Cornhuskers in the House!

Nebraska showed up, representing big!  Here and on SITS!  Woot, Woot!

Now, we just need North Dakota, Montanna and maybe New Mexico?

I think Mama Dawg may be on to something... maybe they re-route?

Let's fill the map!  I am brewin ideas....


Unknown said…
DUH me!!! Slap myself around the head a couple of times...

Of course, Lincoln , Nebraska .. I've been reading her for awhile.

It would really help if I figured out what all the initials stood for on the US map !!!
KatBouska said…
I don't want to be rude or anything...but I am officially offended for Alaska and Hawaii...or do they not deserve the same respect or recognition as those other states.

Pat is pissed.
Unknown said…
Though your's are 'Kearney' and 'Panama'. I'm going to work on pulling 'Lincoln' into the fold ...
scargosun said…
I think there is def some rerouting going on. On some people's blogs I show up in a different part of PA.
Anonymous said…
Tiffany said…
Kathy, tell Pat, Hawaii has shown up before, so not to get his panties in a wad. Just cause his state is not part of the contigiousness (new word) they totally count.

I think someone in your Hawaii family checked me out once.. never came back.

And Alaska, I have seen them around. But the sun is out like 24 hours right now, so I doubt they use the computer.. they just want to get some vitamin D while they can...
S Club Mama said…
I think I've been rerouted to either Lincoln or maybe Missouri. Darn it.
LaQuintamomof3 said…
I don't know anyone in those states. Hope you are having a great day!
Anonymous said…
I've seen Montana on SuperMom Central a couple times...and I know I've got Nebraska and Wyoming readers (The WY peep hails from Cokeville, which sounds like the most wonderful "ville" on earth).

Can't help with ND and NM - maybe we need to hold a blog "meet and greet" in one of those states and welcome them to the wonderful world of blogging.
Lula! said…
Working on Montana...we have friends here who have (adult) children living there. It will happen. Promise.
KatBouska said…
I love it when Hawaii shows up on my blog. can take em' or leave em'.

ps Pat actually likes his panties in a wad...personal preference.
Tam said…
Hawaii has some awesome BLOGGERS! There is a link on my blog called the Farmer is a great blog!
Jennifer P. said…
i've had my map up since the end of December and have a dot on every civilized country (and some not so civilized ones..) and every state BUT NO MONTANA either! I hate to make redneck jokes, but it's kind of hard not to..... :)

You do know you spelled Montana like Montanna in this post, right? Montanna--that sounds like a hillbilly girls name. Maybe someone FROM Montana!
Heather said…
Mrs. R is VERY fancy in her French spelling of Montana. Montanna...see? Very, very fancy.
Anonymous said…
I'm Reno, NV but originally from England, so you officially have a foreigner!
Amy said…
If you build it..... oh wait, that's Iowa. Maybe it works for the Dakotas too.
Rhea said…
We need some smart IT guy/gal to leave a comment explaining the routing and tracking technacalities behind ISP's.

I got a Wyoming the other day for the first time! I was so excited!
Kaza said…
Cool. So, um, I may have gone overboard in my dorky excitement over making the Saucy blogs list, as you'll see in my post today, but I am STOKED! Thanks!!! SITS is awesome.
Kaza said…
Cool. So, um, I may have gone overboard in my dorky excitement over making the Saucy blogs list, as you'll see in my post today, but I am STOKED! Thanks!!! SITS is awesome.
Debbie said…
I had Bismarck, ND and one other obscure place in ND show up this week. Also, someone from Anchorage Alaska showed up on my sitemeter! That was a first.

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