Also, after finishing the "Twilight" series, do you feel a sense of mourning? (I've finished series' that I loved and it was hard for me to let my "imaginary friends" go sometimes. I just picked up the first book and started all over again!)
I want to know if any of the celebrities whose children you entertain have ever made a pass at you? Or maybe been really rude? I know there's no way you can name names-----but you really should :)
How do you balance home life, your work, and keeping up the blogs? Do you get up early? Go to bed late? How do you keep up? Because I just don't seem to have enough time!
Where did you get the idea for SITS? How long ago did you come up with it? Did you ever think it would attract so many people? Or did you think it would attract more?
How fun I love when someone answers questions about themselves. I don't have one but I can't wait to see Monday's blog. I know I'm lame but I am sure all teh good questions have already been asked. :-)
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I can't think of a question right now either....look like you'll be busy though judging from everyone else's....
Oh oh oh...are you a real person? (sorry, just read your previous post)HAHAHAHA
I need to do this! I'll "borrow" it at somepoint. And I'll even return it when I am done :-)
Now that you are done with the Twilight saga (well, except for Midnight Sun)...what is your new source of crack? How many books do you read a month? Do you read others beyond what your book club suggests?
I really just want to thank you SO much for your comment; it meant so much to me for you to say that. I always hope that I show my faith and the light of God in my posts. Thank you!
What's your favorite question out of this list? Whats your favorite bad word? (you can use $##$% and the first letter :D) Who are your top 5 "if you could do-um"s?
Hmmm, let me see, does your husband read your blog? If he does, here is a shout out to CM...HI CM! To this day, I still laugh about your post tellin how he pulled out the Purell on his "Cops" debut...still gets me every time.
It just dawned on me that I have had some super exciting news that I haven't officially shared! You all know how I feel about the importance of optimism and resiliency in the successes I've had in my life and how important it is to pass those on to my son. Did you know my company is named "Bright Future Managment"? Doesn't get more optimistic than that! A few months ago, I was contacted by a PR firm representing Pepperidge Farm. They were interested in interviewing me for a faculty position for Fishful Thinking , an initiative that offers parents tools for fostering optimism in kids. Now, as the director of one of LA's largest and oldest private summer camps, I get contacted to participate in all kinds of things for kids... usually, I pass, as I want to spend all my free time with my boys. But in this case, the message and the presentation was so incredible, I jumped at the chance and agreed to the interview. Within the first 5 minutes of the interview I wa...
I 'd like to start by proclaiming that I am in madly in love with my husband. In no way does this moment of "gyno-attraction" diminish his hotness and my love for said hotness. Having said that, let's begin. So I feel pretty safe in saying my OB is hotter than your OB. Okay, make that "was", because when we left LA for St. George, I had to leave his glorious, silver, stirrups. But he is worth a post. Trust me on this . Let's start with our first (and only) encounter. It was my 6 week follow up after having The Boy. My regular OB was out of town, so they assigned me to Dr. McHottie. I walked into the room with no idea of what was to come. I got undressed (from the waist down of course) and stuck my feet in the stirrups. Then he walked in. A cross between Jake Gyllenhall and Channing Tatum. In scrubs. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. I got all kinds of flustered and the conversation went something like this. McHottie : "Hello Mrs. R." (Cleverly remin...
So The Boy's baseball league plays Coach Pitch for the first half of Fall Ball and then Kid Pitch for the second half. Last night, in the first inning, of the first game of kid pitch, my boy pitched. For the first time ever. He pitched only one inning (since CM is the manager, he doesn't want to seem like he is favoring his own kid). He struck out two batters and only hit one. (It really hit the bat and then the kid, but he cried, so he took a base.) Is he adorable or what? I know this event is inconsequential to most of you. But to me, it signifies a boy, with not a single. sign. of. baby. left. And, I am feeling a little vehclempt.
Also, after finishing the "Twilight" series, do you feel a sense of mourning? (I've finished series' that I loved and it was hard for me to let my "imaginary friends" go sometimes. I just picked up the first book and started all over again!)
If you, as a teenager, heard your parents having 'adult time' would you knock on the door and hush them?
So, pmac is almost over?, I have no idea why I asked that! but, what the heck.
How do you balance home life, your work, and keeping up the blogs? Do you get up early? Go to bed late? How do you keep up? Because I just don't seem to have enough time!
How did you meet Heather?
What is your favorite outfit?
Tell us your oldest memory (as far back as you can remember).
(Sorry, that's a lot of questions)
What is your favortie color?
favorite band?
Favorite food/ desert?
ok that's all I got.
Were you one of the drunk girls in Heather's book purchasing story?
How do I get my newly three year old to stop peeing in his pants?
What's your next bookclub read?
What color are your toes?
If Aliens landed in your backyard and wanted to take you to their home planet for a week, who and what would you take with you (if you went)?
What do you miss most about your life before kids and marriage?
Are you still friends with the girls you were friends with in high school?
What's your greatest passion?
What other hobbies do you partake in?
How many men read your blog?
Why did you take the anonymous option off of your comments?
What is something Candy Man can do that is sure to irritate you?
Oh oh oh...are you a real person? (sorry, just read your previous post)HAHAHAHA
Now that you are done with the Twilight saga (well, except for Midnight Sun)...what is your new source of crack? How many books do you read a month? Do you read others beyond what your book club suggests?
Tell us how a plastic shopping bag saved the day?
Why does CM have a bow on his head? (this one courtesy of SB)
Why are my questions so cryptic???
— Anna Freud
When did you realize it was there?
Is there anything about parenthood that you did not expect? Is it different from what you thought it would be?
What do you worry about if anything?
Whats your favorite bad word? (you can use $##$% and the first letter :D)
Who are your top 5 "if you could do-um"s?
**If you could be a celebrity chef (that already exists), who would you be and why?
**Would you throw up after eating five tacos?
**What is one good memory from your childhood that stands out?
Okay, you've got your work cut out for you so I'll leave it at that! Look forward to reading your answers.
How often do you and Candy Man go out without the Boy?
If you could meet any blogger, who would it be?
If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could reconnect with someone from your past, who would it be and why?
Do you have a makeup product that you love/can't live without?