I Love Our Troops.

I want to thank each and every one of you that has a loved one serving our country. My family and I are incredible grateful for your sacrifice.


Unknown said…
What a beautiful tribute, made me cry and yes, I will be forever grateful to them.

Thanks for posting this, Tiffany.
Unknown said…
This is a wonderful post. I am thankful for the troops.
Amy said…
I received this in an email not long ago. Very touching!
Amy said…
That is lovely. I'm thankul too, I just wish they could come home soon.
S Club Mama said…
This is a great post. It's always so inviting to come over & read your blog. And I love nothing more than to pull up my comments & see that you've left me one. Thank you.
Lula! said…
We have a good friend here who left last week for 400 days in Iraq. He has 2 kids, ages 4 & 2. I've been thinking of his wife all week, and promising myself I'll take the time to check in on her, have them over to eat, and spend time with her during the day. Because I can't even imagine Scott beinggone for over a year. And I'm grateful for Justin...I want to thank him, tell him I'm proud, pray for him, and let him know that his service to our great country does NOT go unnoticed.

I love our troops, too. Good stuff, Tiff.
Another well-deserved award for you!! Check it out...
Heather said…
This is beautiful. The sacrifice of our soldiers and their families is so profound. I'll be forever grateful.
sassy stephanie said…
These things always always make me tear up.
Anonymous said…
That's a lovely video!!!
Sonya said…
Tiffany, thanks for posting that! After 2 1/2 years of being stationed overseas, my fiance was able to come home for 3 days this week. He will be leaving again for 3 months (for schooling) but it will be nice to just have him in the states finally. Our son has missed his daddy and these couple days has went to fast!

My fiance just told me that it isn't the soldiers that have the hard time, it's those that are left behind. Although I have to somewhat agree....I am SSSOOO PROUD of our military men and women!

Thanks again!
Ann Harrison said…
Terrific slideshow.
It's so hard for my head and heart to comprehend what these people are doing and what they contine to go through.
They will need our support always.
So many blessings headed their way everyday.
It's so hard to see the people hugging their loved ones coffins. I wish this didn't have to happen! I am also greatful for our troops! Great post.
Rhea said…
That was a touching and sweet video. Hard to watch all the way through, but important to remember them. :o)
chellekay said…
I love this video. The first time I saw it was about six months ago when my brother was still over in Iraq and of course I cryed. This was the second time I have seen this and I still I can't stop crying. I am so grateful that my brother was able to come home alive. I miss my husband! I can't wait for him to come home soon!
Tena said…
Beautiful! My hubby was in the Corp for 8 years and was deployed twice over to Iraq. America wouldn't be what it was without the men and women who fight for the cause!
Great post!!!!
suzspeaks said…
How wonderful is that??

Have a great weekend!!
amiable amy said…
This is what I love most...i can only extend my gratitude for them in my blog .... heroes and victims
Amy Plumb said…
My husbands brother is on his 2nd tour in Iraq and his fiance decided she can't handle it anymore and left him. Watching this is hard.
What our Troops do for us each and every day, there are no words that couldn't even express how thankful we all should be and are!

Thanks for sharing this.

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