It Just Gets Better.

This weekend was the most romantic of my life.  It all started with a phone call. 

I was driving home from pmac (backwards) and my cell rang.  I almost didn't answer it, as of July 1, California is hands-free while driving (I hate ear pieces), but I hit speaker.

On the other end was my husband, who had supposedly headed down south to check on our non-summer house and would be back tomorrow.  He said, "Pack a bag.  Include something nice to wear to dinner.  You can shower when you get there."  Then he hung up.

I was all a twitter.  My husband is a good man, fantastic father and hotter than all get out.  But, not exactly the type that plans romantic get-aways.  That's my job.  Our ten year anniversary is July 25th and apparently, he was surprising me early.

I got home, packed some stuff and waited.  He walked in and handed me a key.


You are cruel. That is it??? Now I need to go make up my own ending until you fill us in...and, well, that is just weird.

Amy said…
Inquiring minds wanna know!!
Insane Mama said…
Oh dear.... not again! This is going to be good!
Alison said…
No fair! You can't just leave us hanging like that. Wait--I guess you're waiting to tell all 'cause the weekend isn't over yet and you're still getting your romance on?

Okay, then--take all the time you need. Until Monday.
AFRo said…
You're really becoming good at the whole leaving us hanging thing. I LOVE IT!!!
John Deere Mom said…
Shut up! I can't wait to hear all the juicy details...
CaraBee said…
That sounds so romantic. I can't wait to hear more!!
KWolfAK said…
Ooooh, have fun! Let us know how it goes!
Laurel said…
Ummmm ... and then what happened:)?
Lula! said…
I've just gotta zip it. My lips are sealed. But can I at least say Candy Man wins the husband of the year award? 'Cause I just did.
WheresMyAngels said…
for crying out loud! Stop doing this!! lol
leezee52 said…
Anonymous said…
Wow. Your husband sounds amazing. I hope you have a good time...can't wait to read more. :D
Jenn said…
For his sake I hope its as good as we have all imagined. Either way it will be exciting to hear the end of the story!!! Please hurry if there is one thing that drives me crazy it is to be left hanging!
Tinabean said…
You are so not nice right now!!!
Don't make us wait to long please.
S Club Mama said…
OOOOO I wanna know now! (do I sound like a whiny child?)
KatBouska said…
Oh yeah, Pat does this kind of thing ALLLLLL the time. I just never blog about it. What?? He DOES! ALLLLLL the time. Surprise is actually his middle Hawaii Pat means "Romantic By Nature In The Sunrise Of The Rising Sun By The Ocean." I SWEAR!!!

Now give it up!
OMG! A key? I need to know! Congrats on the 10 year anniversary!
Swirl Girl said…
for a hotel suite or a new car????

I only like surprises when they are somebody elses.

You say it's romantic, so I vote the hotel suite.
Ah. I see you are perfecting the "danglers". Happy Anniversary. I am celebrating my 10th this month as well.
Anonymous said…
Very uncool, my friend. Not nice at all. Grrr. You're lucky I like you so much; I'll be back to read the rest....
Jill said…
Wow - What a great story... I can't wait to hear how it ends...

You definitely have a very cool husband!!
Lisa Petrarca said…
K, hurry up and tell us where you end up so I can tell my husband...the power of suggestion!
Soulflower said…
I love Candy Man in my own special way! i KNOW what happened and I still wanna read. Continue lady. (she's the lady...woa-woa-woa)
Amy said…
So come on, where'd you go???
Nan said…
Finally commenting! Tell us more....Love your blog!
sparkled*life said…
It isn't very nice to leave one hanging! LOL So sweet that he did that for you! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story! :)
Anonymous said…
That's just wrong!! I have to go back to work tomorrow and may forget to check back. Bummer
Connie said…
I sooo need a call like that. Anything to keep my mind off of the last two weeks is welcome. Only problem is I can't leave my kids right now. Couldn't even let my daughter go with her best friend to the fireworks unless I went. I know it's fall out from Mom's death but 'dealing' at this time seems impossible when I am the 'strong one' for the family.
Thanks for checking in with me ... it meant the world to me.
Angie's Spot said…
I'm leaving this entry on the screen for my hubby to stumble upon. He needs some inspiration! Can't wait to hear the rest of this story.
Sherri said…
I can't wait to hear the rest!!! My husband planned a little trip once - I knew we were going somewhere but I didn't know where.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. R.,

Your real life is better than fiction. I think you and Candy Man have redifined romance and marriage. :)

I can't wait to hear more!!!!!

Unknown said…
And??? AND???? AND????????????

Crimeny.... so not fair.
Heather said…
Oh yeah, CM outdid himself this time. It's all sooooo good.
Anonymous said… romantic, can't wait to read the rest!
Scary Mommy said…
Ohhhhhh!!! How fun!!!!!
Rhea said…
You got the phone call that every woman dreams of getting from their hubster. Oh, I'm jealous and I can tell you're just getting started.
Candid Carrie said…
All a twitter is the cutest kind of emotion ever ...
Kaza said…
Catching up here...
Ooooo! In a hurry to read the next one...

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