I Write The Songs...

So I know a girl who knows Adam Levine of Maroon 5.  She is also friends with the girl he wrote "Sunday Morning" about.  I know, sigh, so romantic. And, totally hot.   (That's why it's playing on my blog.  Just for now...apparently, music on the blog isn't so popular....)

This leads me to wonder.. how many of you have ever been the inspiration for a song?  CM has written a few songs about me.  The most recent being: "She's a blog, blog, bloggin' machine. Watch her get down, watch her get down."  or "My girl wants to bloggy all the time bloggy all the time, bloggy all the time."  Cute.  He is always cracking himself up.

Anyway, what about you?  Any songs, poems, novels, sculptures, movies (and not the kind you have to disguise and hide from your kids) or paintings inspired by you?  

If not, what song do you wish had been written about you?  For me it's Billy Joel's, "Just the Way You Are."


Amy said…
I would love to have had a song written in my honor...... that's a dream!
CaraBee said…
No songs written for me, sadly. But the one I would love to have dedicated to me is "The Lady in Red" by Chris De Burgh. It's like 20 years old and I still get goosebumps every time I hear it.
Insane Mama said…
Country Roads by John Denver HAS TO BE WRITTEN FOR ME! It really NEEDS to be MY song.
Lula! said…
OK...I just told Cara The Blogicon Genius this same story...

No songs written about me. BUT...

A few years ago I did have a Bare Minerals eye shadow named after me. Seriously. For real. It was called "Starlet Leigh Anne" and it was part of their fall glamour collection that was featured on QVC, Sephora, etc. Leslie Blodgett (the Bare Escentuals wonder woman) called me at home, not once, but twice to discuss this with me. And then there I was--my name at least--big as day on QVC, worn on the lids of fabulous women the world over.

Oh yes. I should totally post about my one-time make-up fame.

p.s. George Strait doesn't know this, but "Run" was really written by Scott for me. In my dream world, at least. And we also claim John Mayer's "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" as one that he totally wrote while thinking of us.

I'm just sayin'.
Rhea said…
Someday someone will be inspired by me to create something. I just know it. Even if it's ME inspiring ME. hehe
Unknown said…
No, never had a song written about me or a perfume named after me and so on.

I did go out with a guitarist in a band though, way back in the olden days. They always used to dedicate The Troggs ' I Can't Control Myself'. to me, whenever they sang it.

Okay, I was skinny in those days and I did have long, black hair and my 'slacks were low and my hips were showing'.

However, that wasn't the reason they made it *MY* song though. The first two words in that song were 'Oh No' and everytime I tripped over, dropped something or had some other type of mishap, you'd hear The Troggs bellowing 'Oh No' over the airwaves.

I swear, that song was stalking me!!
Anonymous said…
What a great idea; these questions are great. Too bad I'm too tired to think about an answer, but I will be back to read others :)

Thanks for the idea to store photos on line. I think I'm going to do that!
Anonymous said…
There's a song out there that's got a lyric or two that fits my situation, at a certain time in life, exactly. And I'm somewhat acquainted with one of the singers. But I'll never know if it was inspired by me or not. I don't want to know. Sometimes it's more fun just thinking that it is.

I worked at a performing arts center in New Mexico for a while. Each month we would showcase local artists' talent in the lobby. One month the artist asked me if I would sit for a painting. I know he painted at least two from the pictures he took. We got one of them.

And if you really want a piece of artwork inspired by you or your kids go to Turn Your Head. They make awesome "pirolettes" that capture your profile. My daughter is the little girl on the "place order" page. I'll be getting another one for my second girl when she turns three.
~Sheila~ said…
I'll have to think about that one and come back but for now...

I know what song I wish WASN'T written with my name in it...can you guess which one it is??
Heather said…
Sooooo many songs written about me. I'm very famous that way. Too many to list.
Heather took the words right out of my mouth. Where to begin? I've been the inspiration for so many songs and paintings I just don't know where to begin? I think my favorite painting though was showcased in the 2nd grade ranch of my daughters school for the whole year. I hung there proudly all year. Then theres the "mommy you're mean" song. I hear that one all the time. :) Wait, not what you were thinking of? OK, no famous songs or paintings. :)
KimmyJ said…
You had me at Adam Levine - yowza! I heard he was a man-whore though, ask your friends for us. :)
Anonymous said…
I have a present for you....I accidentally posted it today, instead of Tuesday, but that just means you don't have to wait!
Jill said…
My ex fiance wrote a song for me....actually, it's how he asked me out. It was quite sweet, actually, and he sang it in front of a bunch of our friends for the first time. Do I remember it at all? ummm not so much.

There are SO many songs that I wish were about me. Too many to list.
Apple Joos said…
Sadly, the only things I inspire people to do are throw things and cuss.
Mama Dawg said…
I like Billy Joel's "She's Always A Woman".
Crazy Momma said…
A guy told me he wrote a song about me once...then I found out he also wrote that same song about my best friend...hmmmmm

I'm not sure what I wish WAS written about me. Something incredibly passionate. One of those disgustingly romantic, die without your love type songs...I can dream, can't I?
Sydney said…
Never had a song written about me, but one of my high school boyfriends wrote poems to/about me.
We broke up but remained friends for years afterwards. Somewhere along the line I lost those poems and it actually made me cry. They were really good!
Debbie said…
Oh you didn't know? "Brown Eyed Girl" was written just for me.
Debbie said…
Uh Tiff...what's up with your background? It's all photobuckety??
Sherri said…
Um.... I wish!!! My husband will find songs and tell me they are for me though....

Oh and that old "Sherry Baby" song was on the radio when my parents were on the way to the hospital to have me... that's how they came up with my name.
Alison said…
No songs written for me--but one of my coworkers used to sing "Alison" by Elvis Costello whenever she saw me.

As far as a song I'd like to be about me...maybe "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago since my husband and I have been known to harmonize LOUDLY to it in the car. And I would like to think that I am an inspiration and an encourager to him instead of a nagging wife!
Anonymous said…
Nope- nothing written specifically for me! Love your pic!

My hubby says Garth Brooks' She's Every Woman is a song that should've been written for me!
Crazy Momma said…
Okay, after much thought (and a neighbor playing his stereo WAY too loud), I have decided:

For Crying Out Loud by Meatloaf

I'm not even sure that the song was written for a woman...and let's face it, it is SO cheesy.

BUT, I want a man to feel that passionately about me...LOVE IT!
Anonymous said…
My husband is a musician...so yep, lots of songs. Mostly the kind you blogged about. Except I'm a scrapbooker so he writes little diddy's about that...
I wish "Now and Forever" by Richard Marx was written for me (my hubby did try to claim it).
Swirl Girl said…
So many songs written for me...too bad the artists and songwriters didn't know it when they were writing them.

Song lyrics have sort of been my philosophies of life, if you will.

It's not Easy Being Green (sesame street album then covered by Van Morrison) being the first.

Part of the Plan by Dan Fogelberg the second

She's the One by Bruce (the boss) Springstein the third.

the list goes on and on....
EmBee said…
I've never had a song written about me but three songs come to mind which I'd like to have been the muse for:

Have you ever really loved a woman - Bryan Adams

The Lady in Red - Chris De Burgh

My Best Friend - Queen
(for my husband and I, that's OUR song.)

Ya, that list makes me happy!
EmBee said…
Wow, surprised to see another 'Lady in Red' on the list... (I always go back and read the comments after I post my own. I feel my thoughts are completely original that way. Therefore, it's always a surprise to me when someone gives the same answer... Of course, Great minds think alike *tee-hee*) ...I thought that song was too old for all these young pups to even remember it.

Also, Apple Joos answer really made me laugh!
Jennifer P. said…
well, since my real name is Sharona, you could probably guess what song is written just for me....HA!

Actually, my ex-boyfriend turned just friend--the one with the band--wrote a song just for me back in highschool. It was called "I think I'm falling". Then I found out he sang to all the girls and said it was written for them! You'd think with all the artists and musicians I've dated there'd be SOMETHING....
Veronica said…
I'm pretty sure Elvis Costello wrote his song "Veronica" about me...ok maybe not. Sadly I have not inspired any songs...I suppose there is still time.
Cristin said…
The closest thing I can think of is dating the guy who did the illustrations for our college newspaper. He would sneak my name into everything he drew the whole time we dated... I loved it!
Party of 5 said…
None for me but I always wish it was when they are so so romantic and sweet.
Tausha said…
know wonder I love to come and visit! You always get me thinking.
I have never really stopped and thought about this before. Now that I have-the perfect song popped into my little overcrowded head.
"I Saw God Today" by George Strait. I do love country music, but this song is stopping and noticing all of our blssings. Very good reminder to us all-when life is the craziest-stop and count your blessings!!
Tausha said…
know wonder I love to come and visit! You always get me thinking.
I have never really stopped and thought about this before. Now that I have-the perfect song popped into my little overcrowded head.
"I Saw God Today" by George Strait. I do love country music, but this song is stopping and noticing all of our blssings. Very good reminder to us all-when life is the craziest-stop and count your blessings!!
Anonymous said…
My high school boyfriend wrote a poem for me... honestly it was so corny, even at the time it kind of made me cringe.
KatBouska said…
No songs for me either. I always wanted to be Chris DeBurgh's Lady In Red.


Maybe in another life.
KatBouska said…
Oh my gosh! Carabee stole my SONG! I suppose it helps to read the comments BEFORE you publish one...but the song wouldn't have changed.

Great minds think alike.

ps Why don't you ever show any pictures of yourself??
Unknown said…
Good question -
Tupac wrote two poems inspired by me included in his book The Rose that Grew from Concrete. I tried to find a link to the poems but was unsuccessful. They are dedicated to me and apparently one of the "The Power of a Smile" actual was made into a song by Bones Thugs and Harmony in 2005. I had no idea guess that tells you how much I am up on rap music.
Ann Harrison said…
Well, I did have an old "friend" who was singing in a band stop the show when I walked in, to only have the band start up "Brick House". Oh ya'. I had the feeling he was mad at me.
(I walked in with my new beau - who would become my fantastic husband- maybe that prompted the angry version.)
I would like to think that Van Morrison's "Someone Like You" was inspired by me. I just love that song! (*Heavy Sigh*)
thotlady said…
My sister used to work at a Piggly Wiggly (Wobbly Sow) to those in the know. Anyway, she worked in the meat department as a meat wrapper.

Her boss, made up a song about her...of course he stole the music from another popular tune...Pretty Woman.

It goes something like this;

Pretty meat wrapper
Wrapping up the meat
Pretty meat wrapper
She is so sweet!

Well you get the idea.

It sounds a little like sexual harrassment doesn't it.
Anonymous said…
I sing songs about myself constantly. I can't help it - it gets me through the day laughing. But, for others, nope no one has done such a romantic thing...

Now, the only song I can think of is Tim McGraw's Best Friend. Maybe that is because my hubby told me during our first few months of dating that this song made him think about me. And at that time we were 1500 miles apart.
Trooper Thorn said…
I was responsible for the 1987 NFL lockout, but it was all a big misunderstanding over some long distance phone charges.
Unknown said…
So when I was in my "long hair rock and roll guy" phase (did we all go through that??) I had a song written about me. Not in such a romantic way though...more like a "I hate you for breaking up with me" way....yeah...His band made it big in CA I hear, thank goodness that is as far as they made it.

I always though "She's every woman" by Garth Brooks should have been written about me.
Wep said…
OMG love the Sunday Morning song. Needed to listen to it right away. His new one is really good.

I love what music can do, it can help people express things they can't do with words.

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