
So I've gotten a few nasty "Anonymous" comments.  Today's was downright mean.  Called me "discusting" (clearly, we are dealing with an incredibly bright blogger) and remarked on my short "mourning" period and my son's future psychological problems due to him being in the dressing room.  Which he wasn't, as the post stated.  But again, we are dealing with someone who is not only crazy, but uneducated as well.  

When did a 7 year old in the dressing room get creepy anyway?  

I have also had someone questioning whether or not I am a "real" person.  My hunch is, that these two people are the same... All I can hope is that there aren't two idiots frequenting my blog.  

Mama Kat and Insane Mama have also been receiving regular rude, vulgar and misspelled comments from an "anonymous".  Jealousy is a sad state and a useless emotion.  The use of poor grammar is well... insulting.

I have disabled my anonymous and hopefully rendered the idiot incapable of leaving their filth around these parts.

As you girls know, I am all about keeping it classy.  

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Unknown said…
I don't think your "discusting" at all......
Your blog is great and you gota lota class! ; )
Crazy Momma said…
"Discusting"? Come one, people!

Your son may have issues later in life...but not from being in the dressing room (which you were VERY clear that he was not) but the fact that he realized the panties were yours :)

My 8 year old comes into the dressing room with me regularly. Of course, he turns around while I change...

Whatever! You ARE classy! Glad you are going to keep it that way!
Heather said…
I've said it all along and I'll say it again. If you're going to leave a nasty comment, at least be woman enough to leave your name.
Amy said…
I had to take anonymous comments off of my blog too. It's no fun. Sorry that happened.
AFRo said…
OOOOOooooo. I love anonymous trolls. It makes me feel like I've actually "made it" in the blogger world. If you've got enough traffic to attract a troll, you must be doing something right...
KWolfAK said…
Wow, I guess I should disable anonymous too. I haven't gotten any, but I am so sensitive that it would probably really bother me if I ever did!
Ann Harrison said…
What is going on? Why is this crap happening to you?
I just don't understand.

I'm happy that you share it with us. That way others don't feel so alone if it happens to them too.

(The nice one!)
Kaza said…
You are definitely not discusting. In fact, my friend, you kick ass! Go see: http://tinyurl.com/5s2e8d
Oh GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ......totally rolling my eyes here at Ms. Anonymous.
Insane Mama said…
Well said... Ms or Mr Anonymous is a chicken. I hated to take away the choice to be anonymous, (because I know my mom who is technically clueless sometimes comments as anonymous) but I did it too at least for awhile.
Sherri said…
Good Gravy!! I had to disable Anonymous a while back too.... I had someone (yes i think I actually know who it was) commenting about ridiculous things.

By the way --- I would rather take my child into the changing room with me than have him out alone among the creeps!!
Just Lisa said…
F the haters! I think you're great!

I'm with Afro, I kinda get off on the anonymous comments. At least they're reading my stuff! Maybe they'll click on an ad link once in awhile, too!
Swirl Girl said…
I am absolutely speechless at the need to have this conversation. This is supposed to be fun, right? I feel as though some of you have become my friends and the thought of such haters - who don't even have the guts or class to share their identity - are trying to wreck a very good thing.
Jealousy or idiocy in the face of their own mediocrity. Sad. Ignorant and sad.
I am sorry that three of best things in this viral notebook have to go through this.
Anonymous said…
You are always classy and definitely a real person...I've known you for 20 years!
Candid Carrie said…
Eye know it waznt mee. Pinkee sware.
Amy said…
Holla 'bout the classy. Poor anonymous needs spell check and perhaps a blog of their own.
Anonymous said…
Some people are just dumb-dumbs...and I guess I will not be posting about how I still leave the bathroom door open...except when Mother Nature in around...for that I need a little privacy.
Jen said…
Whatever, people can be so rude. I think that you hit the nail on the head, they are just jealous.
And there is nothing wrong or discusting about your son in the dressing room if he was. It is all about safety and keep your kids with you.
Mean People SUCK!
And I'm with Heater, leave your name.
Heather said…
WTF? I think you're right...jealousy is an ugly beast. Don't let this detract from the beauty that is SITS. Your clsss is not in question, here; "anonymous" is the one with no class.

Does make for an interesting post, though. People who can't spell or use spell-check crack me up.
Kori said…
I mean that is just wrong. I have 2 boys and with all the terrible things you see on the news there is no way I would leave my child standing outside where some crazed idiot could just snatch them. Apparently this person has no children of their own or just doesn't care that much.

When the boys and I go shopping alone. If one of us has to go to the bathroom. We all go together in the ladies room. Yes I get some looks but oh well. Crazy stuff happens to kids in bathrooms alone. I just give the ladies the evil eye and dare them to say something. lol

Always keeping it classy is definately your style darlin. Have a great day.
Lula! said…
Well said, Tiff. And 'bout darn time someone said it.

Mrs. Classy America...that's you. I'm barely fit to adjust your sash and crown. I'll do it, though. Would you like some Coke or water before you take the stage????
Sydney said…
If people are going to be rude, at least that can try to spell properly and use proper grammar. Sheesh! Sorry you're getting attacked by trolls! Hang in there!
John Deere Mom said…
So glad you disabled the anonymous comments. I wish the other gals would too. It makes me sad to read those ignorant comments. And who needs to have their day ruined in Blogland? Not me. And now I am glad you won't either. BTW, I am on page 390 of Twilight. They are planning to get Bella the hella out of dodge because of the tracker. I swear if they don't make out soon, I am gonna burst. The sexual tension is killing me, I tell you. Killing me!
CaraBee said…
I don't know if you read Sweetney, but she had a post a couple of days ago about trolls and linked to an article about them from the NYTimes. It's pretty depressing, really. These sad, broken people go out looking for people to disrupt. Not that their f-ed up lives gives them any excuse to be jerks because who hasn't had some drama but sort of explains a few things.
Unknown said…
Most anonymous posters are nothing but cowards. It really takes some guts (NOT !!) to hide behind 'Anonymous' while making mean comments...

Don't let them get to you. We know you ave class :-)
Unknown said…
I try really hard to ignore rude anonymous commenters. They are so scared to speak their minds, that they hide behind the "anonymous" sign-up and then spew their venom!
Anonymous said…
Somedays I feel like I should allow anonymous comments due to the nature of some of my articles but honestly I think I'm too sensitive to deal with the trolls.
Amy said…
Some people just don't have anything to do with their miserable lives but cause drama for others. Your blog rocks, and I, like everyone else, love it.

I hope said anonymous person is not getting off on the fact that you posted about his/her comments.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I think it was Kathie Lee......just ignorant people out there trying to be heard! You said it all best in your response.If they're going to be rude, they better at least spel rite! :)
cricketphx said…
Hmm, not a real person huh? I'm pretty sure you're real! Although....I've never actually seen you in person. Have talked to you on the phone though, and I do receive mail from you (the real kind, not the e kind). I think you're real - and incredibly AWESOME!!
Sue Wilkey said…
I've had 2 mean/insulting anonymous comments in 1 week!!!! One woman said I'm not a Christian. It's such a shame- i had to disable Anonymous also.Get a sense of humor people!!!!!!!!
my2boyz said…
WOW!!! I am so sorry that someone out there is being mean to you. Wanted to let you know because of YOU I picked up Twlight 5 days ago and now i am 1/2 way through Eclipse! AWESOME books, thanks!!! Serioulsly I love them.
Anonymous said…
Isn't there a spell check on the comment box? Whenever I misspell a word, it's underlined in red. That means, "Go look it up, re-re, you got it wrong."

Don't let the stupid comments get you down. Look at the thousands of wonderful comments everyone else left for you over the life of your blog! It's amazing, huh?
sassy stephanie said…
Why must there be a bad apple in every cart? Glad to hear you tossed it out!
Kally said…
You are not "discusting"! And I am betting Anonymous is NOT a mom.
swilek said…
i can't believe it...wow..i'm still in shock that people would make rude comments to you, our future move-over-Oprah hostess along with Heather!!:):) This is your blog and you can say what you want but I don't find anything offensive... people need to get a life of their own. geez! you keep making it real!
Alison said…
You know you've got something going on when you get rude comments. I'm glad for the option to block anonymous comments--I haven't had to do so, but who knows!
Debbie said…
There was not one disgusting thing in that last post. And I am really sad to hear that people are leaving rude comments to perfectly nice people. You are classy and you rock Tiffany!
S Club Mama said…
I love your blog & hope this person realizes how wonderful you and it is. And even if your son HAD been in the dressing room; he's your son! Most people have seen their parents naked (and most have probably seen them doing it too). Big deal.
I just wish mean people could have balls and actually use a name. This is all in good fun; it's not like you made your son try on your panties or something weird like that.
Mrs4444 said…
Damn. Gess I'm gonna hav to improv my speling if i'm gonna be respeckted in here...JUST KIDDING...thought it would be fun to spell like a dope, heehee. Just ignore them...
Shannon said…
I, too, think its a shame that you even had to disable anonymous comments in the first place. If someone is going to be mean and nasty, they should have the guts to do own up to it!
Peggy said…
Some people are plain rude! You know what they say about opinions.
Unknown said…
It is becoming more and more clear to me that stalkers abound both IRL and in the blogosphere. Good for you disabling anonymous. If someone has the gall to insult own up to it.
WheresMyAngels said…
Sounds like they spell like me, but I sware it aints I;)
Tinabean said…
Have these people never heard of
"If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all?"
Come on people pull your heads out.
I think your great & I know many many people who will back me up on this.
Keep blogging away & they can kiss your A#*.

Sorry I get a little heated when people act like that.
It's your blog for heaven sake you can discuss & say whatever you like.
If they don't like it they don't have to read it.
Rhea said…
I don't understand the nasty comment stuff. What's up with these people? They must be unhappy, unfulfilled, miserable people.

Sorry to hear you got hit.
Anonymous said…
I don't think you are discusting at all! I've some of the comments that were left on your blogs and on the others that you listed.....rude anonymous people! Cowards!!!! Good call disabling the anonymous thing...

I read Carrie's comment....and I don't know...something doesn't seem on the up and up with her.....
The Nice One said…
Too bad Blogger doesn't have a built in Idiot Comment feature...
you go girl! i am right there with you!!!
M.Yeager said…
I just found your blog, so it wasn't me! I have been reading through it and I think it's A-ok. Plus I know how to spell, lol.
thotlady said…
Wow, I hate those, especially when they can't spell.

I had a couple of rants on a previous blog I had.

I love reading your blog and you seem very REAL to me. :)
trash said…
I'm all for people having their own opinions but surely your blog is the place where you get to say what you like? Nobody is making them commentor read it. I just don't understand!

Thanks for stopping by and playing at Trash Towers yesterday. And an even bigger thanks for organising SITS. I love it.

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