It Just Gets Better. Part 2

Incase you missed Part 1

The key was to a hotel room.  At The Four Seasons, Westlake Village.

For those of you who have not had the chance to stay at a Four Seasons, it's amazing.  We travel a lot and I have stayed in some great hotels.  But, there is just something about a few hotels, like the Four Seasons and the Ritz Carlton that set them apart.  Everything is perfect.  From the linens to the doorman to the $18 turkey burger delivered poolside.  It's class.  Not flash.

I get to the hotel, which is actually less than 2 miles from our summer home.  No traffic to fight, no gas to waste.  I get to the room and take a long, relaxing shower.  Blow dry my hair.  And, crawl into what may possibly be the most comfortable bed ever.  I am in heaven.

Candy Man walks in all ready to go and we go head on down to the hotel bar.  Here, I have a drink that is pure delight.  It comes from a glass jar full of fruit soaking in Vodka.  Delish..  Two "delighfuls" later and we decide to take the house car (yep the hotel has a car to take you wherever you'd like to go) to a local restaurant.  More drinks, laughter and some great food. We head on back.

Entering the Four Seasons is perfection.  There is a gentlemen playing piano and belting our Nat King Cole like nobodies business.  This is totally our thing.

We find a comfy couch in the lounge and snuggle up.  The piano man is taking requests and we get to hear all of our favorites: Brian McKnight, James Taylor, Carly Simon, Bonnie Rait.  It's perfect.  At this point, I am thinking I that I may very well be the luckiest women alive and that my husband in incredible.  I feel like a Queen.

Candy Man gets up to use the bathroom and while he is gone, the waiter brings over champagne.  Now CM had definitely stepped out of his more frugal character for tonight, but champagne?  I tell the waiter he must have the wrong table.  Twice.  He insists it's for us.

CM returns and laughs at my protest.  He declares a toast to 10 amazing years. We giggle and drink.  I am glowing.

"So, are you ready for your present?" he asks.  "Present?  There is more?!" I reply giggling at my incredibly good fortune.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out this black box.


John Deere Mom said…
I hate you. That is all.
Anonymous said…
I want to leave a good comment but I haven't been able to pick my jaw up off the floor because I'm so jealous. (Did you marry Edward??? I know you know who I mean...I see the evidence on your side bar *giggle*)
Ann Harrison said…
*** The good Ann. Ann-no-e ***

I'm living vicariously through you right now.
Tiffany said…
The good Ann... ann you crack me up. You are forever more "the good Ann."
Jen said…
Wow! That is awesome. I can't wait to hear the rest. What an amazing trip. I am going to tell my husband to read this so that he can get some ideas. Out anniversary is in August.
Anonymous said…
Ok, you are too much with all of your suspense!!!

I totally agree with the comment you left on my last post about how it will be so good to pass down my blog to Zander when he's older. I wish I had known about blogspot when I was pregnant so I could have started it then....

However, as much fun as I had with Zander this past weekend...I would have MUCH rather had one like yours... ;)
Amy said…
Oh that box! I know something awesome is inside of it, can't wait to see what it is! You lucky girl!
S Club Mama said…
A) You have a summer home?
B) We can barely afford Super 8
C) And a present?!?!

You are very blessed and I'm very excited to hear about the inside of this black box.
KWolfAK said…
I can hardly wait!
Heather said…
Now I'm all giggly too!!
Swirl Girl said…
WOW! Talk about a wonderful Candy Man! I love that he planned everything, too. So smoooooth!
Let's see, the box is the right size for a ring or earrings. I can't wait to see!!!!!

You're Candy Man is priceless. Revel in that!!
Lula! said…
(In my sing-songy voice):

I know what it is, I know what it is.

Get your sunglasses on, girls. For real. This is a Very Big Deal.

As I've been telling Mrs. R since Thursday night--she WINS! And Candy Man wins, too. He is a very good man.
Jill said…
Your trip sounds divine... I can't believe there's more to this story.

Do Tell!!!!
Unknown said…
I agree with Mrs. S: You have a summer home? I can barely afford Super 8. And a present?!?!

You are very blessed!
Unknown said…
You lucky, lucky girl :-)
Amy said…
I love every second of your weekend. Can you open the box please? I hate surprises.
Anonymous said…
Wow. Very nice! I'm really jealous right now. My last bit of jewelry from my husband was my wedding ring. He has NEVER surprised me with a trip (or even an expensive drink). Sigh. Now I'm sad. :(
I'm gonna definitely show installment #3 to my hubby. Guaranteed! :)
KatBouska said…
Wait I want to guess what it is...obviously a ring...with each of your no no....a ring with three giant diamonds...isn't that an anniversary ring? Wait. How many years have you been married??
KatBouska said…
And for the record I would LOVE to see what you came up with for HIM after all that!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
oooo...I want to see! Can't wait!
You're CM sounds amazing! Lucky gal!
Angie's Spot said…
I don't know what I'm more annoyed with. The fact that you've got this amazing hubby that did this or that you keep leaving us hanging? LOL!
Scary Mommy said…
What a weekend!!! I'm jealous.

And hurry back. You are not playing fair here!!
Jenn said…
Okay all I want to know is can candy man do a brief seminar on exactly how to do everything right!! I know you would make a killing since we all would sign our husbands up! I am heading into my 8 year anniversary but have been with him for 17 years. Gosh that makes me sound super old...I don't think of myself as that old. Your a lucky girl don't keep us waiting we need to know!
PLEEEEEEEEEASE Pretty PLEEEEASE with a cherry on top!!
Alison said…
You are so right, the Four Seasons is the best. We stayed in one on our honeymoon and I would love to go back (maybe I should email the link to this post to my husband).

Anxiously awaiting the next post!
Anonymous said…
WOW! I am playing catch up from being gone on vacation...what an amazing story thus far....Can't wait to see what is in the box? And, how romantic....that he planned this all on his own! Can't wait to hear the end of the story!
Insane Mama said…
Ummm, I'm drooling!
Don't tell me you got one of those delicious anniversary rings with three honking diamonds on it. Our anniversary is next week...I do believe you just ruined it. Or, maybe that was chemo. Whatever. :)

Bask in being so loved by a good man. It is an indescribable feeling.
Sooooo jealous. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.
Sherri said…
Jewelry?? Car Keys?? What was it??
leezee52 said…
I bet it's a ring!
Anonymous said…
Pure cruelty - what's IN THE BOX? Can't wait to see...
Anonymous said…
I think you missed a paragraph. There's nothing in between....

"And, crawl into what may possibly be the most comfortable bed ever. I am in heaven." and

"Candy Man walks in all ready to go and we go head on down to the hotel bar."

You said you crawled INTO the bed. He just saw you there and said, "Okay, I'm ready to go?" Surrrrrrre.

Okay, okay. I'll give you SOME privacy, as long as you promise to keep telling the story...
AFRo said…
Oooooo.... What's in that box?!?!
WheresMyAngels said…
I'm ready to trade in my child husband now!
Lisa Petrarca said…
WHAT?!? You're spoiled, I'm jealous and to top it off your keeping me in suspense...AGAIN...very very cruel Tiffany! LOL!!!!

See you tomorrow...yes I'll be back!
Belinda said…
Open the box already!
Anonymous said…
Um, I want to be you and I want a Candy Man of my own! And I really have to see what is inside that box.
KatBouska said…
You know even of there's nothing inside really is a cute little box.
Rhea said…
This better not turn out to be a dream or anything, because then I would have to hunt you down and cut the power to your computer, permanently!! I'm hanging here. I'm jealous. I can't wait to hear the rest.
Anonymous said…
Ok - my heart just stopped. This is WAY too much anticipation for me! Out with it, girl, before you get hunted down by a bunch of crazed SAHM's who's diaper-and-dirty-dishes filled days can't take this kind of excitement!
Debbie said…
Okay since I spent my 10 year this past January in bed with the flu, I am about to cry reading this post....and I really can't wait to see what's in that box....
Heather said…
You are so mean...don't you know we don't like cliffhangers? We are living in the world of instant gratification...I can't stand this!
Anonymous said…
Alright I'm just gonna say it...I hate you and your husband...and how dare you leave me with that last picture...and no more...ARRRR
Anonymous said…
I'm with Mrs. S!!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
Girl! What a guy... congrats on 10 great years and here is to 100 more! I am really happy for you guys.
I can't wait to see what is in that box!
Dirty White boy said…
my hotel stays dont sound that great. maybe you should jump in my head, and make me see the things i dont normally see, or maybe im taking for granted.
Jill said…
I'm all tingly with anticipation! What's in the box! THis is so romantic!
Apple Joos said…
Ooooh, I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what it is!
Mama Dawg said…
You suck.....I'm trying desperately to teach my daughter patience and you go and ruin the "life lesson" by doing this since I have to be an "example" of patience to help her.

Yeah, you suck.

Hurry up and finish!
Mama Dawg said…
You know I was joking, right?
Cecily R said…
Hmmmmm. For my 10 year anniversary we saw King Kong. I think I might be a LOT jealous...
OMG! The Four Seasons, it's where we got engaged and where we spent 18 wonderful days in Hawaii. I could not love that HOTEL more. I mean, REALLY! Jealous! That is all!
Candid Carrie said…
Oh my, been busy have escapades of my own (in my dreams) with the man of ice and the ruddy man of warmth ... if you know what I mean. Yeah, I am talking Twilight ;)
Kaza said…
Okay, so first of all, the Four Seasons hotels are amazing, and yes, those beds are the best. And the whole scenario here was just to-die-for. And the box? My engagement ring came in a red version of this, so something great is about to happen... off to read the next installment.

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