A Decade.

In a soft white bed of down and love, he asked what her dreams were.  In a whisper, she replied, "That we walk this world together."  

This is the final line in a poem I wrote for CM over a decade ago.  Here we are, 10 years later. 

It's more than I could have hoped for.  Thank you, my love.


Alison said…
Congratulations on ten years together. I love the looks on your faces in your wedding picture--I can see how much you love each other.
Cristin said…
That's so sweet! Happy Anniversary!
Anonymous said…
Awww....what a great post. Congratulations!
Sherri said…
Happy Anniversary!!
Unknown said…
Congratulation on your 10th Anniversary.

Love the photo ... you can see the love you have for each other on your faces. You are positively glowing with it ...
Anonymous said…
Swirl Girl said…
Happy 10th!

and we're on for the 10th I think.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photo and Poem (what you shared of it).
Congrats on 10 years!
Amy said…
Happy Anniversary. That's very sweet.
Karol said…
Happy Anniversary! That poem is beautiful, absolutely love it!

*Thanks for stopping by in my neck of the woods!
Caroline said…
Congrats on 10 years strong! Love the picture.
Heather said…
Ten years...such an accomplishment in this crazy world!

Anonymous said…
Congratulations!!! And all the best for the next 10.
Heather said…
I love how you are looking at each other. Can you believe it's been 10 years? I love you guys.
Unknown said…
Congrats on 10 years! You look so happy!
Anonymous said…
Congradulations on your special day. Isn't it nice to realize that the love you shared then is still going strong.
Tam said…
Congrats! How very sweet! Thanks for the comment on my blog today!
Sarah said…
Congratulations, you look beautiful in this picture!
Lula! said…
You two are rock stars. I heart y'all.
Now that is some luv emanating from the photo. Hope your anniversary is everything you hope for!
carrhop said…
Congrats, congrats--a decade of devotion and dedication--good for y'all!

Rhea said…
Congrats on ten years!

I love the poem you wrote for him, that's way too sweet.

The picture is wonderful. I can feel the love through my computer screen. You guys are beautiful.
Anonymous said…
That's beautiful. Happy anniversary.
Anonymous said…
Ten and going strong (from what I can tell) - that's something to be proud of. Congratulations! And such a beautiful picture!
You're a poet too? Congrats on a decade. I love this picture. You both look so happy!
Unknown said…
Merry Anniversary!!!

Maybe you can help me be loverly wonderful if Mr. B and I exchange vows someday... somehow I think my roses are red poems won't cut it....
CaraBee said…
Congratulations! Here's to 10 more...and 10 after that...and 10 after that...
Ann Harrison said…
You've made me get a lump in my throat.
I love 'love'!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful picture... congratulations on 10 years together! From the way you talk about Hubby I'm sujre you're in for many more happy years together.
Jenn said…
How wonderful is that. I love thatas a final line now I want to know the rest of it... LOL It brings a tear to my eye and I am not kidding. I too have gone off and not been commenting but summer is crazy and we have a new business launching for a reginal blog. come for a visit at chestercountymoms.com . We will be in 2 of the local papers and on the news out here. Who knew the power of the blog.... I sure didn't. I will visit again soon!
S Club Mama said…
How beautiful! Happy anniversary! And I love that your dress is timeless; it doesn't LOOK like it was worn 10 years ago.
Tinabean said…
Congrats I hope you all have many many more together.
Cecily R said…
Happy Anniversary! Ten years is BIG. Here's to many many more!
Scary Mommy said…
Happy Anniversary. That is so very sweet!!
Unknown said…
How beautiful and romantic. Have a very happy anniversary I wish you many moare.
I love the picture and quote -- Isn't marriage wonderful -- Living your life with your bestfriend.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Congratulations. You look beee-ootiful!!!!
Kaza said…
Wow, what an awesome ending to a love poem. And what a beautiful couple. I love the photos where the bride & groom are looking at each other. Have a great time celebrating! ;)
Finding Normal said…
Beautiful! Congrats!
Veronica said…
What a beautiful poem...congratulations...doesn't time go by too fast?
swilek said…
gorgeous pic that captures your love...don't lose that look!!
Jennifer P. said…
Happy Anniversary! Looks like it's been a good decade! Of course, every time I see Candy Man, I think about hand sanitizer :)! You both looked lovely that day, and oh so happy!
Anonymous said…
I remember looking at your wedding pictures byt he pool as if it were yesterday! Congrats, girl...on the anniversary and for not looking a decade older :)
Sonya said…
Congrats on 10 years!! What a wonderfully loving picture!!! Although I wonder what was going through their heads as that picture was snapped...huh?!?! :)

Here's to 10 more years!

LaQuintamomof3 said…
So freakin gorgeous- both of you, because I know it is true! So ture!!!
Congrats Tiff to you and CM.
Hope to see you soon-- a trip to the desert is in order for the 3 of you when you return to your "life of leisure!"

Love you,
LaQuintamomof3 said…
So freakin gorgeous- both of you, because I know it is true! So ture!!!
Congrats Tiff to you and CM.
Hope to see you soon-- a trip to the desert is in order for the 3 of you when you return to your "life of leisure!"

Love you,
Peggy said…
Happy anniversary from another 10-year(er)!
Laurie said…
I am late.. as usual, Happy Anniversary!!
Love the line in the poem.
Maternal Mirth said…
Congrats! Your marriage says a lot about the 2 of you and what you mean to each other ... wow! 10 years!

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