
Did I ever tell you that my husband was an LAPD Detective?  Yep. Apparently, I am too.

Here is a piece of advice:

If famous people (Jared Leto) blogged with us, they would do so anonymously.  PERIOD.

Yes, I am sure.  100% sure.  
Updated: I understand this may be perplexing to some.  We've got a pretty tight community here and someone is blogging under false pretenses...like claiming to be a celebrity, which they are not. I have the proof I needed and just wanted to make some ladies aware.  I am not a fan of  phonies and frauds.  Anonymous is fine with me, but don't claim to be someone you aren't.  Especially if they are famous.


Lula! said…
D-E-T-E-C-T-I-V-E, people. He has skills. He has guns. Big ones.

Thanks, Tiffany. High time someone said this. I heart you in an enormous way.
Anonymous said…
I'm not getting it. Using your mad LAPD searching and deductive reasoning abilities did you happen onto some blog that's supposedly written by a celebrity? Do tell. I want to head over there and pretend to stalk them :)
Alison said…
I'm confused too. Did someone reveal too much about you on their blog?
my2boyz said…
Is everyone safe after the quake?
Swirl Girl said…
huh? iz someone dissin' my homey??

you okay?
WheresMyAngels said…
Count me in the LOST group!! lol

Course I am an open book.
Ann Harrison said…
Have you turned "Crazy Shannon" into a celebrity? Is she stalking your lover-ly blog now?
~Ann (The nice one!)
Unknown said…
I just joined the confused and perplexed group !!
Insane Mama said…
waaaa, still lost, even with the update.
Tinabean said…
I'm in the confused & lost group also.
Unknown said…
Ahhhh .. I think I see a light. Someone was leaving blogging claiming to be Jared Leto ?

Actually, I had to google Leto, because his name did not ring a bell. Now I realise that I've seen him in a couple of films I've watched, like 'Panic Room'.
Unknown said…
Oops, didn't mean to say 'leaving blogging' :-)
How did I miss a fake Jared Leto? I guess I need to be more observant! :)
Amy said…
I totally get it. I thought he was. I'm glad you figured it out, however you did it. Maybe it could be some sort of 1 hour drama called Blogging Detective. I mean, you do live in LA. Just a thought. Good work.
CaraBee said…
Still a little confused. A fake Jared Leto? Of all people, why pick him?
Debz said…
great day in the morning! someone is actually doing that ... wait, ...thats different than pretending to only be 125 pounds instead of 170, right?
Teri said…
I am not famous. I wish I had the salary of a famous person, but I am not famous.

I say this without being anonymous. That would be weird.
Mama Dawg said…
Ooohhhhh.........I was never 100% on board, but I was giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.

You gonna e-mail me w/deets?
Heather said…
I'm just glad to know that MY fame isn't at question here. I mean, you all know I'm famous...right?
swilek said…
I'm sure you would give us more details if you could!! we'll trust you our SITS co-creator!! I know what you mean about frauds...I was part of a facebook group for one of my fav. christian singers, chris tomlin...it was supposed to be his personal page...a group of us discovered it was not chris at all and outed the culprit! it was sad because the fraud-ee answered our personal questions etc! it felt good to out the fraud-ee and the coolest thing is i started communicating with this guy and his wife and they were my first bloggy friends i met while on holidays in northern ireland!!! oopss...didn't mean to ramble! glad your fraud was outed!!! have a great day!karyne
Anonymous said…
OHHH I love a little scandal...shame on the fake!!
Unknown said…
I'm in the category of totally confused!? Did someone really reveal things about you they shouldn't have?
Cristin said…
I'm confused and intrigued!!
Swirl Girl said…
okay-who is Jared Leto real or otherwise?

or is that a pseudonym too?
KatBouska said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Mama - blog it, blot it! What is the worst thing that could happen? Will the blog police come out and give out taps on the hand and say "Bad Girl, Bad Girl?" I doubt it.

Do Tell, I love drama in the morning!
I've been saying the same thing. But mine was based on what I thought was a riduculous notion. Glad you got proof.
Debbie said…
I am so completely confused....and even more so after reading the comments..Please please tell us more....Glad to hear you are okay after the quake...my BIL and SIL live in Long Beach and felt it...crazy...
I need the details. How did I miss this?
Anonymous said…
I need to know more!!!!
Caroline said…
I'm joining the dazed and confused crowd too. I never even saw someone using the name Jared Leto and duh...why would HE even want to blog with crazy sassy people like us. He might be able to hang, but I seriously doubt his sauciness.
Lula! said…
Tiffany, we "Blogger 5-0" girls are gonna have to team up and go public, apparently. Our peeps wanna know. And I doubt Mama Kat & I will be able to keep it in much longer. You know us...

SO glad this is finally going down. I mean that in a non-sexual kind of way, too.
Mama Dawg said…
Oh, good Lord, someone just spill it please. I've been with this "person" since the inception so I need to know as much as anyone! Right? LOL!
Jen said…
Phonies suck!
I agree, I am very curious, do tell, please.
Trish said…
okay..pleeze tell.

I get it, but don't actually "get it".

but I am one nosy girls .......so spill the beans already.
Angie's Spot said…
I'm really curious too. I guess I'll just sit in anxious anticipation! :-)
-Bridget said…
Jared Leto? That's kinda random.
Kaza said…
Sounds juuuuiiicy! I do hope you and Lula do some "tell all" posting. I guess I'm missing mucho by not reading all of the comments. (I'm usually in such a hurry I'm lucky to have time to comment myself!)
John Deere Mom said…
Color me confused...and I DON'T think it's the vodka's fault this time.
Anonymous said…
I'm dying for the full scoop here...
WheresMyAngels said…
I wouldn't call him famous!! lol Cause I have never heard of him. Course, the only people to me I really think are famous, are God, Jesus, the ghost of Elvis. Oh and George Clooney. If one of them was blogging with us, man wouldn't that be cool!
Scary Mommy said…
Tell us, tell us!!!
sassy stephanie said…
ha ha! You are the only one that read the jibberish SITS comment I left yesterday!
carrhop said…
And even if it really was Jared Leto, the first rule of Fight Club is...
Mom2FiveBratz said…
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Mom2FiveBratz said…
Tiffany, maybe you should think about changing your husbands name from 'The Candy Man' to something else, unless of course you like naming your husband after a serial killer.
Anonymous said…
Ok, I took a bunch of cold pills today so I'm pretty much in a fog anyway.....but are there more details to be had?

Ok, this one time I pretended to be Pat Benatar in a restaurant. I was at Ft. Bragg at the time in training...and we all went out to dinner and I pretended I was Pat and we were on tour and they were my back up singers and dancers. But I swear I never put that on my blog....or left a comment as Pat....I just thought I'd clear that up!
Unknown said…
I'm not even watching daytime t.v. today, this is soooo intense.
I'm with Amy, this could turn into some kind of reality show.
Are you ready... BSI.
Get it, like CSI?
Or how about this.... Blog and Order!

OMG, this is good stuff.

Just for the record, Mom2fivebratz scares me a little.
Anonymous said…
Ugh, fake blog names. Ah, I feel like I'm in the 8th grade again.

That totally sucks - I'm sorry someone's been messing with ya.
GetnItFinaly said…
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Jennifer P. said…
ooooohh....I was afraid to ask her who it was--so glad you spilled the beans for us ;)! Yeah---something tells me he could care less 'bout what the moms of the world were doing with our spare time!
Sydney said…
Wow do I wish I knew what this was all about! I love DRAMA! :-)
Sunshine said…
Dang, I missed this.

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