Midnight Sun

I know many of you are Twilight fans, and some of you may not be aware of what is going on with what was supposed to be the next book in the series-Twilight written from Edward's point of view.

An uncompleted rough draft was leaked.  I received a copy of it a few days ago, but chose not to look at it, as I knew it wasn't yet finished and decided to wait a bit....('til the need for another hit of Crackliture became dire.)  

Among my fellow Twilight fiends (Lula and Heather) there was speculation as to whether the leak was actually the "real deal".

Today, Stephenie Meyer, confirmed that it is.  She is so upset by the leak, that completing "Midnight Sun" is on hold indefinitely.    She has decided to post the leaked version here if you'd like to read it.

As many of you know, I am VERY protective of Stephenie.  I am so sad that she feels violated by the leak and REALLY hope that she will find a way to complete Edward's story.


Heather said…
Lula sent me this link, but reading it gave me a headache. I feel so bad for Stephenie :( I hope she still plans on finishing it...it's so awesome to hear Edward's voice.

I passed on some bloggy love to you today. Check it out when you have some time.
That's sad. I know how she must feel. It's like someone being mean to one of your kids. I read the post, but I didn't have the heart to read the excerpt. I hope she'll get back on track and complete it. I can wait until then.
Jen said…
Oh that is terrible. I heard that she was writing this book and I was so excited for it. I thought it was such a cool idea. I really hope that she decides to finish it.
Sometimes people really suck.
I think it's one thing to have your material possessions stolen - but to have your ideas stolen...it just takes the invasion to a whole new level.
Jen said…
I want to wait for the published book, to have to story all polished and ready for the public. I will wait to read, this wonderful story, for however long it takes.
Amy said…
Oh what a bummer. That's sad. I had heard about the book and was so looking forward to it too.
Lula! said…
So many conflicting emotions on this one. I can't even comment coherently. You know I'll be e-mailing you asap!

Love that you addressed this, though...I know Stephenie would, too!
Insane Mama said…
So sad. Really, it is. I am only on book two, but so in love.
Anonymous said…
That is just all kinds of wrong. Although I'm not a big fan of the Twilight Series, my heart goes out to the author. I can't even imagine the pain of having a friend steal my manuscript and then post it online--in all it's rough draft messiness. My soul cringes just to think of it.
CaraBee said…
That is so sad. How violated Stephenie must feel. I hope that someday she can come back and finish it because I am definitely excited about reading from Edward's point of view.
Anonymous said…
OH NO!!!! You tell her to let me know if/when they find the person that did it and I will hunt them down like the trash they are and beat them til she feels better for doing this to all of us!!!! :(
cricketphx said…
This makes me so sad! Stephanie's comments about the whole thing just make me want to cry! I really hope she can find it within herself to finish the book. Thanks for sharing this, I was not aware.
Don't think Z's mom is kidding... she really is my bouncer.. it's crazy! you wouldn't like her when she's angry!
Rhea said…
That's just so awful someone stole it. It was probably a betrayal by someone close to her? That hurts.
krissy said…
I am so upset that people do stuff like this. They had no right. I hope that she finishes it! I am a late bloomer with the series, and just finished New Moon. Can't wait to read the next! Poor Stephanie. She's gotta know how much support is out there for her!
Lex the mom said…
I haven't read this series yet (let the scolding commence!). I love a good vampire story, too. Anne Rice was my favorite. However, my niece is urging me to read the Twilight series - urging feverishly.

This is awful - that her latest work was leaked. I don't think any artist ever anticipates something like this might happen, even though they recognize it's possible. I hope she finishes this - because I'm sure once I finish the series, I'll be wanting more.
Being Honest said…
Crazy! I can't believe it was leaked! But if Stephenie herself posted it...I'm a'reading it.
S Club Mama said…
You are just adorable. You are probably the only reason I want to read the Twilight series...you make it sound amazing!
Just Lisa said…
I don't want to read it yet, since I've only read the first two books in the series so far, but I am so curious! I will deinfitely be saving this for future use!
WheresMyAngels said…
How exactly do things like this get leaked? Makes you wonder who she has working for her and if she got rid of them.
Penelope said…
Poor Stephenie! I, too, am (overly) protective of her, and this just makes me so sad! I'm not sure I can read the version she posted on her site; It seems wrong to me, somehow. Thanks for the post; I had no idea about this!
Unknown said…
I just learned about this yesterday. How sad! Why do a few people have to ruin it for the rest of us?

I guess now The Soul will be her next published book.
Amy said…
I just heard last night about the leak. I am devastated! It breaks my heart to think someone would hurt her in this way. It just doesn't seem fair.
Anonymous said…
What a bummer- I have got to get back readin Eclipse now-
Casey's trio said…
Interesting...I am new to the series...about 3/4 through Twilight but I am enjoying it so far. I didn't know there was a 5th book coming out. I know I can count on you for updates:)
Unknown said…
I think that it is too bad that the story was leaked. Who does that?
Melissa said…
Okay, I am reading Eclipse. And Midnight Sun. I keep getting confused about who's head I'm in. It's probably my punishment for indulging early. I just couldn't help myself. Call it lack of self control, but I'm loving it and will still buy Midnight Sun when and if she publishes her completed work. Stephenie has me hooked. I am really sorry this happened to her.
Cristin said…
Oh No!!! I'm almost done with Breaking Dawn... I'm sad that the story is coming to an end for me but was comforted by the fact that I'd get to read Midnight Sun at some point...

I hope she decides to finish it...
What a horrible thing for someone to do. I hope they are charged with something. I haven't read the books yet but I plan to start soon, I have heard so many people raving about them!
KatBouska said…
Awww now that just makes me sick...and I haven't even READ the books yet (don't worry I'm number 248 on the holds list at the library for Twilight)...I wonder who did it, and how the heck did YOU get one of the first copies. I swear...you've got some serious connections homes.
,,,, said…
I'm still sad that all of this happened... I was really looking forward to ready it :o( she posted the draft on her website but I chose to not read it b/c it just wouldn't be the same

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