Breaking Dawn... Finally.

Fourth book is out and I have the first 300 pages.  One of my staff knows someone....yadayadayada. 

I cannot wait to delight in all that is Edward.  And Bella.  And Jacob.

This is gonna be so good. 

Have fun this weekend reading.  Let's meet back here on Monday and share.

For those of you who haven't read Twilight.... go get addicted.  Now!


Jen said…
I am new to the series but I just got the first book. You all said such great things about it, I had to check it out.
It should be a perfect weekend, the beach, quite, and my new book. We will see.
Insane Mama said…
I'm only on the first book
Angie's Spot said…
Apparently, I'm missing out on something HUGE with this Twilight series. I'm off to the bookstore this weekend to get started on catching up. :-)
Kaza said…
What is Twilight?

Just kidding!!! Not that I've had time to read it, but thanks to you I at least know what it is. My backlog of reading is way too long already, but you all are so crazy about it I might have to get a copy and bump it to the top of my stack. I did see the author on GMA this morning...

Enjoy it!
Jenn said…
I have never heard of this series but I am always looking for something good. I guess I will be checking it out this week end.Thanks
Anonymous said…
Ok, what is the first book? I've gotta get started on this....
Candid Carrie said…
My name is Carrie and I am real.

Hi Carrie!

Alright, I bought one, two and three. Then I won number four from Shelle at Blok Thoughts and she went on vacation and I can't have the book shipped to me until she gets back from her trip.

Oh, and my name is Carrie and I have issues with anxiety.

Hi Carrie.

And if you could seriously do me a big favor and tell me everything that is in book two in an email, well that would be the greatest thing you could do for a real person.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Ann Harrison said…
You have completely piqued my interest!
I will read this series.
Anonymous said…
Friday kinda snuck up on me. I was gong reread them all so it's nice and fresh in my mind.

Where there were once fingers, they maybe only nubs by Monday.

Bottle of wine (or 2). You, me and Erika gushing while the kids run amok. Sound good?

I am number 280something in line at the library. Pray that the moms and teens in front of me will read quickly.
WheresMyAngels said…
Ugh, I have got to remember to try this series, now if i don't like it, I'm going to charge you for my book!! ha ha
Alecia said…
You should contact the author and ask for some royalty fees....thanks to you, I just purchased Twilight as well. My teenage goddaughters were just telling me about this series last week. I read all the Harry Potters and loved them....this series isn't too teenage-ish is it? And yes, I just invented the word "teenage-ish." Use it, and use it often.
Unknown said…
I have managed to find copies of the books. All I can say is there must be plenty of fans in these parts, because they're as hard to find as hen's teeth !!!!!
Tinabean said…
You know me I've been counting this book down for sometime now.
I'm going to a party at Barns & Noble tomorrow night with my daughter & I've had the book pre ordered for a few months now so I've got my wristband on & I'm ready.
I'll so be here on Monday!!!
Have a great weekend!
Amy said…
I actually bought the first of those books in the airport years ago and haven't read. I think I am going to dig it out after that recommendation. Thanks. Happy reading.
Unknown said…
How did I miss this post? I am a Twilight Mom! I read the first three books in 4 days. What a lucky chica you are. See you on Monday to discuss all that is Edward, Bella and Jacob.
Lula! said…
When your phone rings around 10-ish tonight (I'm account for the time difference while I'm in TX) just know I'll probably be squealing and crying and having a cow when you answer.

And you'll understand. You will. Because you KNOW. You know...

I'm so darn excited I can hardly help myself. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Lauren W said…
ok, Lula tipped me off, Heather got them on my list of "must-reads", and now you've put them on my "must read now"s. I suppose I'm off to purchase them :)
Anonymous said…
I am so going to be up all night tonight. One of my teacher friends and I are sneaking off to a Breaking Dawn party in another city so our students don't find us, lol.

I'm gonna be so depressed when I'm done reading, lol. I hate when a series of books is through.
Anonymous said…
Just like nearly every other chick out there I'm excited for this as well!

Thanks for the opportunity to be SITS gal for the day ;)
Heather said…
I've got PB going to get it for me at midnight! (He actually volunteered) so I'll be busy reading all weekend. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Marrdy said…
I am officially hooked on Edward. (oh, and Bella) Still working on book #3 and waiting until Adiel gets #4 so I can borrow it.
Sissy said…
Can't wait to get it...although I might have to read the end first to see if it has the ending I want. I know, I'm bad. But I like happy endings, don't hate me.
carrhop said…
Okay, I'm feeling like an out-of-it unfashionable teenager who didn't yet have terry cloth OP shorts and prairie skirts...gonna have to google this series--
Just another public service SITS performs...helping 'cool-up' the sleep-deprived and spit-up spattered!
carrhop said…
Okay, now I REALLY feel like a dweep! My oldest daughter is going down to a massive book launch for this series tonight--she has been reading these and somehow I just missed the boat---okay, at least I have a cool teenager...
I'm so jealous, and I just finished the first one. I long for Edward already! :)
CaraBee said…
I really have to get these books now!

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