
So, I AM meeting up with Swirl Girl and Insane Mama... I feel pretty confident that neither is a serial killer.

This will be a first for me, meeting peeps from bloggyland...

Have you guys met up with anyone from this alternative universe?  Would you?


Angie's Spot said…
I haven't yet, but I'm hoping to orchestrate something sooner than later. I'm just glad that some of my new online friends are within reasonable driving distance. Hope you gals have a fun meeting! ;-)
KatBouska said…
Oh boy...I don't know about that. And not because I'm afraid they'd kill me...but because I'm afraid they wouldn't think I'm as funny as my blog. Mama Kat is a spitfire. Kathy can be quick...but on meeting for the first time I'm pretty shy and reclusive. I don't know if Kathy could come out of her shell.

I live pretty close to One Crazy Chick...I might consider coming out of my shell for her someday...but I wouldn't go sober...we'd probably meet at Starbucks with our laptops and blog "live".

Totally love Insane Mama AND Swirl Girl though. Sounds like a fun time...drunk.
Swirl Girl said…
You'd be my first dahling.

Unless you count meeting Florence Henderson when I was like 8 a meeting with someone from another universe.

Let's DO it!
Sherri said…
Lots of my blogger friends I have actually met....of course I knew them before I became a blogger.
Lula! said…

I can add nothing to this, or take away from it. 'Cause YOU KNOW.

You know. And you are my people. And I so love you. Scott does, too...just so you know.

Libbey will be Mrs. R. Oh but yes, she will.
Jennifer P. said…
Yeah--I met my Miki with one K--a private blogger who took a liking to me. She's was a sweetheart! Also may be meeting up with Jenni from Jenn's Penn at the end of this month.

What I would like to do is plan a cross country road trip and just stay at whatever blog reader's place would let me. I'd bring Ben and Jerry's and play "Oh Susannah!" on my harmonica as payment, and I'd have some great stories to tell when I got back. Or I'd be a beautiful corpse if I picked the WRONG blogger to stay with....

GO--meet them! I'd love to learn more about both of them anyway!
Cecily R said…
I met one of my very best in all the world friends through blogging.

I've been on a few of what my husband calls "blog dates" and I talk to several on the phone and through IM. WAY fun.

I say go for the blog dates my friend!
KWolfAK said…
I haven't met anyone out there. I'm new to this though and I don't know anyone that lives around me.
Debbie said…
I would do it..if I had warning enough to get my hair cut and colored and a couple weeks on the treadmill!

Go for it!
Anonymous said…
Go for it! It would be so much fun to put a face and a voice to the blog. I would do it, but I'd have to drag The Beast along with me and explain to Kevin that I'm meeting a friend I met on the internet--and endure The Look. Plus, I don't think anyone lives around me!
Crazy Momma said…
The only people I have ever met from the internet did turn out to be wierd. And not seriel killer wierd...but quirky, odd, a bit creepy...

Good luck to you. How will we know if you are dead? Will someone update us on your blog?

Amy said…
About 20 of us from the Philadelphia area met up one night for dinner. It was fun. All very nice, not a serial killer amongst the group....that we know of yet.
Jill said…
I've met a bunch of people from my local message board, and they are AMAZING :)
Unknown said…
I have too much social anxiety meeting new people. I'm hoping that my splashing in the blogoverse will help get me over this phobia.
Debz said…
I never have and I am jealous. You all live on the other side of the world dangit!! I will never get to meet anyone unless I move.
Heather said…
A blog friend recently moved to my part of town from Oklahoma, and we have met up twice (once for a girls night, once with our kids). We connected better in person than even on our blogs. I was a little nervous, but it was all for nothing. I do suggest meeting in a public place at first, though, just so you can make a quick escape, if necessary :)
Heather said…
I'm like Kathy. I'm afraid they'd be disappointed. Or I'd be disappointed. I don't know. I'm in hermit mode anyway. I think you guys will have so much fun meeting each other and being able to put a person with the blog.
Anonymous said…
I have met about 15 on-line friends on the last few years. None were killers or crazy. I just got back (in June) for a weekend away with 12 girls, one of which I had met before. Meet in a public place, have your phone, and I hope you have fun!
Sydney said…
I haven't yet... but I hope to one day! Candid Carrie lives a mere 45 minutes to an hour away from me. So I'd love to meet her in person!
S Club Mama said…
I would if I felt confident & we met somewhere public (haha). However, I don't think anyone else lives in the Midwest middle of nowhere region.
Anonymous said…
I'd feel the same way about not living up to what you read...not that I'm a funny as MK but still...I get shy, and make a bad impression...but as I get older, I lose some of that...when to my 20yr HS reunion, and laughed at the insecurity that almost kept me from going...lifes too short, go for it...just look for the back door, just in case!!
Jen said…
I think it would be fun to meet bloggy people in reallife but I would be afraid that we would have nothing to talk about for fear that some one would blog about it or we have said all we have to say on the blog.
Debbie said…
I had to come back to read what others were saying. I really find the answers interesting because everyone is so open and friendly in the blogosphere but seem to be shy in real life. I am the same way on my blog as I am in real life. Maybe a little more reserved in some areas, but I like to be funny, to engage others and not get too serious about anything with anybody other than my husband. However, I am afraid that the expectations would be so high that there would be a let down. For both of us. However, I would still do it. Just because you can cut to the chase and get to the good stuff since you all practically "know" each other. Both those ladies seem like nice people...just make sure Insane Mama's stalker doesn't know where she is!
Rhea said…
I haven't done it...but there is a definite possibility of it happening in the future. :o)

Sounds like fun though. Nerve wracking, but fun. go for it!
Amy said…
It should be fun! I met a few people from the internet, not the blog world. I don't know of anyone who blogs that lives close to me.
Mama Dawg said…
I've done it. Not with bloggers, but with some women I met on Yahoo Groups back when we were brand new mommies (the latest was 5 years ago).

I met three of them while I was on a business trip and happened to be in their state and the other, I actually flew out to her house and stayed with her (with my 18 month old child) for a long weekend. We had a BLAST!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I met know a couple of my bloggy friends IRL life and they are great people! I would do this if there were people in my area....
But I do agree...the sometimes people can be one way in writing and another way in person. That isn't a bad can just say a lot more of what is on your mind when you are writing it out...
Caroline said…
That would be so fun! You need to take pictures. You are still such a mystery to me since your profile photo is of...well, I can't see it right now. Anyway, you must post about your rendezvous - we're all anxious to see how it turns out.
Tinabean said…
I haven't met anyone yet but if they lived close enough I think I would love to!
CaraBee said…
I definitely would. Although I would treat it like a first date with all the primping and nerves that go along with it.
Alison said…
Another blogger and I have plans to meet soon. The only thing I am nervous about is that we might not have much in common (she's single, childless, vegetarian, etc.) in real life. Guess I'll find out--we do read each other's blogs and enjoy them, after all!
Swirl Girl said…
So what's the verdict?
Cristin said…
I'm so jealous!!

I've met a few women from some online parents groups. I really felt like I knew them from our online relationship... more so than I thought I would.

You'll have a blast!
Party of 5 said…
I haven't met up with a blogger yet (unless you count my 3 friend who have blogs but I knew them first...LOL)

I did take my DD and flew for the weekend to KS to visit with a girl I have chatted with on msg boards for years. We BOTH had crazy serial killer thoughts while waiting for the plan to land and the taxi to deliever me to her house. We were afraid the taxi driver was going to go off with my DD and I (in my defense it was after midnight and I was tired). Needless to say it was a WONDERFUL weekend and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I could afford to.
Unknown said…
I don't know.

I have in the past and I've had a couple of bad experiences ... one of them really bad. It's okay, these weren't people from any blogs, but I did meet them online through a BBS.

In RL, I'm the same person that you see here. I'm pretty open, I'm friendly , I don't care where you live or what socio-economic group you belong to and I don't judge you by what you look like or where you come from or what you do. I like people and I like listening to and watching them.(Ye Gods, tht makes me sound like some type of stalker !!)

There are certainly people here, in blogland, that I'd love to meet, but at the same time I'm a little wary...and I really hate that !!
John Deere Mom said…
I am sure you ladies will have a great time! It would be fun to meet up with a group of girls for a drink or two or twelve.
Insane Mama said…
IT'S GOING TO ROCK! You and swirl girl will be my first. There are five other people interested also!
Swirl Girl said…
Mrs. R. I left you something. If you aren't going to commit to meeting me in person - this is the next best thing!

Swirl Girl
Anonymous said…
I think you're going to have a blast! Especially if you're all as cool as your are in "Blog Land".
Have fun!
Lisa Petrarca said…
I haven't but think it would be fun. I'd probably be worried that there would be the sound of crickets after we finished talking about blogging stuff!

IDK, I think I always worry about that, I'm not much of a small talk person.

Have fun and let us know how it goes!!!
Scary Mommy said…
Have fun!!! I met one of my best IRL friends through an on-line blog for shop owners. We were living states away, and both moved to the same place! It's odd knowing someone so well, but not in person. You'll get used to it though!
Veronica said…
I would definitely do it! I've never met up with anyone from blogging, but I've met up some people from a cooking contest forum I belong to(many of whom now have blogs) and it was so much fun to put faces with names and to meet people with whom you already have something in common with.
Nik said…
Nice to meet you!! I hope you have a good meet and greet and you survive! (no offense Swirl Girl and Insane Mama!)

I've met several mom's IRL - Hot Tub Lizzy and Mel from Reinventing the wheel. Both are WONDERFUL ladies and I'm blessed to have them in my life.
I've met one, but, I knew her through another forum and we had been emailing, etc for over a year. I would also love to meet few particular bloggers.....luckily, I feel like I'm pretty close in person to how I am on my blog so a meeting wouldn't be too shocking.....can't wait to hear all about it.
MB said…
I've met a bunch of people from a message board - it was fun. I get mail for nik from middle TN all the time ;) Someday I'll meet Lizzy. I say do it, have your cell phone ready to dial 911 and enjoy. LOL!!!
carrhop said…
Haven't yet--and not sure what I think--not that I'd be afraid of them--more that I would be afraid I would disappoint 'em. What if I was having an off-pithy day? What if my witty meter was malfunctioning? What if I had a bad hair day? What if I wasn't fabulous?--just trying to keep it real--ha!
I would do it if you all just made a pact that if one of you weren't as fabulous as your blog made yourself out to be, then mums the word! :) Have fun!
Ann Harrison said…
I haven't met any blog stranger-friends. There are a chosen few that I would love to met in person. I'll even go as far as to say rent a beach house for the weekend and have our own "Blog To The Beach" retreat.
(Hey, wait a minute... this kinda' sounds like a fun idea, right?)
Unknown said…
Just to let you know, have completed your 6 quirky things about me tag - and I tell ya, it was hard work!
Anonymous said…
How fun! I would love to meet some of my bloggy friends...I have a friend who went to Alabama to meet a bloggy friend and she photographed her family- it was a true success all the way around! Let us know how it goes!
i think it sounds fun!
found you through SITS, nice to meet you :)
Anonymous said…
Ooooh, I don't know. I think there are some blogs I read that I feel like the writer and I would have some laughs in person... I would say, it would be a possibility if the person was local. And I'm not sure that too many are! Best of luck and I hope you share the results with us! :)
Anonymous said…
I would love to find some of the bloggy mommies around here and meet them IRL. I say go for it and have fun!
KatBouska said…
So what's the verdict??
Unknown said…
I have met several people from around the net- some are lifelong friends and some were an experience. Actually that's how DH and I met...
nah, don't go. Just kidding- go, have fun and don't get yourself killed cuz we know who done it if you don't come back.
Mrs4444 said…
I haven't, but I'm tempted. Mr.4444 keeps saying, "How do you know that 'woman' isn't really some guy?!" Honestly, I can't live my life that way. That said, are you sure you're a woman?! :) JK
Candid Carrie said…
I need to know if you actually went through with it ...

I am lucky enough to be in the same city with two bloggers, we were actually buds before we were blogging so it is weird to have known them and when we all happen to be at the same event (because our kids are in the same school) we are all doing bloggy gossip!

Uh huh, there are flesh and blood people standing all around us and we are talking about all of the rest of you that we've never met. Even you Mrs. R, even you.
Candid Carrie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
How did your meeting go with Swirl Girl and Insane Mama?

My induction into bloggyland happened because of a blogger get together. I read about Bossy's Road Trip on her blog: I thought it would be fun & interesting to meet her and some other ladies.

Just to make myself a little more legit - I started a blog the night before the shindig. And I haven't looked back since.:)

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