Six Things You Need to Know

Or not.  I was tagged by my new bloggy friend who live like 5 minutes from me, but we have yet to meet.....  SWIRL GIRL

Six Quirky Things About Me.....

I believe in my heart of hearts that:

1.  My term "Crackliture" will end up in some kind of dictionary

2.  Heather and I will end up on Oprah.  

3.  Lula's Libby and my boy will end up married.

4.  I dislike cats.  Immensely.  

5.  Meditation just might be me for me.

6. I wish I was a better cook.  This is a huge help!

And there you have it.  Random crap about me.  Yippy.

I tag:  Tara, Mrs. S, Jenn, Carabee, Ann (the nice one), Z's Mom and Tinabean1988

Now go post 6 random things about you!


Unknown said…
Okay, I will admit it is probably the wine cooler I just swigged ... but ... I just read # 3 as..

'Lula's cat and my boy will end up married.'

Time for bed, methinks..
Not crap. Gems. When you do go to Oprah, will you please find a way to bring me? Pretty please? :)
P.S. I detest cats too. :)
Jennifer P. said…
Boy--the Oprah sure is going to be ticked off when you drag along us 300 blog commenters to be on the show with you :)!---ooh!ooh! I hope it's on Oprah's Favorite Things day!!!
Angie's Spot said…
I'm with Jennifer P! WHEN you guys make it on Oprah, make sure she lets us all come too and that it's the fave things episode! :-)
Lula! said…
I'm all for y'all being on Oprah. But what I'd really rather see is the 3 of us on E! or the "Twilight" premiere. 'Cause that would trump Oprah anyday in my book. Oh, but yes it would.

Speaking of Twilight and Crackliture (yes, it better make Webster's one day!) I am rereading our beloved novel. Sigh...

p.s. I'll have "R" grandchildren one day. We'll share 'em and dress 'em up and cuddle 'em to bits. Then send 'em back to their parents when we need a break.
My Assistant said…
I despise cats too, and when you and Heather are on Oprah, this will be the only time I will watch her show because I can't stand her either (silence as America gasps!). Yep, not an O fan at all!
Really, all you kitty haters? Well, I guess we can all still be friends...that is, if you can stand it when I am an old cat lady with twenty-three cats living with me in my 600-square-foot apartment.

Please get me a ticket for that Oprah show!
Amy said…
I always dreamed of being on Oprah! How fun would that be? I agree with the favorite things show, that would rock!
Anonymous said… tagged ME!!!! I feel so special....I'll get to thinkin about all my quirkisms now....

Oh, I LOVE cats. I was a "dog person" until I rescued some cats....and now those 2 big old hairy cats mean SO much to me! Oh, and they are warm in the winter...just sayin'....
Crazy Momma said…
You hate cats? You must blog in more detail about that...
Anonymous said…
Oh you will so be on Oprah!
Swirl Girl said…
#1- cats suck baby's breath out of their heads....don't trust 'em a bit.

#2- when you are on Oprah...I'll drive

#3- 5 minutes away - what are we waiting for?? My bar or yours?

and - check out my new look! I am so fancy now, I can 'be seen' in public!
Natalie said…
The others are good, but......
You dislike cats? Immensely? Seriously? No really Seriously?

What is there to dislike? They are soft to touch, purring is their voice of love, they pee/poo in their place, they have funny personalities, they love to be with their people.

They don't bark incessantly, chew things up, have accidents, ruin the grass, bite through skin which then requires emergency rooms and stitches.

Cat person here, obviously, but I do have 3 of each. Perhaps a good meditation on cats would be helpful to open your mind and heart. :)

Also, check out Beyond Salmon at blogspot for great cooking ideas.
Alison said…
I want to go on Oprah too! Just as an audience member would be fine.

I'm not a cat person either. Putting it mildly.
Kaza said…
I too dislike cats. I'm a Leo, so this poses a problem for my self-esteem, but I carry on regardless.

I do hope you guys end up on Oprah. As for crackliture, I'm still trying to figure that one out. Funny you should mention it, b/c I was just thinking about it tonight as I made dinner (I'm completely and totally serious). I was thinking, 'does she mean because it's so good it's like the crack of literature?' Clearly I need to read your archives. I'll get around to it, eventually!
Cristin said…
Cat hater here... I believe that cats are possessed by the souls of people who are just to strange to go to heaven or hell...freakish cosmic misfits.
Heather said…
Oh we so totally need to get SITS on Oprah! I wonder if there's a place to submit ideas? I'd totally submit you and Heather (and the rest of us SITStas for the audience, of course)!

-Bridget said…
I have no doubt the two of you will end up on Oprah one day too. You two are destined for greatness.
Rhea said…
When you guys end up on Oprah, which I think you will too, make sure the entire audience is filled with SITSistas!! That would be SO fun.
Rhea said…
You know, I should have read the other comments before I commented, because I think I repeated something that had been said plenty of times. oops.
Melissa said…
When I first read crackliture on SITS I actually googled it to see what it meant.....
Oprah? What about Chelsea Lately!
I love her and her little Chewie guy! I could so see you all on that show....Do you want me to email her? I totally will...
Jenn said…
What fun now I need to think of 6 nutty things about myself. Hmmmmm
Mrs4444 said…
I agree; I think you will be on the Oprah Show. If you make it to the favorite things show, will you save something for me?! (I know; you meant as GUESTS, and so did I! :)
Heather said…
Dear Mrs. R.,
I am officially retracting my dowry for the match between your son and my eldest daughter. You must not need a vintage red convertible Porsche. I understand.
All the best,
Mrs. B.
CaraBee said…
Meditation, I kind of don't get. I call that "nap time."
Unknown said…
Oh good heavens! I've just realised you've tagged me. Really sorry, I haven't ignored it I just didn't know!
Will get to work on it pronto . . .
Ann Harrison said…
I am oh-so-delayed HOWEVER I'm on it!!!!
(I've been distracted by a writing opportunity but I'm good to go now!)
I'm honored!
Laurie said…
When you go to Oprah can I sit in the audience?? PLEASE>> I HATE cats. I am with you all the way there and I really dislike the word HATE.

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