WOW.  This book is going to be something else....seriously.


Ann Harrison said…
I MUST go get started IMMEDIATELY!
Anonymous said…
Omg I can't handle all of this excitement over a book I haven't read... I feel so left out of the loop!! Must go to the library THIS WEEKEND and see what this is all about. :)

Thanks for stopping by yesterday!
Anonymous said…
If you sucked any harder you might pass out!!!!

jk but seriously, if you lived any closer and i wasn't getting the book in 13 hours and 16 minutes i might have to steal it!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

For any of you that haven't read the series yet go get started NOW!!!! You are lucky you didn't have to wait months and months to find out what happens. GO NOW!
Cecily R said…
See...I KNEW there was a reason I haven't read them. Now when I do, it'll be like renting the box set of a TV show. No commercials and now waiting til next week to see what happens.

Now I just have to figure out who can loan me those books...
thotlady said…
Since I have never heard of the series of books. I will have to check them out.

I read a lot but mostly murder mysteries.

I agree with Cecily R, I can read them as a set, which is always a treat!
Debbie said…
Big Big article on the front page of the Style section of "The Washington Post" about Stephanie Meyer...and the new release of the book.
You are going to "force" me to buy this tomorrow aren't you? And not let me be a good steward of my money and wait for my nubmer 280something to come up at the library?
Lula! said…
Thanks for sharing a tidbit--it has absolutely made the day fly faster for me. I am SO OVER THE MOON about this. Sigh...
Unknown said…
PLEASE - don't give anything away. I will have my copy in the morning and will be here bright and early on Monday to discuss.
Heather said…
Heather said…
I'M FREAKING OUT!!!! I'm making PB go to Walmart and I'm going to Target. The kids are on their own!!! just kidding. I'll totally take them with me.
Aubrey said…
I had never heard about this series until it was featured in the EW magazine a few weeks ago.
I will have to go out and hunt a copy down so I can read what all the fuss is about!!
LALALALALALALAAAA I can't hear you!!!!
We pick up our copies tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!

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