I'm Baaaaaaack.

So, I am over the blaaaaaaaaaag feeling, thanks to all of your encouragement.

I went out with a girlfriend (Hi Kirsten!) and had a drink.

We stayed out until 11:30 pm!  We sat at a table outside this little Irish Pub.  I wore mascara and lip gloss.  And flip flops (they were blue Havaianas, so that is a little bit sassy, right?).

I forgot about the interesting people that come out at night.  The most interesting being the "White Cowboy Rapper From The West Coast".  Yes, a 40 something white guy with a scruffy beard and somewhat of a transient look rapped for us.  It was as bad as it sounds.

There was also the 30 something lady that had to be practically carried to her car at like 10:00 cause she was completely intoxicated (no, she didn't drive). Really?  At 10:00 on a Wednesday night?  Yikes.

So, thank you for listening to my pity party yesterday.  I love my life.  I am incredibly blessed. And I adore every one of you.  I was just in a mood.  You know, a little funk.  Happens every now and then.  Angie is right, probably the paint fumes.

We had a blast and I highly recommend it.  Go.  Call the girls and have a glass of wine.  Or a cup of coffee.  Laugh a little, share some secrets.  See some interesting folks.  

This time in life is magic.  Being so okay with who you are, that you can laugh about it.  To tell your truth without being scared of what others may think.  That's what this age, this journey has graced me with.  
I wouldn't trade that boy or his daddy for all the sassy shoes and late night dancing on earth. 

Or, the comfort, love, strength and self assurance that showed up with the crows feet, cellulite and stretch marks.  

©2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Amy said…
Totally! I'm so glad you went out and had fun, yeah. And I would love to be your neighbor too, wine and ahi tuna, all day long. : )
~Sheila~ said…
Glad to know you got over your funk and went out and had a good time.
Sounds like you "rebooted".
Jenni said…
I am glad you had a fun night out!
Jen said…
OH I so agree. I recently had a girls night with one of my greatest friends and it was so wonderful. We talked, ate awesome food, drank amazing wine and commented why we don't do this more often.
Why does it take so long to take care of our needs. Our minds have to practically scream at us to take a little me time. There is something wrong with this picture.
Lula! said…
Just so you know, I'm the White Cowgirl Rapper from the East Coast. And yeah, it is as bad as it sounds. I could hold my own in a screech contest with Lil' John.

A new anti-aging treatment debuts next Tuesday. We should get some. It's called "90210" and it can be found on The CW. I'm thinking this show might keep me young. It might be a new form of good-for-you crack. Woo-woo!
I love mom's nights. And tonight my book club was supposed to meet, but it got postponed. I hate when they do that. So hard to rearrange for another night. Anyway...you have inspired me to pick up the phone and arrange to meet a friend out. Even if it's just at Borders...
Peggy said…
I have a night out with the girls on a regular basis and it is so needed and appreciated. And you are so right about the good things that come with age.
Unknown said…
Glad you're looking on the bright side of life again, I think us girls all have days that are just BLAH! Normally I attack the chocolate and things buck up ;-)
Amy said…
Glad you are feeling better. WE are all entitled to our bad moments, but what we do to feel better is what matters most. :D
Heather said…
I would call the girls...but I can't do the drama right now. Plus, they wouldn't just go have a glass of wine. I'd be the person helping someone out to the car at 10pm. Feel me?

I agree with Lula, though. I'm kind of curious to watch this new 90210. Just might be what the dr. ordered!!

I'm glad you had fun! I need a new pair of Havaianas because Boudreaux chewed up my silver ones. Damn dog.

Obviously, I need to come hang out with you for a glass of wine.
S Club Mama said…
Now I'm glad you went out in semi-sassy shoes. But did you take my other advice? c'mon you can tell...haha
sassy stephanie said…
Moms need a break every now and them with some girlfriends. Helps us stay sane.
Ashley said…
I have a girls night out scheduled for Friday and I'm pretty excited about it! A month or two ago I went out for some drinks with some friends on a Tuesday night and was surprised that this little patio bar was actually packed! Who knew people went out on week nights? It's great, huh? (every once in a while)
Anonymous said…
Woo Hoo...I like it. I too need a night out with the girls...some long needed Dawn NOT mom time!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Well said, and good for you. What a difference a day makes. Or night out with a girlfriend. I had that kind of night scheduled tonight but it's not going down. I'll still have that glass of wine though!!!!!!!!!!!
CaraBee said…
Good for you! I definitely need a night out.
Sherri said…
Good for you!! You deserved a night out!!
krissy said…
So glad you got out!! We all need our friends to get out for a bit with! And we all need to be able to vent, cause then we can be back to normal@!@ I love to people watch, too, I'm usually asleep by 8:30. lol
Anonymous said…
there is no better cure for the blahs than to get a drink and a laugh with a girlfriend. 'nuff said.
Connie said…
Still in the blah stage here. I can't stand the person I've become over the past week. I think the stress of this summers events is finally catching up with me...
Alison said…
I'm glad you had fun! A girl's night out every once in a while is a good blah-banisher.

And you know, I am loving my thirties SO much more than my twenties. Probably has something to do with the fact that I FINALLY know who I am and what (and who) I love.
Glad to see you're feeling better.
Swirl Girl said…
{hugs} we all need a moment, don't we?

I posted about your contest, does that count as two entries?
suzspeaks said…
I'm glad your back!!!
Aunt Julie said…
Moker and I went out just the other nite. Then, I was still feeling social, so I went out with my GFs the next nite. It's always good to "kick up your heels" occasionally, ain't it? Glad you're feeling better!
Lex the mom said…
It sounds like a dream! I could use one of these (night out with friends), too.

The understanding is freeing & peaceful - the understanding of who we are & why we are. I wouldn't trade anything for it, either. Sometimes I forget, though & need reminding. Thanks for that!
I'm so glad.....I'm still feeling kind of blahhhhhhhh about my blog, but I'm over it since I just got my hands on Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I have a lot to do this weekend! :)
Jennifer P. said…
So glad you found the cure to BLAAAAAAAG!. Sounds like you're taking time to just breathe in this happy, non-stressful time in life, so I won't advise you to do so :)! And I think you should have taken a picture of cowboy rapper and "shared him" with all of us ;)!
Dee said…
Hate to admit, but I get really happy when the girls at work shout morning tea..... seriously need to get out, dont I?
Scott said…
Sounds like you had fun. I had a night out myself last Wednesday. I find the older I get the more I prefer my nights out to be on off nights. Less of a crowd to deal with although it sounds like you still got to see some interesting ones! lol
Kaza said…
Good for you! I SO relate to the BLAAAG feeling, hence my lack of posting lately. I agree, we all need a girl's night to revive us. I have one planned for next month, and I cannot wait.
Maternal Mirth said…
Talk about an eye-opening night ... I am so happy YOU're happy :-)

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