have stood by me.  Those who know that "it happens to everyone" and that I have "nothing to be embarrassed about."

When I get back on my feet around.. oh... August 18th, we will have a SERIOUS love-fest.... dare I say, orgy.  

There will be multiple commenting.  Each and everyone of you faithfuls will be left totally satisfied and begging for more.  Promise.  

Get your rest and get ready, cause as soon as I am back to my leisurely life, you're all getting hit right where you want it your comments.


KatBouska said…
We read you because we love you...not because we need you to comment back. Don't let your blog stress you out. We're not going anywhere!!
Unknown said…
Everyone totally understands.
Blogging can totally take over your life and sometimes you need to step back and have a life!
Anonymous said…
T- It is bloggy comment love is down too. I am heading to Hawaii next week and will be MIA and I don't know if I ever got around to everyone who commented on my big day...I was on vaca then too! We are all there right now!
KWolfAK said…
Don't sweat it. It happens.
Caroline said…
Mama Kat may read you cause she loves you but I'm all about the comment love!

Totally kidding. I think you're great and I did notice that you hadn't been your bloggy self, but I thought it might be pmac. We welcome you back with open arms and can't wait until Aug. 18...more comments for us...whoopee!
S Club Mama said…
even this is funny...definitely makes up for it! ;)
Lula! said…
You juxtaposed comments and sex. We were totally meant to be family. No doubt.
Amy said…
You do your thing, it's all good. We're still here.
Unknown said…
Hey, it happens to the best of us! Shit happens - that's life!
Anonymous said…
Glad to know it wasn't because I smelled or something. :)
Alison said…
Do whatcha gotta do, girl--we'll be here! was the bloggy land meeting?

And don't have to worry about your readers deserting you (at least not this one) already built a love foundation and I come back because,'re just plain great.
Sherri said…
We love you always.... comments or not!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey, everyone gets busy... we all know you'll be back with the comments. :)
my2boyz said…
Oh my word! You are busy with life and it is summer! And you have your personal blog and 2 other sites girl!! I was out of town for a week and I still am having a problem jumping back into bloggy world!
Debbie said…
No need for apologies! We aren't going anywhere!
Insane Mama said…
We're all here, don't worry about that. We can have sex when you are more relaxed.
Swirl Girl said…
Should I bring the soft music and mood lighting?

Are we doing this straight or do we need enhancments*

*whatever you consider enhancements of course...

Swirl Girl
CaraBee said…
Um, what's pmac?
CaraBee said…
Okay, duh, I figured it out. You just take care of your stuff and don't worry about us, we'll keep coming back!
Scary Mommy said…
Eh. Who has the time for that? Does anyone really keep track? I read you because you are funny and I like you. I would still read you even if you never commented to me again.

Maybe I'm just a loser like that. Comments are fun to get, but don't stress about it!!!
Ann Harrison said…
I respond to let you know that I appreciate your writing, what you share.
But I'm looking forward to the
18th! Will you have more time to write as well?
Apple Joos said…
I'm really struggling with keeping up on the comments, too. I was afraid this would happen when I was featured on SITS but it was so, so worth it.
Tiffany said…
You guys are so sweet.

Yes, I will be writing more (we take 5 months off completely) and pmac is camp (I spell it backwards to keep it out google.)

Swirl Girl... a little Marvin Gay or Berry White should get the mood.. candlight always makes me look younger...
Trish said…
oh baby, who knew comments could be so.......dirty?

I love your blog and am not going anywhere, so I'll be here when you are back!!
Tami said…
We still love you girl! We all have those days.
Kaza said…
Girl, we all go through those weeks or even months when we just can't keep doing it all. I myself am way behind on all of my blog reading (and hence, commenting), so I totally get it. But I would read you even if you never left a single comment, and I know many others feel the same. (That said, I LOVE that you love to comment as much as we do!)
Rhea said…
pmac sounds all consuming!!

I barely know you, since I just started reading your blog a month or two ago, so it's cool to hear what's up. I'm all about comment love. :o)
Jennifer P. said…
i have blogs that I read faithfully and have only ever heard back from said blogger about once a month---and yet I still read :)! Though I look forward to that comment, uh, orgy (I feel dirty just typing that word--hee! hee!), we all understand the one-sided lovin' for now!
Anonymous said…
I think we all fall short of our expectations from time to time. The important thing is to not beat ourselves up about it just forgive yourself and move on.
Finding Normal said…
That's about the time I'll be back in school and not posting as much. But you're right, we all have times when the blogosphere has to take 2nd place to Real Life.
@TiffanyRom said…
We're just hanging out waiting for you...drinking margaritas and munching on chips and salsa. We'll keep the light on for you!
Unknown said…
I read you because you're interesting :-)

It's also understandable that tou haven't been around much, as you'd mentioned that you had 400 kids descending on you at pmac.

No need to apoligise at all !!
Anonymous said…
We're not going anywhere!
Anonymous said…
Bloggy love is so hard. You must realize we have all been there and all of us understand 100%
Anonymous said…
Hey, sometimes the best thing you can do is go out and have a life--and step away from the computer. I'm trying to find the right balance. I'm right there with you!
You silly girl! Don't you fret.

I'll make sure my legs are shaved for mid-August.
Anonymous said…
That is NOT something you should worry about. (that's a really funny post about it though) It's a lot to do. It should be fun and no stress. So, I'm of the opinion that you comment when you can and if life gets in the way then don't stress because life is going to get in everyone's way occasionally.
Anonymous said…
First time over here to your site...from SITS because I kept seeing that stinkin badge on all my favorite blogs! I have loved catching up with your blog...have fun with Insane Mama...I love her stuff!
Cecily R said…
I'm with you. My comment mojo is lacking lately. I feel bad. We'll get through it. :)
Mama Dawg said…
Girl, we're here no matter what.
Mrs4444 said…
Now please don't come back in here and comment on my comment! Seriously; I'm not worried about it. To me, you read what moves you, and I know I'm not constantly throwing amazing stuff out there. If you stop by my blog, I'll know it's because of friendship, not obligation :) I have plenty of friends I don't see/talk to on a daily basis :)
Danielle said…
Been there. Maybe still there. As far as being so behind.

Don't let it stress you out! It needs to stay fun and not an obligation!!!
-Bridget said…
I totally understand this. I've been guilty of this myself this past few weeks and am playing catch up now.
Connie said…
Singing to the choir girl ... singing to the choir. I still have a difficult time finding even a few minutes to check in with others let alone post something.

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