
I initially wrote a post that drew attention to the negative people making drama.

Instead, I am DONE.  

Let' s move on, as I am feeling like making this blog private for those that I trust to be real.

We are gonna keep it classy over here.  

© 2008 The R Family Diaries. All Rights Reserved.


Lula! said…
I love you, Tiffany. Yes, I used your real name.
p.s. For the record, readers of Mrs. R--she is REAL. That's all I gotta say.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh - now that I've read both your post and Kathy's, I feel like I finally "get" what happened. What a mess.

Sorry you got dragged through the mud too... totally uncalled for.

Thanks to both of you for clearing this up for the rest of us!
Heather said…
I got your back, sister. I'm here for you.
Anonymous said…
Leave Jared alone!

All he wants to do is post about the fruit of his loins!
Leave him alone, I love Jared, leave him alone!
You have brought me to tears!

Leave Jared Alone!
Mom2FiveBratz said…
Technically, you started all this. Maybe you should prove who you are, the photos on your blog arent even real.
Insane Mama said…
Mrs R This sucks. I'm glad you are done with the Drama. Drama is for people that "crave" negative attention. See you soon!
Anonymous said…
Class is so much better, take the high road! I really need to go home and drink a martini after all this drama today, I felt like I was watching an American soap!!!
Can I just say that I have checked in a lot this week waiting for SOMETHING, ANYTHING about the new book coming out on Saturday... Where's THAT POST!! (speaking of classy, get me addicted to your crackluture and then not post on the 4th book!) ....
Alison said…
Yep, it's over. Let's all move on.
Anonymous said…
If you make your blog private, add me to the list, okay? I'm kinda lost on the whole Leto thing, but whatever. Trust me, I'm real. Look at my crazy picture. Would a celebrity use THAT as a disguise? R-i-g-h-t. :)
Anonymous said…
Can't stop the haters, sis. But I'm so proud of you for not becoming one of them :)

Connie said…
Whoa ~ I am not sure what's going on or rather not going on anymore because we are 'done' but just know we believe in you.
Unknown said…
Yes, best to just let it go and not play to others needs for drama.

KatBouska said…
Amen to end drama!! I am with you on that!!
Mama Dawg said…
You know that saying "Curiousity killed the cat"? Yeah, I'm regretting asking about the whole thing. It's left a bitter taste in my mouth and I regret asking or even caring enough to know.

Having said that, I AM going to forget the whole thing. For the record, I plan on still reading everyone's blogs involved as I find all of them entertaining and really, that's what I read blogs for.

On to another topic.

I'm so jealous that you already have the new book! pout, pout. I am finishing up Eclipse right now (for the second time) and am on pins and needles for the fourth. Alas, I can't get it until sometime this weekend. Thank goodness I live in such a small place. I don't have to worry about them being sold out!
I love a little drama, as long as I'm not involved in it. I think going classy is definitely the way to go. But, should you feel the need to dish, email me directly, and I'd be happy to hear all about it! ha ha. :)
Never mind. I did a little sleuthing of my own (from comments here) and I DEFINITELY think that moving on is in order. *I* was offended and I don't even know this person.
Scary Mommy said…
Agreed. I am an immature snot for even asking. Sorry! You inspired me to make a "drama free" button for my blog. I've had my fair share too, and it sucks.

Enjoy your book!! I need to get into those- they sound like something I'd love!!!
Cristin said…
So I guess now's the time to reveal that I'm actually a 48 year old overweight bald man living in my parents' basement....


I'll take one of those Drama Free buttons!!
CaraBee said…
I'm with you on the no drama. Good for you!
Anonymous said…
All this intrigue....good job on taking the high road!

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