Browser Wowser!

Do you see that ADORABLE Fleur de Lis up in my browser?  How cute is that?  

My SITSta, Cara, did it for me.  

It is just a little way to set your blog a part, especially when people bookmark you.

She calls 'um "blogicons" and I love them.

Head on over to her new site and support a girl.  For $10, you can have your own browser bling!


Anonymous said…
Ooh, that is cute! Did she do the S thing on the SITS page, too?
Tiffany said…
Yep. She did. Too cute. These things just make me happy.
Debbie said…
I noticed the one on the SITS page. I love your Fleur di lis. So cool! Oh and I love your quirky things!
AFRo said…
Think she could do a Fro?
Anonymous said…
Very cute....although it took me awhile to figure out what a Fleur de Lis are so fancy!
Alison said…
That's very cute! I am in awe of the people who can design blogs.
Lula! said…
I am totally getting one. And you know what I want? We JUST talked about it tonight...

I need it for my page AND my body. Just sayin'.

Thanks for letting us know about this bit of fabulousness.
Unknown said…
You're stylin'!!! As one of the Kindy kids said to me recently....
Anonymous said…
Very cute! I love your blog by the way and thank you for the comment on my blog! Enjoy your weekend!
Sherri said…
That is so cute!!
Amy said…
I saw a post a while back on how to do that. Dont remember where, but it's neat. I wish I had that sort of talent.
WheresMyAngels said…
I was trying to figure out what you were talking about too!! Kept looking all over the top of your page! But at last I saw it. Cute.

I think it would be funny to see an Afro up there Afro!! lol
So.Very.COOL! When I get home I'm going to have to get me one! :)
Jess NBP said…
That's neat I'll check her out. LOL Well when I've been needing and wanting something like that since last christmas well I'll give anything for it. LOL thx.
Heather said…
Oooh, now that is cute! I'm gonna pop on over to her site now and see what there is to see.... :)

Angie's Spot said…
Very cool! One more thing to add to my bloggy wishlist.
Tausha said…
ok-I have been terrible lately!! I know this already. If I admit it, is it ok? More easily forgiven. You know when life gets crazy crazy busy and you just don't find the time to do some of the things that you really want to do (b;pg) instead, you do things that others think that you should do (laundry) so-I wanted to say, I am all caught up on your blog and I totally agree with the awesome mission statement idea-definatley going to do. Also-yes, Edward is so not cute enough!!! Kind of creepy, but not in a good way!!
Cristin said…
Well of course now I'm gonna want one too!!
Rhea said…
Oh, cool! I've wondered how to get those...
Heather said…
Ooooo...I'm going on over there to order me a little blogicon. TOO cute!!

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