It Just Gets Better. Part 3

Ladies, I feel like I need a bit of a disclaimer before I go on with my story.  I actually debated about whether or not to post the wonder of this weekend as I know so many Americans can't even consider a night at a resort style hotel or the contents of the black box.

Candy Man and I have been truly blessed in many ways.  And, we have worked very hard to build our business and find some financial success.  It is not lost on me for one second that these are tough times for many. 

So, please take this for what it is.  A couple who ten years ago ate spaghetti for an entire year to afford their first home, who is celebrating a decade later with a little extra.  The love is the same. Actually, the love is even better.

Now, on to that box.

That box had jewelry in it.  Of this, I was sure.  Was it earrings?  A necklace?  Was it a joke? I opened it.  And, I could not believe my eyes. (The picture is crap, but the best I could do!)

It was so beautiful, and so classic and so sparkly and so exactly what I would have picked and so much more than I ever could have imagined.  The best part was that for once, it was an honest to goodness surprise. 

I hugged him.  Looked at the ring.  I kissed him.  Looked at the ring.  I cried.  Looked at the ring.  

He told me he had gone a number of different places looking for exactly what he wanted. He picked out the diamond and the setting himself.  I cannot tell you what this meant to me, as I had actually picked out my own engagement ring a decade earlier. This was the "surprise" proposal I never had.

After the shock wore off a bit, we went back to the room for some hotel escapades.  We spent the next swimming with The Boy (MIL brought him over to use the wonderful amenities).  We had another romantic and unbelievable fantastic dinner that night, took a walk around the beautiful garden and were in bed by ten watching tv. More swimming and poolside dining with The Boy finished our amazing weekend.

So there you have it.  The most romantic and wonderful gift I have ever received.  And, not because it's diamond bling and fancy hotel.  Because he did it without any hints, without any prodding.  It is truly a gift from his heart and I will cherish it and him forever.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said…
WOW! What a great weekend! That ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
leezee52 said…
OMG sooo beautiful! I had chills when I saw it! Congrats! and thanks for the posts I loved it!
Anonymous said…
Women deserve to be adored by their husbands! Good for you! I love hearing heart-warming stories like yours!
Tami said…
I love it!! Kudos to your hubby for planning such a great surprise!
Kori said…
The ring is beautiful. I'm so glad to hear you guys had an awesome time.
Sydney said…
What an awesome story! We are two years away from celebrating 10 years, but I have a feeling my husband will come up with something to surprise me and sweep me off my feet all over again!
Amy said…
I absolutely LOVE that ring and your husband is so fabulous to do something so romantic. What a wonderful man.
Jill said…
I must admit, I actually teared up and sniffled reading this post. It is so achingly sweet and romantic and wonderful.

Lucky woman...

I hope you have him some seriously dirty only-behind-closed-doors reward for his fantastic weekend...
Jennifer P. said…
Wowza!!! What a completely perfect, totally classy, GORGEOUS gift!!! It sounds like a perfect getaway to remember forever and ever! you're a lucky girl!
Jen said…
You are so blessed! You deserve every minute of your awesome weekend! I actually said, "Oh WOW!" out loud. It took my breath away. Again Congrats to you! Where that ring with pride.
NANCY said…
Wow!! That is amazing and romantic. I'm very happy for you =)
Anonymous said…
You are so right! It's not about the bling, (although extremely impressive), it's about the effort and attention to detail and that he knew you well enough to know what you would choose.

OMG! I'm so darn tootin' happy for you. See you Friday.

(How very classy of you to post your disclaimer. It just goes to show what a wonderful person you are)

Alison said…
How beautiful! I am so happy for you. The greatest treasure, of course, is a wonderful marriage--and clearly you've got that.
Angie's Spot said…
The awesome hotel and beautiful ring are nothing compared to amazing love that you guys must have. What a truly magnificent gift to celebrate after 10 years! (And the ring is pretty magnificent too) :-)
Insane Mama said…
So beautiful. And he picked it out himself! WOW! You have a great guy, hapy anniversary! and you totally deserve this, don't ever feel bad for the god life you have, you have earned it!
Heather said…
What a wonderful gift, all of it. I am lovin' the ring...he did good. You lucky girl!
Anonymous said…
I had to practically drag my husband to the altar. Once he got there, he became the "poster child" for getting married, but he fought me tooth and nail to get there. Having kids was the same way, for some reason, but he is thrilled, of course. So, it won't surprise you to know that my engagement was less than romantic or surprising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for our 20th anniversary (in 2010). I'm happy for you! :)
Teri said…
Oh, that is so, so pretty. It is even prettier because your hubby spent so much time trying to find just the perfect ring for you. That's pretty cool. Congrats!
It's absolutely, postively beautiful. I thought it was really thoughtful to add a disclaimer. I don't think I would have had the presence of mind to think of that! :) It's LOVELY!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
That CM is one classy dude! I know TDH will be impressed as well-- you know our 10th aaniversary is this year too, New Year's Eve.
I am so happy for you and for CM. Congrats! You are such a beautiful couple.
Connie said…
15 years and still waiting for that little box ...
How can I have CM call my hubby?

That ROCKS ... literally!
S Club Mama said…
Happy anniversary! I think it's truly fabulous that your husband is splurging a bit on you as a surprise. It's the surprise of it that makes it so amazing and romantic. I hope that in ten years, my husband & I are in a place where we can celebrate with so much romance and love.
polkadot said…
Let me know if you need the correct spelling of my name so you can assign it to me in your will.

Because that thing is GAWGEOUS!
Whitney said…
That is so sweet! Beautiful ring! Candy man did great! :)
Caroline said…
That is so wonderful and your new bling is beautiful. What a special memory.
scargosun said…
ZOWIE! That is beautiful.

I don't break out the 'zowie' often. :)
Kimberly said…
This sounds a little bit like a chic fairytale! :) What good taste your hubby has! Good for you two!
Heather said…
Angels are weeping. LOOK AT THAT ROCK!!!! Damn, Candy Man...are you into polygamy?????
John Deere Mom said…
Seriously...I had chills reading and seeing that ring. Absolutely gorgeous and you are are blessed! Congrats!
Anonymous said…
I knew I liked Candy Man for a reason! What a keeper! Sidenote: Make sure he talks to Mr. President for me.
Anonymous said…
It's so nice to know that after 10 years he could be so thoughful. Also that theres a man out there with good NOT gay!! LOL. You are very lucky..but I'm sure you know that.
Swirl Girl said…
Who can take the sunrise, sprinkle it with dew.....the candy man sure can!

The treasure is just that - a wonderful treasure, oh and the ring is wonderful as well.

Wear it in good health for another 10+ !!!!
Ann Harrison said…
(**** Heavy Sigh ***)
I just love this story!
Thank you so much for sharing.
It's just wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for letting me live vicariously :) It's so much more special when the do the planning, picking, etc a surprise.

Congrats on your anniversary! We got ourselves a great set of knives for our 10th. That doesn't say anything about our relationship though...haha.
KatBouska said…
I agree with Angie, a very thoughtful disclaimer!

And the HOLY COW!!! Gorgeous. Amazing. Do you keep looking at it all day? What finger do you wear it on? You must be something pretty special yourself to drive hubby to do all that for you. So sweet.

My day will come and I'll blog about it too! Give hubby a kiss for me. On the cheek. Softly. And then tell him "Mama Kat thinks you're somthin' else". And then smack that ass. K. thanks.

I'm bored. Can you tell?
The disclaimer I believe was unneccesary but very thoughtful.

I am so happy you finally got the surprise you always dreamed of!!!!!!!!

And, the ring is gorgeous!
I understand your hesitance at posting this amazing weekend--but I think it is safe to say that we are all happy for you and love to read about it. If there is anything for anyone to be jealous of or sad about it is your husband and his love for you (diamond or no diamond) and there is no price for that!

Thank you for sharing your fairy princess weekend with us! That ring is FANTASTICAL!
Louisa Claire said…
WoW! Wow wow wow wow wow wow. How wonderful. Gorgeous gift! Go the thoughtfulness!!
Crazy Momma said…
Gorgeous! How beautiful!
Candid Carrie said…
It is so cool that you realize just how lucky you are! I mean, you didn't just luck into the greatest guy for you ... you just don't take this all for granted, that's what I meant.
Unknown said…
What a beautiful ring !!!

And a lovely story.

You are really blessed. :-)
Anonymous said…
Just as I suspected. You did manage to snag one of the few "Edwards" out there. You are truly blessed.

That is a absolutely gorgeous ring. Congratulations to you on 10 years. Here's to 40 more. :D
CaraBee said…
Absolutely gorgeous ring and a wonderfully romantic weekend. I'm pea green with envy but so very happy for you!
my2boyz said…
BEAUTIFUL!!! My hubby surprised me on our 10th anniversary with the ring of my dreams! I so know how you feel.
AFRo said…
It is beautiful! Not just the ring, but the entire post.
Amy said…
Congratulations! The ring is breathtaking. You paid your dues. I'm glad you have something special all your own and a perfect memory to go with it.
Tracy P. said…
Wow, yea for you and CM! And yea that you don't take your successes for granted. It's not what you have, it's what you do with it. Spoiling each other is a great use of a couple's resources, whether it costs money or not. Sometimes it does.
Rhea said…
I guess he's a keeper!! I liked how you started this post, very thoughtful and nice, and, I'm with you, the accomadations and ring were awesome, but it's more amazingly incredible and touching to have your love go to the trouble of planning something and surprising you and SHOWING his love to you, however that may be.

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing part of your life with us. It's nice to see. :o)
Tinabean said…
Congrats on all of your successes in your lives & your hard work.
It sounds to me like you deserve to be spoiled a little.
I am so very happy to hear stories like yours Thank you for sharing!!!
-Bridget said…
That is so amazing and beautiful! And the ring is pretty nice too. :-) Congrats on ten years and on a wonderful, thoughtful husband.
lemonologie said…
That's beautiful!
Mama Dawg said…
That makes me want to believe in love again! (not that I don't...not really...I'm just in a rut right now).

Thanks for sharing!
KimmyJ said…
OMGoodness! What an amazing weekend and a wowzer of a ring. Major brownie points for CM!!! You don't need a disclaimer, sweet pea, it is obvious you are a hard worker and dedicated to whatever is at your fingertips. Enjoy it fully and completely 100% with no mommy guilt - ok???? Now you better mind me!
Anonymous said…
That is sooo beautiful. Can't wait to see it up close and real! It's just the best when they do it all on their own. It makes it so much more special. Happy Anniversary!
Heather M
Sunshine said…
That is breathtaking. Period. CM did good on so many levels.

I'm so happy for you two. Don't apologize, girl!

Que romantico! ;D
katylinvw said…
wow! what a fabulous weekend! congratulations on 10 years! that is a huge milestone!
Apple Joos said…
I wanted to leave you a comment but I've temporarily gone blind from the bling off of that ginormous ring! From what I remember that split second before its splendor burned my retinas, it's beautiful!
Anonymous said…
What an amazing husband you have. Beautiful ring, fabulous vacation, gotta love it.
Anonymous said…
T- congrats on the ring...I didn't get an engagement ring either 10 years ago...I was asked if I wanted a house or a ring- a house of course! My husband surprised me this year for our 10 year with a diamond ring too! So, after 10 years of marriage, what a blessing to have your hubby adore you and honor you!
Cecily R said…
Sounds like you deserve everything you got and get. Congratulations on ten great years. Here's to 40 or 50 more!
Anonymous said…
Ooh, I'm going to have to check that sucka out when I pretend to not recognize you later this week.
Anonymous said…
Your hubby is so thoughtful - I can't believe all the planning that went into that weekend! Your ring is GORGEOUS!
Maternal Mirth said…
Perfect! Stylish! Simple! And blingiddy-bling-bling :)

You are a lucky girl
Debbie said…
Oh Tiffany!!! It is exquisite! Tell CM that all your bloggy friends are so impressed! Wow...and what a sweet sweet story. Your post did great honor to your husband and your marriage. You Rock....with that rock!
WheresMyAngels said…
Omgosh, that is so beautiful! I'm really jealous. Does he have a single brother?

Opps, Child Husband is looking over my shoulder.
Jenn said…
I feel all weepy for you. You have been blessed with LOVE ,luck and hard work. You deserve it 10 years can be tough now on to the next 40!
Breanne said…
Oh My - that is absolutely gorgeous!! Sounds like a wonderful time.
Anonymous said…
I love it! I just remembered back to our 10th and my hubby is very much like T's and he bought a beautiful set that included a necklace, ring and earrings. He wrapped all thre seperately and put them around the house for me to find all morning because he was at work and I was doing my usual mommy thing. One was in the kitchen, one in my make-up basket and one in the front seat of the car! It was very cute! I love it when they think of their own things.
Heather M
Kaza said…
Perfection. Not just the ring (though it is perfect!), but the whole thing, start to finish. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

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