Finished Breaking Dawn...

****Don't Worry, NO Spoiler!******

At 1:24PM, Sunday, August 3rd, I finished Breaking Dawn and therefore finished the Twilight series.

I sat and wept.  

Wept out of gratitude to Stephenie Meyer for sharing her talent and being true to the characters despite knowing people would be unhappy.

Wept out of sadness that the love, trials, victories and magic of Bella, Edward and the Cullen Family had come to an end.

Wept out of delight that the book was more than I ever could have hoped it to be.

Wept for the wonderful way Bella grew and changed right before my eyes.  Watching someone come to understand the meaning of "more than my own life" is magic.  

I have heard that Twilight fans are disappointed.  I think many of them are young and not able to grasp the essential beauty of the story: the characters willingness to sacrifice.  This book spoke of a love that they don't yet know.

For me,  it was absolutely perfect.  I will miss my friends.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Miss them? Don't you "own" them? :) I loved reading this.
Cristin said…
Well, I just read that re-post and now that I know that the Twilight series is about Vampires... hmmmmm.... you've got me curious... I read every book that Anne Rice has written... when school starts back up I might have to indulge myself...
Amy said…
Because of your posts I just started Twilight yesterday. I am halfway through. I feel lucky to have so much to look forward to, but a little nervous. too. Thanks for the recommendation.
John Deere Mom said…
Okay. Even though I don't get the whole Twilight thing and have never even seen the cover of the book, I do understand how you feel. When I finished the final Harry Potter book, I cried like a baby. Actually, I cried throughout a lot of that book, knowing it was the end. Final. No more anticipation of the next book. No more rereading the previous book before the new one comes out. I get that. And after all ya'll going so loco over these books, I might just have to try them. Maybe.
S Club Mama said…
Honestly, you were the first person to introduce me to the Twilight series; I haven't read them yet but I think I'm going to have to jump on th band wagon soon as I just finished a series & am in dire need of something before I succumb to my desire to read the entire Little House on the Prairie series :)
Anonymous said…
I so agree with JDM about Harry Potter.....those were some GREAT books. And the movies are not living up to the books.

I started Twilight yesterday on your recommendation, Tiffany. So far I'm enjoying it a lot.

I'm a little nervous too in continuing on.....
Rhea said…
I need to get the fourth book. I've been in the country and isolated from the world...I'm back now and dying to read the new one. I'm off to the bookstore first thing tomorrow morning....
Lula! said…
Soooooooooooooooooooo good. I was crying right with ya, my friend. Sobbing, actually.

Happy for my Bella and Edward. Sad to read the words, "The End" on the very last page.

Now we gotta find some new Crackliture. Sigh...
Alison said…
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm thinking that the "writer" part of me will agree with you--I always want the author to stay true to the characters' true nature instead of going for the crowd-pleasing ending.

HOWEVER...with what you said, I'm afraid that Bella and Edward do not end up together. And the emotional part of me will not handle that very well. *sob*
Amy said…
So I went out and bought the first book yesterday and I started it last night. (I had NEVER heard of these books, I've been out of the 'book world' for a while) Anyway, I love it so far, and haven't had time to read any today and it's killing me! I can't wait to get 'caught up'.
suzspeaks said…
I'm just now reading Eclipse... I can't believe you're already finished with Breaking Dawn, well, wait yes I can!
I don't know what happens yet, of course, but I think it's great that she stayed true and didn't write just to have a "happy ending"...that's not always real life!
I know you were just sitting by your computer. Waiting for me to comment. But thought you'd want to know that I broke down and got the book yesterday while I was at Tar-jay getting school supplies with the other half million people in metro Atlanta. I am about half way through...and should finish sometime tomorrow.

I was getting some stuff on amazon tonight...and I could not believe the the number of one star ratings.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Casey's trio said…
I just read Heather's latest post...haven't started this series yet but it is obviously a MUST READ series. Will start Twilight this week:)
Insane Mama said…
I have finished the first book... I'm pacing, don't want it to end
Unknown said…
Don't despair ... you still have the movies to look forward too :-)
Unknown said…
We won't have to be missing Bella, Edward and Jacob for long. According to her website, Stephenie will be publishing Midnight Sun - this is a reworking of Twilight from Edward's point of view. Should be interesting!

I finished early this afternoon and that it was very well done. I just don't agree with all the negative reviews I've been reading!
Just Lisa said…
OK. I've never read the Twilight Series or even the Harry Potter Series, but I have read the traveling pants series, and I totally felt the same way. I was sad that I was never going to know what would happen next to the girls in the story. It was very bittersweet, reading that last book.

(Yes, I'm 34, and I read a series designed for 13-year-olds. And loved every page!)
Anonymous said…
I haven't read any of the other comments but I have to say you have captured my thoughts exactly.

I cried. It's a rare - very rare, book that can make me cry. I was skeptical part of the way though but in the end I think it was BRILLIANT. And I don't use that term lightly. There was so much I want to say about it. Bella's transformation of character astounded me. I can't believe how she grew. And I have to say - I think this book series grew up a lot in the end. I don't think the young adult audience will necessarily 'get' this last book. I think MOM's will. And I personally LOVE that.

(I hope this is making sense because I literally just finished moments ago and am about to burst I'm so thrilled.)
Heather said…
I want to email Stephenie somehow and tell her NOT to read the reviews. It was BRILLIANT. Simply, stunningly beautiful. I couldn't be happier with the book and I think you're right. Teenagers just wouldn't get it.
Apple Joos said…
Well, I can assure you that I am NOT a teenager, but I was one who did not like the book. I'll post my review later, though. I'm not rabid angry like some people, but I am disappointed. It's not because of the story line-- that was okay, it's because of the writing. But I"ll get into that in my review.
Cecily R said…
REally? That good? So I SHOULD jump on this bandwagon?
Maternal Mirth said…
I never heard of these books until this weekend ... looks like I've been in a hole or under a rock.

I'll be heading over to B&N to check them out myself.
carrhop said…
I commented at Heather's that I'm feeling a bit like an uncultured punk--my oldest daughter went to the release party at an indie book store in our quirky city and came home with amazing pics of people in prom dresses waiting to get their copies!

Gonna have to borrow my daughter's copies!
Anonymous said…
I bought the book at about 9:30(ish) Saturday morning and by 6:30 that night - FINITE! I know all about obsessed. :)

I am young... and I wasn't disappointed with the book. It finished off quite good. She didn't make me hate her, that's a major plus. :)
Anonymous said…
Your absolutely right, teenagers and even some adults can't comprend that higher love. It is something so rare and cherished that you have to experience it, not read it to understand. Edward and Bella remind me of my husband and I back before kids. The books bring up so many beautiful memories of falling in love! I'm reading Breaking Dawn and don't want to get to the end. I want more!!!! LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!! Thanks T.
Heather M
John Deere Mom said…
Guess what I bought today!
Anonymous said…
I think I need to find this series. Sounds like a good read.
KatBouska said…
Oh FINE. I just can't be in the dark about something I could be missing out on.

I just put Twilight on hold at the library.
Unknown said…
The book did not disappoint me at all. I enjoyed it. I took it much slower than the first three books in the series because I really didn't want it to end. Overall I think it was a great book and an outstanding series.
sassy stephanie said…
Urgh! All this Twilight talk! Here, Heather's, Rhea's, I can't get away from it!!! Guess I better jump on board. Is this reeaa-ddinng thing going to put a damper on my bloggy time??
Live.Love.Eat said…
Between you & Lula I am very excited to read the 1st book. Hopefully I can get a copy somewhere this weekend!!!
Anonymous said…
Amazing. I totally agree with you!
Shannon said…
I'm about halfway through! Just read Twilight about two weeks ago... had to go out and get books 2 and 3 even before I was finished reading it!
-Bridget said…
I too am disappointed this series is at an end. I liked the book, but I thought there were some things that were just too convenient, that she could have done better. Her willingness to sacrifice is what I did love about the book and the story and did move me to tears.
Amy said…
I feel completely the same way. I'm glad to hear someone else cried too.
Anonymous said…
Hi, stumbled onto your site, like your writing. If you'd like a guys opinion,

All in good fun.
WheresMyAngels said…
The clerk at Barns and Noble has been laughing at me cause I was in there three days in a row to buy a book from the series. I know she just wondered why I didn't buy them all at once. I was mad that I got the last book for only 14 dollars at the Grocery Store but had to pay reg price for Eclipse at B&N! Grrr

I do know that I would like these books better if I was a teen and was still in a bad marriage (I loved romance books back then to fulfill my unhappiness).
Anonymous said…
i put the book down and grabbed my cat and sobbed, cried and calmed myself down. i loved it. i loved what bella did for edward in the end( see im not telling, though its hard). I loved that alice was...( no spoliers aahh)

all in all i loved it, and i also cried because it was over, all my rich and joyness nights before i goto sleep are going to be filled with something else, and frankly i dont want them to be! i want it all over again, so im starting again.

thankyou stephanie meyer i had never picked up a novel and read with passion. and now i see the joy of it and your wonderful story that punctured my heart with cries of joy yay

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