BLAAAAAAAAAAAG.  Is how I feel about my blog right now.

I have no funny stories.  My kid hasn't said anything witty or humorous for days.  Seriously, it's crickets over here.

I did "mistreat" my windows.  I'll post a picture.  


Right now that sounds like too much work.

Ugh.  Let's see... oh.  We are repainting the inside of our house.  My poor CM had to repaint the family room THREE time before I liked the color.  Yes, we are still married (as far as I know).

And, Boot Camp starts back up in a week.  Whoopie.

Anything else?  No not really.  Anything interesting going on with you?

Didn't think so.

Remember when we were like 21 and right now instead of sitting in bed blogging we'd be deciding which sassy shoes we were gonna wear out dancing?  And, we would just bring a few bucks cause we never paid for a drink?  When anything we wanted to wear totally fit?  When we could stay out til 2 AM cause all we had to do was get up by 11 to go to work at Victoria's Secret?  Or even better.. up by 4 to go waitress and then start the fun all over again?

Remember when we didn't have gray hair under the color?  Or when we could grow our hair long and actually wear it down instead of a ponytail?  When we didn't have to hold our eyelid taught to put on eyeshadow?  When mascara and lip gloss were enough to make us look flawless?

That seems like ages ago.


©2008 The R Family Diaires. All Rights Reserved.


WheresMyAngels said…
I just keep remembering when I was HOT, and missing that. Child husband didn't know me when I was HOT (because he was only 10 at the time). He looks at my old pictures and wishes for the same thing I do, that I was back to being 21 again!!
Unknown said…
Yep! I remember those days! We only stayed in on Sun & Mon nights! Just stopping in again via SITS!
Cecily R said…
I think BLAAAAAAG is my new favorite word.
swilek said…
ahh, the good 'ole days, but I must say I am LOVING my 40's, maybe not the same as the good 'ole days but awesome nonetheless! How about when we didn't have cellulite!
CaraBee said…
I was thinking about that the other day when we went out with some friends and were home in bed by 10pm. In the old days, we didn't even go out until after 10. Sad. I miss my old butt. Sigh.
Amy said…
My memory is not that good but I know that I didn't have money for killer shoes then and a lot of times I had a slight hangover no matter how old I was and I hated waitressing. So it's not all bad. : ) Although cleaning up other people's messes all the time is a slight nerve tap.
Lula! said…
As per usual, you crack me up.

Know what I remember? When my boobs were still Playboy-worthy and didn't sag to my knees. Those were the days. Good times.

p.s. Did you read? I refuse to call you at 5:49 am your time...because I value our friendship. HA!
Heather said…
I was just looking in the mirror the other day thinking about my eyelids. Seriously!! I don't like what they're doing right now. It's not flattering. But you know me...I'll just go pay to have it fixed.
Jenni said…
And remember when we didn't even got OUT for the night until 10pm? Now I am grouchy if I am not in my pjs by 8...
Caroline said…
Um, you didn't finish answering the questions for your q & a did you, or am I totally mistaken? There's something to write about. Oh, and mama kat at Mama's Losin' It is suggesting prompts every Wednesday for situations such as these. I'm with Lula, I miss the days that my boobs didn't sag to my knees. Mr. Baseball used to call them "perfect" pre-baby. Strange, but I haven't heard him say anything about them being "perfect" since then. I may say though that I am not opposed to some surgical assistance (after I'm done birthing babies) in getting the girls to head north again.
KatBouska said…
I miss staying out until 2:30, going to an after party and then lounging around the next day while ordering pizza and watching lifetime movies.

And the pizza did not show up in my thighs later.
Rhea said…
I was never really 21. I had a three year old when I was that age. I think I grew up way too fast. I'm waiting for those repercussions.
Jen said…
Just for a day, maybe 2, I want to go back to 21. Ah, to be footlose and francy free and party till I can't stand up any more.
thotlady said…
Yes I remember it all.

When I would wake up in the morning and look refreshed.
Anonymous said…
What are you trying to do? Bring me down???? I'm too tired to do all of that stuff now.....and too poor....really too tired.
Unknown said…
Oh mannnnnn do I remember those days!
I was 5'8, thin and blonde...
Now I'm 5'4, fat and grey.
How did this happen!!!!
Unknown said…
I remember being 23 going out, getting in at 3 and going to work by 8. If I tried that now I would die. Literally. Since I only have to get up and walk to my desk now I suppose I could do it - because I could always take a nap as a break. Working from home has its privileges.
Aubrey said…
Oh girl...I remember.

I can't wait to see your window mistreatments. I haven't been brave enough to try yet!
Jill said…
The only makeup I've had for the past month is mascara (a crappy one at that too) lipliner, and a half-empty cover up.

You mean to tell me that isn't enough anymore? Yikes...
Alison said…
I didn't stay out that late very often *cough*nerd*cough* but I definitely miss the way I looked then, and I didn't even appreciate it. Also, there was always some drama about a guy (even if it was only in my head). I probably wouldn't like having that again, though.
Tinabean said…
Oh the good old days!
I really miss those days when you could eat anything & as much as you wanted & it never effected your body.
You could head OUT at 10 at night & stay out & awake all night, now I'n IN by 10 or I'm dead tired.
But with those days at least come a lot of fun memories!
I remember when I would actually lose weight when I went on a diet. Instead of leaving the process a month later and five pounds heavier.

And, my hair is long, and left down. Most of the time...
sassy stephanie said…
And how about the fact that you could drink until 2AM while livin' it up all night and get up the next morning with no headache. Now, it takes me, like, 3 days to get rid of a hangover.

Leigh Ann...Lula! whateva...modern medicine was invented for women such as us.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Ok, now I'M depressed! :) NAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're better now that we're older. Now, we're MILFs, and we have beautiful children, and our self esteem isn't based on whether that guy asks us to dance or not, and our big hair doesn't smell like bar smoke anymore. :) I'm trying, I'm trying.
Lisa said…
LOL! Now I totally feel OLD!!!! SO true though.
Summer said…
Seriously, huh? How sad that just thinking about all that makes me tired!
Ah, bummer.

You know, ladies, my hubby can fix those eyelids. Just get in line behind me!!!
The Avid Reader said…
i love "blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag". That's fantastic.
S Club Mama said…
I'm only 22, what's my problem??? Kids do make you grow old fast.

I haven't had anything good to post about for awhile either. It's rough. And then you are only one of the few people (like 3) who comment regularly on my page so without anything good to write, my comments are down.

Hang in there. Something's bound to come up. And're not old...get a baby-sitter and go out wearing your sassy shoes. Fix your hair down (even if it's during the day).

Plan a romantic night for your hubby. Again, get a sitter. Buy something he'll appreciate (hint, hint) and do your hair and make up just for him! That'd be something to spice up the ol' blog...or at least something to hint at!
Jess NBP said…
I never went out dancin like u say we should... I was preggo after my 21st bday. BLAH anyway check back to my blog about 10a est tomorrow, U'VE BEEN TAGGED!!
I'm feeling pretty blah, myself.....maybe it's a painting thing. We are painting the exterior of our house....:)
Being Honest said…
Why oh why must we age?
Jennifer P. said…
I nodded so much through this post that my neck hurts :)!

How bout making a list of 20 things you want to do before you die? That's what I did and I'd love to see other people's ideas!
Anonymous said…
oh my, I am going through the same funk, right now... Hmm...

Maybe it is the change of seasons.
Great post... especially the part about painting the living room three times. I can relate to that...
Mommy Dharlz said…
i think i can relate, and am just 32, lol...
Vicki said…
Ah yes, I remember no need for sleep.

It's crickets here too except for the horrific dentist visits lately that I've tried to find humor in...

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