The True Edward?

I told you I would post who I wanted to play Edward.  I agree that ultimately, Henry Caville is the best choice... if the movie was being made 5 years ago.  He is just too old to look 17. Here is Henry:

Colton Haynes, was in the running.  He had my vote!  This video has music, and I encourage you to let it play while you watch, as it's the perfect Edward and Bella song.



Lula! said…

Until Pattinson makes a believer of me, I am down with your selection. Yep-yep.
Debbie said…
I'm still afraid ;)
Amy said…
He IS a hottie! That is for sure :P
Unknown said…
Yes, he is a bit of allright...

Even if he's probably old enough to be my son!!
Tinabean said…
I'm agreeing with you.
Hopefully Pattinson will do Edward justice in the movie though.
Jennifer P. said…
I would have picked Johnny Depp back in his 21 Jumpstreet years--but your guy is pretty hot too! At least they didn't get Shaia Lebeouf (i'm sure I just slaughtered that poor boy's name) to play him!!!
CaraBee said…
Super yummy! I actually feel kind of pervy watching that because he looks so young. Don't get me wrong, I watched it all the way through, twice, but I felt weird about it.
Heather said…
See...his hair is so much better! He has Edward hair and she describes him as a super model. Pattinson is NO super model.
Anonymous said…
Yes, he's much more suited to be Edward. Wonder why he didn't get the part?

And I agree with the person that said Johnny Depp from the 80's - oh heck yeah!
Anonymous said…
OMG......that man is HOT!!!!!
KimmyJ said…
He can bite me anytime!! Much better choice.
Insane Mama said…
I still can't comment because I still have not read the books.... I'm really really really behind
Rhea said…
He's cute.

I can see I need to hurry up and read these books. I'm getting behind on the times...
Cristin said…
I'm with Rhea... a little lost but that's one beautiful man!!
Alison said…
I agree--he looks much more like Edward. I guess we'll just have to see what Pattinson can do with the part.
-Bridget said…
Henry is yummy! I'd be willing to overlook his age...
Candid Carrie said…
I totally thought you were going to play a video featuring my oldest son!

Whoever that young man is, could he please be the next president? I vote for four years of eye candy!
Lisa Petrarca said…
I haven't read the books, all my sisters keep telling me about it...must find time!

BUT, even without reading the character's description, your definition of HOT supermodel is WAAAAAY better!

Great taste Tiffany!

P.S. Thank you so much for picking me as a SAUCY BLOG this week...I feel so special!
Heather said…
I like your pick petter. I've got to get reading these books. Just wish my step-daughters would share with me. I can't wait to see what all the hype is about.
Totally off subject. Where did Mrs. R go? :)
Lula! said…
Oh My Head! I just started watching season 1 of "The Tudors" and a certain Mr. Henry Caville is featured heavily. Have you seen any of it? The very first episode has a very nice scene with him--and he is very nekkid, I might add. Very. And he very much ain't whistling Dixie in his nekkidness, that's for sure.

Ahem. It was hawt.
Anonymous said…
Hi, there! I found you thru Rhea/SITS. Great stuff. Can't wait for the movie but I read the books too long ago and my Edward fling has ended. I needed that to get my juices flowing again. thanks!
Mama Dawg said…
Oh, got hot in here all of a sudden.
Staci Loalbo said…
okay, i have absolutely NO idea what you are talkin about....but seriously this guy is my new pretend boyfriend.....who is he and WHERE can i find him??? OMG this man is gorgeous....he should def play this character you speak fact he should play EVERY male character from here on out......holy shnikes there should be a law against this kind of beauty!!!!
Sonya said…
I don't know how I came across your blog, but I am SSOOO glad I did. I have a count down on my blog for the next book and just found out about a movie coming out! Although I can't wait to see the movie, I have a feeling I will be glad I read the books first. I wouldn't want anything left out!!! :) Oh and P.S....he's a bunch of HOTNESS!

Anonymous said…
Just me coming back to watch your video....again...
Anonymous said…
uhm, is he old enough for me to lust after, because really, I want to ....

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