So, y'all know that I am a HUGE Twilight fanatic. This cover just came out on Stephenie Meyer's website. He is just NOT. HOT. ENOUGH. to play Edward. Ugh.
I totally agree! Edward is supposed to be too hot for words. This guy just isn't cutting it for me. I can't wait for the movie, though.
Anonymous said…
totally. absolutely. definitely. not even close to being hot enough.
Anonymous said…
Ugh. I'd have to agree after seeing that picture. I've seen pics of him where I thought he might be hot enough but that picture certainly is not one of them. And strangely enough Kristen looks TOO hot to be Bella in that pic. YUCK.
I'm so torn about seeing this movie. Part of me wants to and part of me wants to run screaming the other way. I don't want it to ruin the books. I'm sure I'll see it anyway.
Who would you have picked instead of Robert Pattinson? I haven't come across anyone that IS Edward, ya know?
I've only just started reading the Twilight series and no, Edward he is not...
Anonymous said…
It's almost sad - the harder they try, the worse it gets. I keep telling myself to wait for the movie and give him a fair shot but seriously - that Donald Trumpy hairdo? The mossy looking sideburns? And the LIPSTICK?
I guess it's cool, since I'm a Jacob fan anyways. Does anyone know what Jacob looks like? Maybe they're setting us up to all root for Jacob because we all know she's gonna end up with him.
Ok, so I'm gonna have to check out these books! The only vampire books I've read were Anne Rice....and I loved those. How do these compare? Better? Worse? Just different?
I don't know who Edward is....but the guy on that cover is not hot. Just my opinion.
Having never read the books nor exactly knowing about them except through a stupid Facebook application, I still don't think this guy is hot enough. First of all, his name is Stephenie (I thought I had it bad with Randi - shoot) and second of all, he's just not cute. Sorry to all of you Twilight fans (however, think of it this way...they made hot Brad Pitt and, at that time cute, Tom Cruist into not so hot vampires in Interview with a Vampire)
See? EW thinks they are trying to redeem themselves for leaving Twilight off their Top 100 New Classics list. They must have read my 2 posts about it. But oh, this is an unflattering cover. So many things to discuss here.
First of all, "Bella" is not supposed to be the ravishing heroine of a bodice-ripping novel. I'm supposing this was the photo stylist's attempt at glamorizing the movie. SO NOT NECESSARY.
Second, Robert Pattinson is much better-looking than this photo reveals. Is he "the" Edward we're all hoping for? I dunno. He looks good in the few movie clips I've seen. The film itself will tell the truth...we've less than 5 months to go now!
Finally...what the heck's up with this cheesy Fabio-esque cover? SO not the Twilight we all know and love. This is pure publicity at its worst. Blah!
I agree with everyone else - Robert Pattinson is not hot enough to play Edward. I think Henry Cavill of The Tudors (Showtime series) would have been a much better candidate - he's super hot! Want to see a pix, type Henry Cavill into Google and look at the image results!
The hair is what is killing me most... and the fact that Bella looks like a streetwalker. Although, Kandace, I cannot see her boots, but who am I to judge, right?
Anyway, it looks like a porno for snow white with the apple and all. Wahhhhhh, I am so disappointed. Tomorrow, I will show you all who Edward should have been played by....
I haven't read these books, but I've heard that they are good. My little sister and my neice are reading them. They are 16 years old. Maybe that is the intended audience,
Okay, first of all his hair isn't spikey and tussled enough!!! His lips are all wrong and where do I begin on Bella? Why is she all dressed up like that?
I'm crying a little on the inside. I was afraid this would happen. Even Kristin whatserface is all wrong to be Bella.
Anonymous said…
You're right! They picked a hotter girl than guy! He's supposed to be gorgeous! Were are the Brad Pitt's of 2008? I can think of quite a few young actors who are hotter than this guy (even if I am a Harry Potter fan, sorry Cedric).
Ok I agree with all of you! No he is NOT hot enough. I haven't seen a photo of him that even comes close to attractive. This cover is the worst of them all! I have to say I was SO disappointed to find out who the actors were going to be. Now having said that -have any of you seen the MTV teaser trailers on Stephenie's site? I have to say it totally WORKS! They both looked great. I think we are all going to be pleasantly surprised how good the movie is going to be. Even if he isn't truly Edward (to us) he is going to have his yummy moments.
Anonymous said…
The hair and they eyebrows. And his fingers are too feminine. And his belt buckle isn't centered. The more I look at it the more I want to barf. Haven't read the book and this isn't doing it any favors :)
Nope. Too girly. Even Orlando Bloom would have been all wrong. They really needed to go find some fresh new face that no one had seen or heard of before. We're all just going to look at him and go "oh--it's Cedric Diggory. I thought Voldemort killed you--but looks like you turned into a vampire instead". And I've only read snippets of the Twilight series, but I can have my opinions too, right :)?!
I'm agreeing with you I pictured Edward completely different in my mind. He's not hot enough or built enough in my opinion. But some people are saying just wait til you see the movie because he fits edward perfectly when he's acting as edward. I guess we'll have to wait & find out.
Now I definitely have to read this book. I don't know Edward but this guy is not cute. I mean, he's okay in a wouldn't-mind-if-he-were-dating-my-sister kind of way, but not in a wow-I-want-to-ogle-his-hotness-on-the-big-screen way. Oof, too many dashes.
Thanks to the SITStas and LuLu - I started this series yesterday and am halfway through the first book -I bought book 2 today. Let's just say this is not my idea of what Edward looked like - he looks so feminine in this photo. This reminds me of how upset E1 got when Tom Cruise played the Vampire from Anne Rice's book.
No idea who Edward is or what Twilight is, but that man is not HOT!! If you incerted George Clooney when he played in Dusk To Dawn, that that would be HOT, okay, beyond HOT!
Now, I am a huge EW fan - it is my faaaaaavorite magazine, so when I saw this cover, I was all "Huh?" 'cause, you know, I haven't seen this one yet. LOL!
I have no idea who those folks are and only vaguely recall hearing of the Twilight books, but it sounds like something I should truck on over to my library and check out, eh?
I dunno. that guy looks creepy. I'm not into Twilight yet, but I LOVE vampire stuff... so I better get crackin'. I haven't had a vampire thing to be all fangirl since Buffy ended...
Anonymous said…
OK Did they even read the books before casting? If they had they would have NEVER picked those two! Edward is supposed to be sooo beautiful you would risk being crushed by him! What the hell is that guy? They went for a vamp not a god! It's all wrong. How will I ever watch that movie! Ok i will manage somehow. T I'm so bummed!!!!!!!!!
I haven't read this series (yet... its on my list, after I finish the new ones out by Janet Evanovich and Nora Roberts)... but I did watch the trailer online. The movie looks pretty good! It won't hit theaters until Dec, so I think I should have enough time to read the book before I see the movie :)
Truly he is just not hot enough for how she describes him in book! In this cover shot he looks like a ghost.... not a chilsed take your breath away golden eye hot guy! Let's hope he has some amazing charisma that will make up for the no "hotness".
It just dawned on me that I have had some super exciting news that I haven't officially shared! You all know how I feel about the importance of optimism and resiliency in the successes I've had in my life and how important it is to pass those on to my son. Did you know my company is named "Bright Future Managment"? Doesn't get more optimistic than that! A few months ago, I was contacted by a PR firm representing Pepperidge Farm. They were interested in interviewing me for a faculty position for Fishful Thinking , an initiative that offers parents tools for fostering optimism in kids. Now, as the director of one of LA's largest and oldest private summer camps, I get contacted to participate in all kinds of things for kids... usually, I pass, as I want to spend all my free time with my boys. But in this case, the message and the presentation was so incredible, I jumped at the chance and agreed to the interview. Within the first 5 minutes of the interview I wa...
I 'd like to start by proclaiming that I am in madly in love with my husband. In no way does this moment of "gyno-attraction" diminish his hotness and my love for said hotness. Having said that, let's begin. So I feel pretty safe in saying my OB is hotter than your OB. Okay, make that "was", because when we left LA for St. George, I had to leave his glorious, silver, stirrups. But he is worth a post. Trust me on this . Let's start with our first (and only) encounter. It was my 6 week follow up after having The Boy. My regular OB was out of town, so they assigned me to Dr. McHottie. I walked into the room with no idea of what was to come. I got undressed (from the waist down of course) and stuck my feet in the stirrups. Then he walked in. A cross between Jake Gyllenhall and Channing Tatum. In scrubs. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. I got all kinds of flustered and the conversation went something like this. McHottie : "Hello Mrs. R." (Cleverly remin...
So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half. Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched. For the first time ever. He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid). He struck out two batters and only hit one. (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.) Is he adorable or what? I know this event is inconsequential to most of you. But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left. And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.
I'm so torn about seeing this movie. Part of me wants to and part of me wants to run screaming the other way. I don't want it to ruin the books. I'm sure I'll see it anyway.
Who would you have picked instead of Robert Pattinson? I haven't come across anyone that IS Edward, ya know?
I've only just started reading the Twilight series and no, Edward he is not...
I guess it's cool, since I'm a Jacob fan anyways. Does anyone know what Jacob looks like? Maybe they're setting us up to all root for Jacob because we all know she's gonna end up with him.
I don't know who Edward is....but the guy on that cover is not hot. Just my opinion.
First of all, "Bella" is not supposed to be the ravishing heroine of a bodice-ripping novel. I'm supposing this was the photo stylist's attempt at glamorizing the movie. SO NOT NECESSARY.
Second, Robert Pattinson is much better-looking than this photo reveals. Is he "the" Edward we're all hoping for? I dunno. He looks good in the few movie clips I've seen. The film itself will tell the truth...we've less than 5 months to go now!
Finally...what the heck's up with this cheesy Fabio-esque cover? SO not the Twilight we all know and love. This is pure publicity at its worst. Blah!
Anyway, it looks like a porno for snow white with the apple and all. Wahhhhhh, I am so disappointed. Tomorrow, I will show you all who Edward should have been played by....
This could be bad. VERY, very bad.
I can think of quite a few young actors who are hotter than this guy (even if I am a Harry Potter fan, sorry Cedric).
He's not hot enough or built enough in my opinion.
But some people are saying just wait til you see the movie because he fits edward perfectly when he's acting as edward.
I guess we'll have to wait & find out.
However, I really don't have a clear pic of him in my mind.
They've photographed her WAY too hot for what she's supposed to look like.
I bought the 1st book by the way.
Dom has already borrowed the 2nd and 3rd from his friend and read all 3 AND...returned the books back to his friend.
I'm such a slacker.
at all
Not even a little bit
Looks wrong
Now, I am a huge EW fan - it is my faaaaaavorite magazine, so when I saw this cover, I was all "Huh?" 'cause, you know, I haven't seen this one yet. LOL!
I have no idea who those folks are and only vaguely recall hearing of the Twilight books, but it sounds like something I should truck on over to my library and check out, eh?
OOOOOHHHHH....Breaking it 14 days!!!!!! :)
Anyone having a twillight party on Aug 2nd?