My Television Debut

So Lula found Swirl Girl in a John Crier movie video.  This got me thinking that the one time I was on "Growing Pains" is out there.

Yep, I found it.  I can't believe that I am showing you this, as I was as awkward as 14 can be... but watch the first 2 minutes.  I am the girl with the pink jacket and gray jacket and the plaid gray and white scarf.

I will disappear for a minute when Kirk Cameron starts talking to the girl, but I come back.. an there is some dancing, so watch.  Then, I am clearly upset and news that the concert is sold out. And then die laughing.  When the "as long as we got each other" song starts my fame is done.

Oh, and guess who else was in this episode?  Yep, Brad Pitt.  I always knew our paths had crossed..see, six degrees of separation, now you "know" Brad Pitt.


Anonymous said…
Totally Awesome! Gotta love that 80s style. So, with six degrees of separation I'm one step closer to having met Brad, right? Let's do six degrees from Kevin Bacon. I'm sure he fits in with this episode somehow...
Tam said…
OOOO that is pretty cool! I love your post below with the BLING! It is wonderfull!!!!!! Congrats!
Tinabean said…
That was so much fun I LOVE the 80's (of course I was an 80's child) I have pretty much all of the 80's on my ipod & believe it or not my 16 year old actually likes most of it. Go Figure. Thanks for sharing your 15 mins of fame.
my2boyz said…
That is so cool!
WheresMyAngels said…
On nooooo!! There is a message saying AOL video is down so I can't watch it. :(
WheresMyAngels said…
oh good , I came back and it was working! Too funny.
Swirl Girl said…
WOW! Shall we sell our autographs on Ebay?? Totally cool that you are on camera for more than .01 nanoseconds.

And, even Brad Pitt on a tv screen through a glass window trumps a Duckie. You win!

Love the dancing to no music. I spent many nights in nightclubs doing just that....

Swirl Girl Hearts Mrs. R!
We soooo need to meet!
Cecily R said…
I was so in love with Kirk Cameron at that age I doubt I could have handled being that close to him. Forget Brad...
Anonymous said…
How funny is that? That's really cool that you were on a TV show. Did you want to be an actress back in the day?
I can't believe I "know" someone famous! Talk about some mean acting chops. :)
~Sheila~ said…
That was great! BTW-LOOOOVE your dance moves.
Angie's Spot said…
Very cool! I loved Growing Pains and who didn't have a crush on Kirk Cameron?! Now I can actually say that I "know" a celebrity. ;-)
Debz said…
Now I can say I "KNOW" a movie star! That is sooo cool.
KimmyJ said…
OMGoodness! That is so funny - and gurl, you got some moves, haha!
Heather said…
OH MY STAAAAAARS!!! Girl, I fell out of my chair clutching my sides... No, I'm not laughing AT you.

Okay, let me catch my breath.

First and foremost...if you could all see Mrs. R dance now, you would forgive her for the 80's head wiggle she had going on. The girl can DANCE. Her ringtone on my phone is "Sexyback". Seriously.

And I swear at one point Kirk actually LOOKED right at you. He secretly wanted you. We all know that now. I could feel the chemistry jumping off the screen.

You had quite a bit of face time on that episode and you were so close to him!! You'd told me about this before, but you never had accompanying video.

Just wait until Sabre sees this...She's gonna DIE!!!
Wow.......a real celebrity. :)This was so much fun to watch. So much fun. And Heather's comment almost made me fall out of bed. Hilarious.
Unknown said…
OMG - wow! This is really too cool!
Jen said…
This is so cool. I can't wait to watch. The computer at work here doesn't allow video so I will wait until I get home. Can't wait.
Apple Joos said…
I'm completely speechless and for me, that' a rarity. All of the witty things I could come up with falls flat compared with "Oh yeah, well I sort of almost met Brad Pitt."

I bow down to you.
Sydney said…
That is awesome! I love it! thanks for sharing. thanks for stopping by my blog. and thanks for featuring me on sits recipes yesterday. that was my brush with fame!
NANCY said…
Very cool. I actually ended up watching the whole thing!
Anonymous said…
You have never shared this little tidbit with me before. OMG! So funny. How very cool.

Anonymous said…
Ah...your video was down. I'll come back later and try to check it out again...I'm dying to see this pink jacket!
Amy said…
That is so cool! I used to LOVE Kirk Cameron and I watched this show ALL the time.

Glad you found it and have it to look back on.
Rhea said…
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! How cool!
Amy said…
How fun is that!?! Thanks for sharing.
Lula! said…
Please, please, please tell me you got some sugar from Kirk. I and grey? Come ON, those were some serious colors back then.

And we are so going dancing in December. For sure.
Alison said…
You were totally awesome (and good for a laugh--lovingly on my part of course)! I never would have been that cool--although I did have clothing in pink and gray (not sure about a jacket, but I remember a Guess? sweatshirt) and I wore my hair in a French braid quite often too.
Anonymous said…
Hahaha! That's so awesome! I loved that episode. And I was so much more in love with Kirk Cameron then. Brad who?
Anonymous said…
T- that is so funny! I love that you were brave enough to share it with us!!!!!
Anonymous said…
That is too cool.....gotta love the 80's don't ya. I always had a crush on Kirk Cameron.....he was a hottie...still is last time I saw him...on tv of course, I'm not as cool as you! :)
Anonymous said…
That is too cool.....gotta love the 80's don't ya. I always had a crush on Kirk Cameron.....he was a hottie...still is last time I saw him...on tv of course, I'm not as cool as you! :) said…
Ooooh cool! Now I have corresponded with someone on an extremely popular sit com from the 80's! And that's what counts! Hahaha!
Glad I stopped by!
AFRo said…
You are totally celebrity in my book. I grew up in the Growing Pains generation... I'm impressed with your acting skills! You got down like nobody's business!
Anonymous said…
Should I be embarassed to admit that I ended up watching the whole episode? Ahhh - those were simpler times. I look at my little ones now and hope we turn out just as cheesy!
Danielle said…
I have to admit that I have no idea which one you are, but what a flashback to watch that!! Ahhh, the memories of crushing on Kirk Cameron...
John Deere Mom said…
Shut the he11 UP! I am dying right now. Seriously. There is snorting involved. I have watched the dancing multiple times. I can't.get.enough.
Jennifer P. said…
SCREEEEEEEEEAM!!!!!! Shut the front door! I can't believe you found it! I spent an hour on you tube looking up all kinds of combinations of "Growing Pains" and "sold-out concert" and couldn't find anything. can't wait to watch it RIGHT NOW! And like you needed another name to add to your list of celebrities you know..... :)
Jennifer P. said…
that could not have been more perfect :)!
Amy said…
That is so fun. I love it. Thanks for sharing.
-Bridget said…
Oh, I am SO envious of you! And you can dance girl!
Anonymous said…
ohh, how much fun!!!
Scary Mommy said…
Oh my GOD!! Hilarious. Love your moves-- you still got those? :)
Cristin said…
I'm sorry but I laughed out loud at your dancing!! That's some hilarious stuff!!
Whitney said…
I can't BELIEVE you were on growing pains! That is the coolest thing in the entire world. :) How did you get to do that? I've always wanted to be an extra! You....are officially my hero.
Debbie said…
Oh Tiffany...that dancing...oh my gosh I am laughing so hard, my kids are asking me what's so funny...that was the best....
Lisa Petrarca said…
Tiffany, now you have a new contest for the site...let everyone know that you will be giving away 1 completely authentic picture and autograph. WAY BETTER THAN THE TARGET GIFT CARD!!

What do ya think, genius or what?!?

Make sure I'm first on the list cuz it's my idea to exploit your fame!LOL!
ugagirl30 said…
Man, those dance moves were rockin'. Smokin' baby!
Heather said…
Woo! That was awesome! It made me all nostalgic (another child o' the 80s here) for the big hair, the bad dance moves and of course the fantabulous fashions!!!

@ Commenter about iPods upthread there: My iPod has a lot of 80s music on it, too, but as of yet the only song out of my 80s playlist that my kiddo really likes is Love Shack. I've got to get her into Duran Duran at LEAST!!! :D

Sunshine said…
Oh my GOSH! I LOVE the head shake. You've got moves, girl, you've got moves! And I *did* notice you were VERY close to Kirk.

Now I totally have to Netflix the whole thing. It'll be my new obsession.

You. Are. So. Cool.
Sunshine said…
Ha ha...I'm totally just a-sitting here watching the whole episode on your blog. Hilarious.
Anonymous said…
OMG!! I had no idea I was friends with a star! I loved that show! You were and are sooo cute! Way to go SUPERSTAR!
Heather M
Mrs4444 said…
How fun! Mind if I ask how much you got paid?
Kaza said…
Nice moves! And thank you for the 6 degrees connection to the lovely Brad. Sigh!
KatBouska said…
Loved. The. Dancing.

There have got to be more clips of you in your archive. OUT WITH THEM!
M.Yeager said…
you were just be boppin' along! That growing pains music brought back so many memories of the 80's! They rocked!
M.Yeager said…
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M.Yeager said…
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M.Yeager said…
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M.Yeager said…
I have no idea why my comment posted a million times, I am sorry! I tried to delete them but it wouldn't let me!

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